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A Conversation With My Grandmother

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posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 01:13 PM
Hello all, I recently had a fairly in-depth discussion about politics/economics/social and global affairs with my 70 year old grandmother. The conversation began with me telling her that there was the possibility of going to war with Iran. She said "Good, those *expletive* deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth. All they want to do is kill us Christians, and eradicate Christianity all together." She think the same about when we went to war with Afghanistan, and then again in Iraq. She speaks of all the suicide bombings, as well as some of the other atrocities that have been going on over there. She firmly believes that the world is in a Christianity vs. Muslim (for the most part) conflict and believes that they are the evil ones. I told her the information that she was getting was through the news, say maybe fifty total stories over a certain period of time. There are hundreds of millions of Muslims out there, so I dont think that these extreme cases can really reflect the group as a whole. Christianity has extremists as well, you hear all the time about people murdering others, in fact in our country, I have heard of all sorts of gruesome deaths, just the news doesn't glamorise them like they do the killings overseas.

I feel that they are people, just like you and I. They are sitting at their computers, watching their TVs, listening to their iPods, whatever you may be doing, someone over there is doing the exact same thing as you, just trying to live their lives, trying to get by. They don't want war, they want to live in peace. It is the old corrupt men in charge that, for whatever reason, influence the people of the world to hate one another.

Racism is, in my opinion one of the subliminally influenced characteristics there has been.. Racism is instilled in us, by the media, by seeing certain movies, by the news creating "Race A vs. Race B." stories. We are all humans, we're all in this together. From the owner of your town's grocery store, to a fisherman in India, a Buddhist monk in the high mountains of Asia, or the guy mowing your yard. We are humans, every single one of us. Sure, everything has their own things going on, but look past the walls that you have been influenced with, open your minds to the fact that we are all one, we are all connected. I think we need to realize this, and drastically change the human consciousness. I do not know exactly what that would take, but I think that a pretty good starting place would to just drop the racism.

Thanks all for reading, just some of the thoughts that were on my mind while conversing with someone from a time long past.
edit on 4-4-2012 by Roundtree because: grammar mistakes

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Roundtree

Unfortunately more and more people are adopting a dangerous "us versus them" mentality that allows for no middle ground and only serves to polarize the two sides.

I believe that while many people are idiots, most are generally good at heart. It's the religions and media manipulation that divide us. If people learned to see past the lies we would all be much better off.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by ~Vixen~

Indeed, and unfortunately I see the more the media milks it, the more people will become divided.

Hopefully it doesn't escalate into some sort of mass race-war break out in the country/world.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Roundtree

No offense meant by this, to you, nor to Muslims......

But, your Grandmother is 70. She has been through the Civil Rights movement, Vietnam, Korea, the development of Nuclear Weapons, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Cold War, the Savings and Loan fiascos, Oliver North, the assassination of Kennedy and others...... why is your opinion better than hers?

What if she is closer to the truth than you are?

On the most part, I agree with you. People are people, there is little difference between their religion and ours. People are manipulated by the press and the governments, and the news we get is tainted and unreliable, etc., etc. So, I agree with you. I also know that the history of the Christian Religion isn't any better than the history of the Muslim religion, and some of the things Christians despise about Muslims are not all that different than their own faiths. I also know Muslims were benevolent rulers in some cases in history, and may be been the first "tolerant" religion.

BUT, your Grandmother has a lot more sophisticated and experienced view than you give her credit for, and I wouldn't discount her opinion so easily! What if she is right?

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Roundtree

In grandma's defense, she comes from an era that largely pre-dates the widespread media manipulation that we see today. Many of our seniors lack the tech savvy skills required to research things online, and are thus deprived of accurate, up to date and unbiased information.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 01:54 PM
"comes from an era that largely pre-dates the widespread media manipulation"?

Your lack of understanding is extreme.Propaganda post

Hope that helps,

Mr medinet

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by mrmedinet
"comes from an era that largely pre-dates the widespread media manipulation"?

Your lack of understanding is extreme.Propaganda post

Hope that helps,

Mr medinet

Please enlighten me... how was manipulation so extreme prior to the advent of mass media news distribution via TV/radio?

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 02:08 PM
My wife was reading about Edgar Allen Poe just last night. He may have died as a result of "cooping." Cooping was where they kidnapped people, drugged or intoxicated them, and then dressed them up in different clothes and made them vote repeatedly! You think voter manipulation is bad now, imagine being "cooped!"

Yes, the tech savvy means of media manipulation are better than ever, but the concept has been around since the first word was written or the first board was rolled into a megaphone!

So, I believe Grandmother would have been fully aware that not everything she sees, hears, or reads is necessarily true.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 05:35 PM
This isn't about whether a person believes the truther movement or not, which I do, and my grandmother would have known this and I discussed alot with her when we had a chance. She always saw through the world too. She knew satanists/luciferan types were running everything and hollywood, and was kind of her own independent Christian in the end.

But regardless of what side you're on with some of the conspiracies, the idea of being behind attacking a nation and harming its children, for what is obviously agenda, and saying its Muslim against Christian, Christ wasn't about wars, but strove to reach people, STO, and peace, love, charity, turn the other cheek.

Gandhi said, he liked our Christ but didn't like our Christians, and this is the reason perhaps why, people are not following in the footsteps of Christ.

If a specific person, or organization can be traced to a harmful event, that is one thing, but that does not give any nation the right to BOMB schools, hospitals, neighborhoods, pump the countryside full of their nuclear waste/depleted uranium and harm civilians.

Who are the #1 casualty in any war.

Nor should people not have researched enough about the wars, and the arms dealers and the international bankers to know how much they profit from this game.

My grandmother was also a Christian, and yet she knew all of this. She felt that its a responsiblity of people to wake up and stop corruption, and felt bad living in a world where people don't. We're enabling all of this if we don't.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 06:01 PM
I'm almost 60,I also grew up with cold war propaganda,etc but I don't believe the crap the media spews.,they are the ones who started storys regarding muslim's how they get 100 virgins,funny I've met several muslims,nicest people I've ever met and they say these quotes aren't from their bible,the US incites the people 911 another example,truth be told if you open your eyes and research,but some old timers believe what ever the goverment says or the church said is true,only reason to believe them is if you go thru life with blinders,educate yourself,if save embarrasment IMO

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 06:04 PM
Hey Way to Go on That OP!

Mine passed right as I had just become a member of ATS, but she was an opinionated woman to say the least, would have loved to pick her brain.

The other side of the family, really are simple farm folk thank god, and don't even consider world events except when it falls on their laps.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Roundtree

This isn't the case here.

But people seem to assume that elderly means they are correct in what they are saying..

I like to remember that people are people, and that the past generations more than the current ones were completely brain washed.

Too much "Us Vs. Them" my dad thinks the same way. In my opinion it only validates our enemies holy war. When you are dealing with an enemy that's not afraid to commit suicide.. It's probably best to find an alternative than killing them. common sense.. I know.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by Roundtree

A big star and flag, I would flag more if allowed. I too have seen thing effect, heard it for most of my 58 years in this cycle. The "book religions" will always fight each other, it seems, perhaps our creators saw that as a way to keep our population culled to operational parameters.

The time is coming for Ascension, and everyone can go is they choose to. I too believe it is time for Humanity to get off their knees, and their faces, and stand strong in Spirit as Earth crosses the Galactic Plane. I'm going. How about you?

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