posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 04:20 PM
Those shows only serve to give fan service to the viewer, in the form of stroking their egos, that way they feel smarter, only resulting in a
population of people, who, if a crime happened right beside them, wouldn't remember the slightest detail of any sort of relevance and would have paid
entirely too much attention to all the wrong parts of the show, in their training on being a "freelance detective."
I don't know if that translated. Let's just say, people are nosy and love to invade other people's privacy and especially love making "judgement
calls" (bad ones) when other people's lives are on the line, then instead of thinking of that other person at the end of the day, you're really
thinking about yourself, how powerful you are to make such decisions, and how you are so great to save all the lives of people around you. Martyrs...
are what those shows are about.
If anything, shows like that make our world so much more dangerous because of what it suggests to the idiot viewer, who already thinks they are a
cowboy to begin with. I'm not saying the shows should be banned or anything. It really fits snugly in with the rest of the indoctrination we
receive. I could go on... rambling...