posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 05:31 PM
If you do proper research you will find that this is happening. You can find many reliable resources which show this. The only thing I've seen that
plainly states this is the documentary 2012:The Mayan Word, BUT if you do research and read between the lines you can find various sources which
confirm this. There are lots of things that the media don't pay attention to. Mostly because people don't care (the same way that a lot of indian
reservations are in really bad conditions but you don't hear about them a lot). And Media can easily be stifled. For example, most people don't know
that the secret police in Russia slaughtered millions of Americans during the Great Depression. Not to say that their isn't information about these
things. It just takes a while to dig up (its not that anyone lies about it, necessarily, its just that it doesn't get circulated much.) How those who
want it kept quiet do it, I'm not sure. But there are lots of things that are slanted to look a certain way, (like the whole ordeal with Trayvon
Martin). I don't know why the media would do this. But they do.
I'm not saying that EVERYONE didn't know that the Mayans were still alive, but most people think that they aren't. I've asked many people this
and they say, "I thought they were dead." Media portrayal is what has made people think this. I cannot name an exact source that says this, but I
can remember that thats what I thought all my life, and that is still what a lot of people think.
And yah, well, the US has had involvement with them in the past, so I'm not sure...I do know that a lot of the businesses there are United States
corporations. But I cannot say for sure that the US is aware of this. But they just as well might not be. Answering that would just be an opinion,
which I try to keep from making.