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Preparing Now for the Survival of the Human Race

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posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 11:25 AM
Why Space Exploration and the Colonization of the Moon is the Key to Humanities Survival

Recently I watched the movie 2012 and came to the realization that if such a scenario as the Sun releasing a large enough amount energy to cause the poles of Earth to shift that would cause worldwide destruction we as a human race need to have plans in motion to provide for the continued survival of the human race….the human species as a whole. Even if such destruction did not occur at the level witnessed in the movie but only moderate destruction occurred we have to have a contingency plans to save as many humans as possible. Such a plan would provide for each state in America to have launch facilities and vehicles that would provide for escape plan A which is would be to send as many humans to the Moon as possible.

By putting so many humans on the Moon until the calamity on Earth ceased would put these people out of harms way so that when the chaos ended on Earth they would return and begin the process of rebuilding the human race.

But in order for Plan A to be a solid survival platform we must put faith in our space exploration programs both governmentally funded and those in the private sector.

We are caught in a war between creation and forces that despise creation. Call this fight what you will, God, versus Satan, Good versus Evil, Life versus Death. The fight between these two forces will never end as they are locked into an infinite dimension of turmoil.

We were created by the Universe in an instant of energy that brought life to the Universe. The Universe then set us on a course of becoming sentient beings that granted us with the most important trait of all. That most important trait being thought.

From thought humanity has come from the brink of extinction that occurred during the age of dinosaur because death hated what humanity had become. Intelligent and able to fight back against the forces that death hath created. Humanity almost lost the fight with death during that age but because of the creation of the thought process humanity survived and made it through.

Humanity has also brought itself to the brink of extinction through wars over resources, power, ego….greed or the spirit of death not for advancement but for control over another not because of intelligence but because of fear of the other person. This is a quality of the spirit of death, to make humans fear each other so that humans will fight and kill each other so that we will spend large amounts of resources in fighting and killing each other so that we will not band together against death to ensure the survival of the human race by setting out across the short distance between Earth and the Moon to create a new place on which to survive and cheat death of its ultimate goal which is too destroy creation. Death hates creation as death is not able to create but only take for humanity that ability with which the Universe has given us. Without humanity being able to create death can simply erase the Universes greatest creation which is life which along with thought comes creation. Death wants humanity to die so that death can marvel in its own devices of seeing on that which it has created. Creations that like a herded animal only eat sleep and reproduce and die that are never able to create the splendors that sentient beings are able to create because creation gave this gift to life and not death.

In order for humanity to win the fight against death wiping our memory from the Universe we must colonize the Moon. The only way for this to occur is too put faith in science creating a new home on the Moon for humanity. We must put faith in governmental space programs and the private sector in creating a new home on the Moon for humanity. We cannot let the agents of death, fear and loathing keep this goal from happening. Otherwise one day when death finally finds humanity and has made it through the protective barrier of the Oort Cloud it will be too late for humanity to make plans for creating a fall back point in humanities fight against death.

I have worked on several designs over the past few years that will this goal to happen and give humanity a second position from which to fight against death and deaths agents.

The first design is to create a habit on the Moon that will provide for the many necessities of human survival.

The first part of the habitat will be the electrical power generation station that will provide the electrical power necessary for the many systems of colony.

The electrical system that I have chosen is based upon Enviro Missions new solar powered tower. The EMSPT. The great thing about this type of solar power generation is that it will not only provide electricity but it will also provide the colonies of the Moon with heat through the process that it uses to create electricity. The second part of the EMSPT involves using Gorilla Glass to create a greenhouse that will be used to raise crops that will be eaten by humans. The Gorilla Greenhouse will enclose the area underneath of the solar panels so that an airtight facility will be created. The great thing about this facility will be that once heat from the process of creating electricity is piped under the surface of the Moon and into the greenhouse the heating of the Lunar surface will be heated to a point where any water that is frozen will evaporate into the enclosed facility. As the water evaporates and becomes trapped inside of the greenhouse an artificial environment similar to that of Earth will be created. This environment will provide the crops within the greenhouse with water as the evaporated water would rain in them providing them with water. To supplement this process water would of course need to be brought from Earth’s oceans to the Moon so that one system would be used to supply water to the crop circles, another system would provide water to drink and a third system would provide water for sanitation.

The water in the greenhouse facility would be recirculated within its own systems. The sanitation and drinking water systems would both run through a sanitizing facility such as that of the habitat module that is used aboard the I.S.S. that uses waste water as a potable source of drinking water by removing the waste from the urine and making it potable again.

Building this facility would not be that difficult.

Getting humans to this facility in large masses however would be. The second part of the Lunar Ark would be getting humans into space and to the Moon well before a calamity witnessed in 2012 took place. This process would take place by the private space industry and government agencies building emergency escape vehicles that could carry upto thirty humans at a time.

