posted on May, 4 2012 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by DarkKnight21
If it's not to late to reply..
I think what your saying is that we should just live life to the fullest since we only have one life right? or something like that, so we shouldent
take life serious, like we should not give in to anger, doubt, sadness etc.
I do agree with that and I do wish life/everything was so black and white, but I think it's not, I may be wrong I dont currently know.
Things that make me be serious and whatnot are things like people seeing evil spirits, dead relatives etc. and other stuff, are we just a body or do
we have chakras, energies, a soul etc. Is there life after death and how can i best prepare for it and other stuff. Sometimes im scared if theres
consequences to my actions like if theres a God or karma or something. I hate living with uncertainy and all this other stuff we as thinking beings
have to deal with, but im coping with it.
I like when Joker says "the only way to live life is without rules..." that's how i usually try to live it..sometimes i wonder though if it's the
wrong way to live..