posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 12:06 PM
Good exercise.
I felt very much this way when I got my passport. All I knew about the rest of the world was only like..the spice girls and such were british..and
french people made good wine..also stuff like pyramids were in egypt, and a few other very elementary style trivia.
What a very wild wake up call when you start traveling around. I was at first almost stunned at people and how I was lead to believe that as an
American, people would almost want to pay me a dollar just to touch me and my coolness (after all, coming from the greatest country on earth,
according to our politicians, and going to these strange lands where they all want to be like me...) They didn't see me as super special at all..and
frankly, thought I was at times arrogant..subconsciously or not.
As far as what 4 things I noticed most...well, hard to say really. Going to say, England is very different than going to Cairo. I will say though that
when I stepped out of my country, Wherever I wen't, the average people didn't have as much as the average person did in the states, but they had
more appreciation in what they did, when you have a higher value for what you do have, you arguably have more than a person that does not
value what they have, even if there is a lot more of it.
In some areas, what was most strange after being there for awhile was seeing familiar sites.
Seeing a McDonalds in Egypt gave me a weird thrill, because I appreciated it. Back home I pass by 3 on just one little road to the mall and have no
feelings for it...that sort of thing.
But the most interesting thing was that, even though I got lots of culture shock almost everywhere I went, People were just people. The younger folks
(say the under 50 crowd) enjoyed playing video games, having a drink (even if it was on the down low in areas where its forbidden to drink), drive
fast, listen to good music, etc...the older ones grump about politics and the kids these days, etc...take away the backdrop and accents and you could
be in anywheresville, USA. So, to come back home and hear people talking about the backwoods or weird people of here, there, etc...the slamming of
France during the early 2000's, all of it really annoyed me...had any of these idiots went there and simply hung out in some local restaurants, they
would see almost no difference in mindset anywhere..