Such a design would incorporate using a habitat module that would have all of the systems not necessary for survival removed and replaced with seating that the astronaughts use during their flights into space. The command module would be similar to the Orion Command Module except that the command module would be designed for command purposes only . The Command Module would also store additional food and medical supplies for the evacuees journey to the Moon.

edit on 9-4-2012 by Dryson because: Because it needed edited.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 11:27 AM
Once the escape module had been delivered into orbit and was free of the Earths gravity the VASIMR engine would propel the emergency craft to the Moon where it would then begin the transfer of evacuees to the surface of the Moon via the Lunar Lander.

Once on the Moon and safe the evacuees would wait the chaos on Earth out and then return via the emergency ship to the I.S.S. where they would then be returned to Earth via Command Modules specifically designed to upto thirty humans to Earth at a time.

The second plan would be to build ships that would operate just like the ships did in the movie. Plan B would be able to save more humans in a single moment than Plan A but in case the chaos on Earth grew past the ability of Plan B to save enough humans to repopulate and rebuild Earth at least Plan A would make certain that humans survived to rebuild our civilization again.

Humanity is not in control of the war between creation and death but we as humans are in control of our ability to make certain that death does not win against creation. Death will get some of us that have fallen into the trap of death who would say space exploration is going against what god has chosen for us and that when the time comes for humanities existence to end then all humans will simply perish so that none will be left. If such an end is allowed to happen then creation will end and death will win. Even as the wind of dark matter carries our energy into the Universe after we die either returning us to the source of creation or to another planet where we become new life through the process of evolution if death succeeds at erasing humanity from the memory of the Universe because we bowed to the fear of the unknown and stayed close to home then the soul of humanity will whither into nothing or what death really is nothing or the ability to only destroy and not create.

If death wins against humanity then creation has one less branch from which her children will be able to protect her from in the fight between creation and death. As more and more species not just the human species succumb to death because of the power that death has over the species of Universe through its agents called fear and loathing then the ability to create and survive will cause creation itself to cease to exist because no one will be around to remember creation nor will anyone be left to create and spread creation around the Universe. With no one left with the ability to create the thought of creation will whither like a flower in the dessert with no one to water to it. Once all thoughts of creation has withered then creation will die and death will win thus turning the Universe into a thoughtless void of creation. Once the thought of creation has ended because no one is left with the ability to create the Universe will cease to have a need as the thought of creation and creation itself are linked to each other and vital to each others survival.

Without one the other does not exist, just like the flower that does not exist without water.

We can beat death. The key is expanding past the cradle of Earth so that the resources of humanity, creation, will continue to exist because through the spirit of creation in creating a lunar colony humanity will continue to grow and as humanity grows past the confines of Earth and into space the thought of creation will continue to spread throughout the Universe that will take deaths ability to destroy creation away from death so that creation will reign supreme throughout our Universe.

Death has settled on Earth and is enjoying its throng as a king but as more and more launches are made into space and new countries come into the light of advancing the thought of creation through branching out into space and establishing a colony on the Moon death will one day no longer be able to reign as King on Earth and all humans will be able to return to the source or to a new planet to be born again.

Death will only win if humanity does not believe in creation and the thoughts and ability to create that has been given to us all by creation itself. Like I said if humanity stops creating and branching out from the Earth into space death will be able to take our ability to be reborn through creation away because if we do not create and branch out and allow death to keep us on Earth then our memory and the ability to create will be lost to the Universe forever. Once all the species of the Universe have succumbed to death and no one is left to create and remember creation then our spirits will simply not be able to be reborn as creation needs our thoughts of creation in order for creation to exist. If creation dies then we die. If we die then creation will not be able to remember us in order to bring us back. Creation exists on two planes and is a mirror of itself.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 11:27 AM
Once the escape module had been delivered into orbit and was free of the Earths gravity the VASIMR engine would propel the emergency craft to the Moon where it would then begin the transfer of evacuees to the surface of the Moon via the Lunar Lander.

Once on the Moon and safe the evacuees would wait the chaos on Earth out and then return via the emergency ship to the I.S.S. where they would then be returned to Earth via Command Modules specifically designed to upto thirty humans to Earth at a time.

The second plan would be to build ships that would operate just like the ships did in the movie. Plan B would be able to save more humans in a single moment than Plan A but in case the chaos on Earth grew past the ability of Plan B to save enough humans to repopulate and rebuild Earth at least Plan A would make certain that humans survived to rebuild our civilization again.

