posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:19 AM
I'm not sure if this should be under the news forum so if it should mods please move it.
I came across this article today on BBC and it made me happy to see someone, a FEMALE, and a very powerful one at that, to come out and speak to the
BBC about how she'd like her country, Saudi Arabia to change.
Among all the bad news we get from this region, and the fact that I've spent 20 years of my life in Saudi Arabia, I just wanted to post something I
consider a move forward, even if its simply talk for now.
These are positive news that should be read and acknowledged, and realized as an effort to change, rather than what the majority of the Western people
think: that people are sitting on their butt in the Middle East, enjoying the corruption that it spews.
Saudi Princess Speaks to BBC
I believe that when the women of Saudi Arabia, educate themselves and have a chance to speak their mind, things will be very different for everyone.
edit on 9-4-2012 by nusnus because: (no reason given)