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"Do not mention to the public or the media..." Cellphone Tracking

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posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 06:41 PM
I believe I put this in the right category. It can be moved if needed.

Just wondering if this has been seen by anyone? Here's an article (with the image and linked image. whichever preferred) stating the police do not want it out that cell phone tracking technology is being used in massive amounts and without warrants. It's stated in one training manual "Do not mention to the public or the media the use of cell phone technology or equipment used to locate the targeted subject". It has quotes from nationwide police department employees. Interesting read.

edit on 9-4-2012 by TwelveFifty because: found sources

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 06:47 PM
It seems that what used to be Illegal isn't anymore! We have no rights!
What floored me the most was this excerpt:

In California, state prosecutors advised local police departments on ways to get carriers to "clone" a phone and download text messages while it is turned off.

That's just absurd!!!!!

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 06:53 PM
This has been used for years
When you think about all the laws being pushed worldwide with regards to digital monitoring ( emails, phones ect )
They have been monitoring and tracking us for years but the the means to use it legally wasn't in place so evidence gained by digital serveilance couldn't be used in court or as evidence
All these laws being pushed now are just to allow the use legally of what they've been doing for a very long time
edit on 9-4-2012 by Neocrusader because: Added

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Neocrusader
This has been used for years
When you think about all the laws being pushed worldwide with regards to digital monitoring ( emails, phones ect )
They have been monitoring and tracking us for years but the the means to use it legally wasn't in place so evidence gained by digital serveilance couldn't be used in court
All these laws being pushed now are just to allow the use legally of what they've been doing for a very long time

I agree that tracking has been done for years now but what I was referring to was the fact that you have no privacy anymore, not even when your phone is OFF!

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by TheEnlightenedOne

No your phones only safe with the battery and sim removed from a remote attack
As you said even with the power off or airplane mode on
The technology to remotely access your phone is out there and widely used
Troops in the mid east that have taken cells with them have on occasion had it happen and all troops are always warned about it ( only a few would realise that their phones have been accessed )
Infact most countries don't allow their troops to take cells in Afghanistan for example anyone monitoring the cell phone traffic would notice US sim numbers and target them
Let's say china or Pakistanis intelegence agencies
China coincidently is a key investor in afghans cell network - but I stray
Infact a Taliban commander was killed by a missile by use of tracking his mobile phone
If china can us it against you
And you can use it in the war on terror
What makes your own government wouldnt use it on you

edit on 9-4-2012 by Neocrusader because: Changed

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:12 PM
In the latest batman movie he uses a cell phone to map out a whole building and every one in it in real time. Almost like sonar. I wonder, I wonder if our cell phones have been implemented with similar technology or if they plan to use that technology. Imagine that, a pulls witch can map out area's with out the need for camera's. Could map out the whole world in real time.
edit on 9-4-2012 by Infi8nity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Neocrusader
reply to post by TheEnlightenedOne

No your phones only safe with the battery and sim removed from a remote attack
As you said even with the power off or airplane mode on
The technology to remotely access your phone is out there and widely used
Troops in the mid east that have taken cells with them have on occasion had it happen and all troops are always warned about it ( only a few would realise that their phones have been accessed )
Infact most countries don't allow their troops to take cells in Afghanistan for example anyone monitoring the cell phone traffic would notice US sim numbers and target them
Let's say china or Pakistanis intelegence agencies
China coincidently is a key investor in afghans cell network - but I stray
Infact a Taliban commander was killed by a missile by use of tracking his mobile phone
If china can us it against you
And you can use it in the war on terror
What makes your own government wouldnt use it on you

edit on 9-4-2012 by Neocrusader because: Changed

Thanks for clarifying that! Appreciated!

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Infi8nity
Could map out the whole world.

I have thought about that. Just that, right there. I'm sure some here have to. It keeps getting interesting to me, the more open it becomes to my own eyes learning about this.

But, learning more, I was told by a close friend of mine that only taking out the battery and such would prevent that sort of stuff. I guess I sort of thought I was semi-safe with location tracker off. I had to fight off all these social networks wanting me, almost tricking me, to connect universally everything I did in my daily life. I've since deleted most of all that. With that said, seems like I can't partake in much social activity online without being signed up to SOME social network.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:18 PM
Honestly not really surprised by this and thought most knew about it since it wasn't as hidden as the years were going by. I mean looking at what phones can do and what companies can promise can easily let one in on just how much of their lives could be broadcast-ed to the company. Heck even my Playstation Vita has Google maps and GPS tracking I'm sure if they wanted they could easily tap into that to :/

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:18 PM
Its not just the phones though, I read somewhere recently that car tyres now contain RFID chips. That explains why I've noticed the loops used to read them being inserted into the roads all over the uk. If these same loops can be used to read the chips that are in the products that we purchase, for example our clothing then our whereabouts will be known at all times. How long before the rfid chips start recording our conversations and then pass them on to the next reading device that we walk or drive past.

