posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by 1loserel2
It happens. Don't worry about it too much.
Even after some years here and having read wayyyy too many threads, I still sometimes can't find ones
I want to check back on but forgot to bookmark. The same applies to your particular problem in this case, namely searching for a subject and checking
for exisiting threads.
However, I've found it's helpful to check the live headlines page
here. If something is pretty new
you'll often see a thread (or two or three!) on this page.
With older material, I'd go along with what another member suggested. Find a news article for the story and copy and paste a small chunk of a
sentence into search. I've often found this works and it'll turn up threads with vastly different titles but which all refer to the exactly the same
event. (Especially as a lot of news articles are almost identical in the main text as they come from one original source.)
If the original thread is pretty old -- maybe with a last post several months or even a year or more ago -- there's usually no harm in starting a new
thread if you have something to add to the subject that could be of interest to members. And if it's the same topic as an exisiting thread but
you're looking at an entirely different angle, quite often there'll be no hassle with that. If in doubt just check with a mod.
Best regards,