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SHTF 1/3 Americans QUIT Work! Angry ends near dont hav anything to live 4 just want Benefits not Job

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posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 12:06 AM

88 million not participating are retiring baby boomers!!!


Neo-conservative propaganda!

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 12:35 AM
Conservative propaganda spin on a demographic norm.

33% of Americans not working < 54% of Canadians.

Only 46% of Canadians actual work (16mil/35mil). It's a demographic norm.

Those damn retiring baby boomers! 117 million US boomers retiring = 38% total population!! r

Reality is there are lots of jobs and business opportunities in elder care.

This is blatant conservative propaganda indirectly attacking elder social benefits for political motives in upcoming US election...just fries me!!!!
edit on 10-4-2012 by CantSay because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by CantSay

Oh and don't forget the children...all 20% of them!!

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 12:54 AM

Oh yes

The labor force has grown 1.3 million

The participation rate is down .2% ( 1/5 of a percent)

Of the rate surveyed employment is up 3 million (as the labor force has grown)

People retired or out of the labor force is 1.8 million (reflected in population)

Civilian noninstitutional population
239,000 242,604
Civilian labor force
153,022 154,707
Participation rate
64.0 63.8
138,962 142,034
Employment-population ratio
58.1 58.5
14,060 12,673
Unemployment rate
9.2 8.2
Not in labor force
85,977 87,897
Persons who currently want a job
6,250 6,299 -

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 12:56 AM
Just hate misleading info that readers take as fact without checking them freely public numbers!


Yes when I retire, I WILL QUIT WORK!...sooo misleading!

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by CantSay neo-cons expect toddlers to be working?????

edit on 10-4-2012 by CantSay because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by CantSay

............maybe, if they haven't gutted social security so badly that it's non-existance and raided your ira to the point of valueless...

my guess is they don't want the boomers to retire. many of them are in occupations that there is no one younger who was interested in getting into...too much real work involved in them...
so, well, once those machinists and other skilled labor retires, they are so, so screwed!!!
a labor force filled with a bunch of mba wannabes and the like and no one who actually wants to get their hands dirty and do actualy physical labor for their bread!!!

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by CantSay
Only 46% of Canadians actual work (16mil/35mil). It's a demographic norm.

That sounds actually pretty efficient for a country!

Imagine if that 46% we're all working at the best jobs possible for their qualities and/or more % would join in to lower the amount of hours of the 46%, without actually lowering their's late, I can't formulate a decent phrase for my idea.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by User8911

Originally posted by CantSay
Only 46% of Canadians actual work (16mil/35mil). It's a demographic norm.

That sounds actually pretty efficient for a country!

Imagine if that 46% we're all working at the best jobs possible for their qualities and/or more % would join in to lower the amount of hours of the 46%, without actually lowering their's late, I can't formulate a decent phrase for my idea.

that has been tried before, its called communism. i have heard people on here that have joined communes but then got bitter because people in the commune would not pull their own weight. if you have a boat sink in the ocean and the survivors land on an island, they are gonna have to work together and hard if they want to survive. you cant have people laying about and only putting in minimal effort if the group is going to survive. eventually the hard workers will turn on the lazy ones.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by User8911

Originally posted by CantSay
Only 46% of Canadians actual work (16mil/35mil). It's a demographic norm.

That sounds actually pretty efficient for a country!

Imagine if that 46% we're all working at the best jobs possible for their qualities and/or more % would join in to lower the amount of hours of the 46%, without actually lowering their's late, I can't formulate a decent phrase for my idea.

Considering single income families with stay home spouse and children, yes it's normal. The US has a distorted view on demographic norms because neo-cons are spending billions on propaganda to brainwash the masses to accepting an alternate norm that SCREWS the poor and benefit the wealthy. Unfortunately a huge number of the the poor are uneducated and thus accept whatever is thrown at them even to their detriment. They don't know better because education is expensive which makes them poor. It's a vicious cycle with no hope - no social mobility in the US!!!! The US is messed up!

WAKE UP! Neo-cons are brainwashing the masses. Obama, with all his faults, is the best hope your country has to actually help the American people BUT greed has poisoned the American dream.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by conspiracy nut

Originally posted by User8911

Originally posted by CantSay
Only 46% of Canadians actual work (16mil/35mil). It's a demographic norm.

That sounds actually pretty efficient for a country!

Imagine if that 46% we're all working at the best jobs possible for their qualities and/or more % would join in to lower the amount of hours of the 46%, without actually lowering their's late, I can't formulate a decent phrase for my idea.

that has been tried before, its called communism. i have heard people on here that have joined communes but then got bitter because people in the commune would not pull their own weight. if you have a boat sink in the ocean and the survivors land on an island, they are gonna have to work together and hard if they want to survive. you cant have people laying about and only putting in minimal effort if the group is going to survive. eventually the hard workers will turn on the lazy ones.

You don't get it!

The demographics of the "lazy" people are retired people and children. That's why in Canada and the US very large numbers of the population don't work. Children ages 1-14 is illegal to work and retirees have done their share of work and decide to retire like you will someday because their old and frail compared to younger able bodied people. This is how it's always been!

Take a single family of 4. A father, mother and two children. If only the father, or mother work, than only 1/3 of the family unit works. If the father and mother both work, than only 1/2 of the family unit work. If you expect 100% of the family unit to work, the children have to work also. SO STUPID IF YOU DON'T SEE THIS!

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by keldas

For many the American deal appears to be dead it has been bundled up and shipped overseas.

I hope everyone reads your reply a couple times and lets your words of wisdom sink in.

Those of you that think this won't or can't happen to you..................wait, your next.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 09:57 AM

Description of video; Courtesy: 60 Minutes
This clip really touched me, so i had to share it. Usually it is the Children that Suffer because of our Greedy, and Selfish System. This is why i advocate a new direction a better way of doing things, A Resource Based Economy.

The people in this video, which a few years ago were the middle class are now in line at homeless shelters and food distribution centers.

The numbers on the books are kept low, it's double that because they don't include people that are under employed.

Welcome to America, now a third world country.

One medical issue, one job outsourced, just one "issue" and the rest of you don't see it coming.

Big Mike explains what happened to the American Middle Class...and why the American Dream has slipped so far out of reach for many families.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by conspiracy nut

with all the bad publicity the military has been getting, I wouldn't be surprised if they have NO PROBLEM cutting the budget, like they were supposed to do anyway.

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