Humanity is not in control of the war between creation and death but we as humans are in control of our ability to make certain that death does not win against creation. Death will get some of us that have fallen into the trap of death who would say space exploration is going against what god has chosen for us and that when the time comes for humanities existence to end then all humans will simply perish so that none will be left. If such an end is allowed to happen then creation will end and death will win. Even as the wind of dark matter carries our energy into the Universe after we die either returning us to the source of creation or to another planet where we become new life through the process of evolution if death succeeds at erasing humanity from the memory of the Universe because we bowed to the fear of the unknown and stayed close to home then the soul of humanity will whither into nothing or what death really is nothing or the ability to only destroy and not create.

If death wins against humanity then creation has one less branch from which her children will be able to protect her from in the fight between creation and death. As more and more species not just the human species succumb to death because of the power that death has over the species of Universe through its agents called fear and loathing then the ability to create and survive will cause creation itself to cease to exist because no one will be around to remember creation nor will anyone be left to create and spread creation around the Universe. With no one left with the ability to create the thought of creation will whither like a flower in the dessert with no one to water to it. Once all thoughts of creation has withered then creation will die and death will win thus turning the Universe into a thoughtless void of creation. Once the thought of creation has ended because no one is left with the ability to create the Universe will cease to have a need as the thought of creation and creation itself are linked to each other and vital to each others survival.

Without one the other does not exist, just like the flower that does not exist without water.

We can beat death. The key is expanding past the cradle of Earth so that the resources of humanity, creation, will continue to exist because through the spirit of creation in creating a lunar colony humanity will continue to grow and as humanity grows past the confines of Earth and into space the thought of creation will continue to spread throughout the Universe that will take deaths ability to destroy creation away from death so that creation will reign supreme throughout our Universe.

Death has settled on Earth and is enjoying its throng as a king but as more and more launches are made into space and new countries come into the light of advancing the thought of creation through branching out into space and establishing a colony on the Moon death will one day no longer be able to reign as King on Earth and all humans will be able to return to the source or to a new planet to be born again.

Death will only win if humanity does not believe in creation and the thoughts and ability to create that has been given to us all by creation itself. Like I said if humanity stops creating and branching out from the Earth into space death will be able to take our ability to be reborn through creation away because if we do not create and branch out and allow death to keep us on Earth then our memory and the ability to create will be lost to the Universe forever. Once all the species of the Universe have succumbed to death and no one is left to create and remember creation then our spirits will simply not be able to be reborn as creation needs our thoughts of creation in order for creation to exist. If creation dies then we die. If we die then creation will not be able to remember us in order to bring us back. Creation exists on two planes and is a mirror of itself.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 11:27 AM
Once the escape module had been delivered into orbit and was free of the Earths gravity the VASIMR engine would propel the emergency craft to the Moon where it would then begin the transfer of evacuees to the surface of the Moon via the Lunar Lander.

Once on the Moon and safe the evacuees would wait the chaos on Earth out and then return via the emergency ship to the I.S.S. where they would then be returned to Earth via Command Modules specifically designed to upto thirty humans to Earth at a time.

The second plan would be to build ships that would operate just like the ships did in the movie. Plan B would be able to save more humans in a single moment than Plan A but in case the chaos on Earth grew past the ability of Plan B to save enough humans to repopulate and rebuild Earth at least Plan A would make certain that humans survived to rebuild our civilization again.

Humanity is not in control of the war between creation and death but we as humans are in control of our ability to make certain that death does not win against creation. Death will get some of us that have fallen into the trap of death who would say space exploration is going against what god has chosen for us and that when the time comes for humanities existence to end then all humans will simply perish so that none will be left. If such an end is allowed to happen then creation will end and death will win. Even as the wind of dark matter carries our energy into the Universe after we die either returning us to the source of creation or to another planet where we become new life through the process of evolution if death succeeds at erasing humanity from the memory of the Universe because we bowed to the fear of the unknown and stayed close to home then the soul of humanity will whither into nothing or what death really is nothing or the ability to only destroy and not create.

If death wins against humanity then creation has one less branch from which her children will be able to protect her from in the fight between creation and death. As more and more species not just the human species succumb to death because of the power that death has over the species of Universe through its agents called fear and loathing then the ability to create and survive will cause creation itself to cease to exist because no one will be around to remember creation nor will anyone be left to create and spread creation around the Universe. With no one left with the ability to create the thought of creation will whither like a flower in the dessert with no one to water to it. Once all thoughts of creation has withered then creation will die and death will win thus turning the Universe into a thoughtless void of creation. Once the thought of creation has ended because no one is left with the ability to create the Universe will cease to have a need as the thought of creation and creation itself are linked to each other and vital to each others survival.

Without one the other does not exist, just like the flower that does not exist without water.

We can beat death. The key is expanding past the cradle of Earth so that the resources of humanity, creation, will continue to exist because through the spirit of creation in creating a lunar colony humanity will continue to grow and as humanity grows past the confines of Earth and into space the thought of creation will continue to spread throughout the Universe that will take deaths ability to destroy creation away from death so that creation will reign supreme throughout our Universe.