The only way to have a private conversation now is to stand in a field naked and hope they didnt put chips in our food. That'll be next I suppose, rfid readers in the loo and our turds being read.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:35 PM
anything digital, i mean anything that has a circuit board included does have the ability to be tracked, thought id make that absolutely clear. If your aware of what i am talking about then perhaps telecomix might be of interest to you.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

I've heard about the car tires.
I think with this post, besides the tracking per se, i'm thinking this same thing. Of course anything digital, but every single word we speak, thought we think, when's the time coming when thats public too, but put against the sideline as "helpful" to catch criminals rather than more harmful to the public. I dont believe i'm missing most things. But before crap hits the fan we'll be hearing of RFID chips helping more than harming. That'll be the public coverup, of course some will know the truth. We see this in PositiveID corp medical chips already, tagging animals, perhaps the elderly, etc, as time goes by, the kids, the mentally ill, keep going and your sometimes forgetful wife or husband will be tagged.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:47 PM
Here's a link to an interesting Ted talk by Avi Rubin: All your devices can be hacked

Mind boggling presentation to those that aren't aware of the capabilities out there!


Avi Rubin explains how hackers are compromising cars, smartphones and medical devices, and warns us about the dangers of an increasingly hack-able world.
edit on 9-4-2012 by Ericthenewbie because: add video

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by cerebralassassins
anything digital, i mean anything that has a circuit board included does have the ability to be tracked, thought id make that absolutely clear. If your aware of what i am talking about then perhaps telecomix might be of interest to you.

Thanks for this! I did a quick search of this. I'm assuming they have a website, as I arrived at one.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by TwelveFifty

By now it's safe to say that you have found their website and are aware of who they are, like i said, perhaps its something that might interest you.


posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 04:27 PM
"No your phones only safe with the battery and sim removed from a remote attack." Could the member who posted this cite references on this?

Comments to an earlier thread discussed that phones can still be geolocated even afte removing the battery and SIM card. See However, no references were cited.

My abuser's investigators have repeatedly stalked me after I eluded and relocated via remotely turning on my cell phone. I searched for articles on remotely turning on cell phones that do not have wifi but could only find articles regarding the mafi's request to a judge to compel prosecution to explain how they easedropped on the mafia.

Wifi devices can be remotely turned on via a magic pellet. See Wireless Wake on Lan (WWOL) and Wake On LAN (WOL). Hardware assisted virtualization (HAV) enables WWOL and WOL. Intel's HAV is Active Management Technology. AMD's HAV is DASH. ARM's HAD is TrustZone with Mobicore and virtualization extensions. ARM processors are in cell phones, tablets and netbooks.

My abuser's investigators who remotely performing WWOL to geolocate my netbooks after I eluded. I was forced to remove my netbooks' battery.

My prepaid cell phone does not have wifi. Nonetheless, they were able to remotely turn it on. Removing my cell phone battery prior to eluding worked until last year when my abuser's investigators tracked the MAC address of my USB network adapter even though I was not connected to the internet. Google, Apple, Microsoft and Skyhook uses' other people's wifi devices to capture and transmit the MAC addresses of nearby wifi devices. Nearby wifi devices include nearby laptops, tablets, cell phones, desktop computers, routers, PDF readers, etc. Turning off your location service does not prevent this. Apps are not doing this. It is the manufacturers of devices (Google, Apple and Microsoft) and Skyhook who are doing this. See:

As a member explained at manufacturers are installing stronger CMOS backup battery for the sole purpose of enabling GPS after the main battery dies.

If removing the main battery and SIM card do not suffice, I will need to wrap my cell phone in several layers of thick aluminum foil prior to eluding. I keep the phone to use short term after I am tracked again to call my contacts that they have knowledge of. I do not call my contacts from a new phone as they procure the call logs of my contacts to procure my new cell phone number.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 05:50 PM
Remember, if you're in public you have no rights to privacy and the police don't need a warrant to do this. The Supreme Court has ruled that it's okay to do so.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 06:01 PM
I wonder if putting your phone inside a faraday cage will work to stop remote access when you don't want it to.

Not that you would be able to get much of a signal out either, but it may be a foolproof method. Not sure though.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 06:55 PM
so if this can be done with out a warrant i assume any Tom Dick & Harry can...? im not shur im thinking the likes of a con-man could exploit this phone clone business

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by Neocrusader
reply to post by TheEnlightenedOne

No your phones only safe with the battery and sim removed from a remote attack

So apply an easy fix. Extend the terminal connections from the battery and sim card. In between, put a manual switch, or wire a switch to activate when the cell phone is opened. It will act the same as having the sim card and battery removed when not in use.

Problem solved. My fee is 1 U.S. penny from each person who reads this post :-)

When will we find out they are doing this to laptop and desktop computers too? now thats frightening.
edit on 5-9-2012 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

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