posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 09:40 PM
Oh that is just evil..... Let that be a reminder about how the United States is not the only one in the world pushing the absolute limits of humanity
in ways to destroy it.
I'm not even thinking the zombie thing, Thats silly.... Breaking things in the brain isn't any more likely to make a hostile brain damaged
"animal" that kills everything it sees than to create Einstein the 2nd.
However....what I think makes this EVIL is that it would sound quite capable of making something inbetween. Not quite dead.....and not even self aware
enough anymore to know you ought to be wishing you were. Show me every chemical weapon or even the Hemorrhagic bio-weapons and I'll step right up to
take my cup of the kool-aid. With a smile. If it would prevent THAT brain...zapped? state of living, anything is preferable.
Just think...another recent thread was applauding the arrival of Quantum Computing breakthroughs...and this showing what the cutting edge of
technology is used for.
Our governments can't be trusted with potato guns and firecrackers. People would surely get hurt right away.