Death has settled on Earth and is enjoying its throng as a king but as more and more launches are made into space and new countries come into the light of advancing the thought of creation through branching out into space and establishing a colony on the Moon death will one day no longer be able to reign as King on Earth and all humans will be able to return to the source or to a new planet to be born again.

Death will only win if humanity does not believe in creation and the thoughts and ability to create that has been given to us all by creation itself. Like I said if humanity stops creating and branching out from the Earth into space death will be able to take our ability to be reborn through creation away because if we do not create and branch out and allow death to keep us on Earth then our memory and the ability to create will be lost to the Universe forever. Once all the species of the Universe have succumbed to death and no one is left to create and remember creation then our spirits will simply not be able to be reborn as creation needs our thoughts of creation in order for creation to exist. If creation dies then we die. If we die then creation will not be able to remember us in order to bring us back. Creation exists on two planes and is a mirror of itself.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 11:27 AM
Once the escape module had been delivered into orbit and was free of the Earths gravity the VASIMR engine would propel the emergency craft to the Moon where it would then begin the transfer of evacuees to the surface of the Moon via the Lunar Lander.

Once on the Moon and safe the evacuees would wait the chaos on Earth out and then return via the emergency ship to the I.S.S. where they would then be returned to Earth via Command Modules specifically designed to upto thirty humans to Earth at a time.

The second plan would be to build ships that would operate just like the ships did in the movie. Plan B would be able to save more humans in a single moment than Plan A but in case the chaos on Earth grew past the ability of Plan B to save enough humans to repopulate and rebuild Earth at least Plan A would make certain that humans survived to rebuild our civilization again.

Humanity is not in control of the war between creation and death but we as humans are in control of our ability to make certain that death does not win against creation. Death will get some of us that have fallen into the trap of death who would say space exploration is going against what god has chosen for us and that when the time comes for humanities existence to end then all humans will simply perish so that none will be left. If such an end is allowed to happen then creation will end and death will win. Even as the wind of dark matter carries our energy into the Universe after we die either returning us to the source of creation or to another planet where we become new life through the process of evolution if death succeeds at erasing humanity from the memory of the Universe because we bowed to the fear of the unknown and stayed close to home then the soul of humanity will whither into nothing or what death really is nothing or the ability to only destroy and not create.

If death wins against humanity then creation has one less branch from which her children will be able to protect her from in the fight between creation and death. As more and more species not just the human species succumb to death because of the power that death has over the species of Universe through its agents called fear and loathing then the ability to create and survive will cause creation itself to cease to exist because no one will be around to remember creation nor will anyone be left to create and spread creation around the Universe. With no one left with the ability to create the thought of creation will whither like a flower in the dessert with no one to water to it. Once all thoughts of creation has withered then creation will die and death will win thus turning the Universe into a thoughtless void of creation. Once the thought of creation has ended because no one is left with the ability to create the Universe will cease to have a need as the thought of creation and creation itself are linked to each other and vital to each others survival.

Without one the other does not exist, just like the flower that does not exist without water.

We can beat death. The key is expanding past the cradle of Earth so that the resources of humanity, creation, will continue to exist because through the spirit of creation in creating a lunar colony humanity will continue to grow and as humanity grows past the confines of Earth and into space the thought of creation will continue to spread throughout the Universe that will take deaths ability to destroy creation away from death so that creation will reign supreme throughout our Universe.

Death has settled on Earth and is enjoying its throng as a king but as more and more launches are made into space and new countries come into the light of advancing the thought of creation through branching out into space and establishing a colony on the Moon death will one day no longer be able to reign as King on Earth and all humans will be able to return to the source or to a new planet to be born again.

Death will only win if humanity does not believe in creation and the thoughts and ability to create that has been given to us all by creation itself. Like I said if humanity stops creating and branching out from the Earth into space death will be able to take our ability to be reborn through creation away because if we do not create and branch out and allow death to keep us on Earth then our memory and the ability to create will be lost to the Universe forever. Once all the species of the Universe have succumbed to death and no one is left to create and remember creation then our spirits will simply not be able to be reborn as creation needs our thoughts of creation in order for creation to exist. If creation dies then we die. If we die then creation will not be able to remember us in order to bring us back. Creation exists on two planes and is a mirror of itself.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 11:28 AM

edit on 9-4-2012 by Dryson because: Double Post

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 11:29 AM
Don’t let death take the greatest miracle away from humanity….the greatest miracle of creation itself a miracle that will take humanity into the unknowns of space to spread the seed of humanity in the fight against death.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by Dryson

There is no survival. If the human race goes down, we're all going with it.

Sad, but true.

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