posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 01:33 PM
I disagree about London. We were there last July, stayed right in the heart of the city (Soho/Piccadilly) and I was impressed at just how utterly
polite and helpful everyone was. All of us made comments about it.
I have to say the same thing for New York City, the vast majority of the people there are as nice as they can be. My family is from Toronto, I've
been there many times, same thing, very nice people.
To be honest, I've been to every major city in the U.S. and several Capitol Cities of other nations, and have only been turned off by rude people in
one city that will be left unnamed.
I can say I've been astonished by the rudeness in a few small towns but that probably has more to do with being "the stranger" than anything else.
In any case, when I saw London and the English being touted as among the rudest people/nationality I had to voice my disagreement.