posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 11:30 PM
I promised that I would start a thread on this while posting on another thread, so here I am. A lot has been made on conspiracy forums about the link
between certain environmentalist memes and eugenics, and I will not argue that environmentalist organizations have not been infected with the eugenics
meme. It is the interpretation given of that fact by many on these forums with which I take issue.
The argument is that environmentalism is bad because of the influence of population malthusians. It is an argument that is most popular in countries
like the United States where people have very little formal education in philosophy or the history of ideas. The assumption is made that because
people high up in environmental organizations may have an allegiance to the New World Order that somehow environmentalism *IS* New World Order. A
correlation is interpreted in light of simplistic causation. Phenomenological correlations are then transferred in to being equations of
The argument is similar to the one made by atheists against all religion simply because religion has been used to foment wars and crusades. The
assumption is made by them that Christianity is a made up religion for the cause of starting wars because of the Crusades. The possibility that
Constantine might have taken over a previously pacifistic religion and neutralized it as a threat to Rome is one that eludes the simplistic thinking
of old and new atheists, or at least new atheists since the old ones were willing to consider this possibility. The notion that the history of
Christianity might be complex, not easy to understand, is one that requires an ability to think in an analog way.
By a similar comparison, the possibility that the System has infiltrated environmentalism and neutralized it as a threat by using COINTELPRO tactics
eludes most conspiracist critics of environmentalism. The most intelligent among them cannot see this because conspiracists tend to see the world in
digital and not analog ways. Environmentalism is a threat to the corporate system in and of itself. That is why it must be infiltrated, through
foundations, through infiltration, and through a misleading of sincere environmentalists to the belief that coercive population control is the way to
get population under control when western countries have been able to do it simply by letting loose birth control and personal choice.
The same system that cr*ps up the planet then turns around and tells us that we have too many kids. That is much like the Catholic Church and other
organized religions making our lives a sin while their clergy engage in extracurricular activities with school children. It is hypocritical, and it
is right to call it what it is. Again, it is the interpretation that I object to. Remember that Malthusianism is complex. It is not simply about
population control. Nineteenth century Malthusians actually wanted a high population, believe it or not, because then that population can be culled
to select "the best." Note how the same foundations that today want population control were once in favor of high populations, how they actually go
back and forth on this issue.
Just yesterday it was coercive population control (Kissinger in the 70's), now it is a denial of birth control. They go back and forth because the
real agenda is not less people. The real agenda is control of human biology and control of the human genome. The same forces that domesticated
plants and animals now want to domesticate humans. Species become extinct so that THEIR Disney Land planet can be populated by genetically engineered
animals of their choice. Paranoid? Why are they letting so many species go extinct? Also, whole populations of humans are encouraged to go extinct
through wars, genocides, AIDS and the like. Will we see genetically engineered humans to come?
I don't claim to have the full truth. What I am objecting to is the tendency of conservatives to take a high horse and claim to oppose eugenics when
Republican and conservative ideologues have been pushing eugenicist memes for decades now. The same hypocrisy may exist on the left, for sure, and I
call it when I see it.
People, do some research on the issue of "re-wilding." It is a concept whose time has come.