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The Gentle Art of Blessing.

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posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by CitizenJack
Very inspiring thread and read.

A nice change of pace from the usual topics. I whole heartdly believe in what you speak of. From experience and a deeper knowledge I believe we all posses. I started taking this approach to life very recently and things have turned around fantasticly.

Not to hog the thread but a short story I would like to share is one where I unfortunatly did the opposite.

It was a hard time in life that I know we all expirience and I turned my frustrations towards negative energy or the anti bless if you will and the results of that still haunt me.... I will forever bear the guilt of what I know I did (a long sad and scary story for another day), but as of now have seen the good side of this blessing ability that we all posses and am now focusing as much of my being into blessing and helping my fellow man and woman. I hope your message rings loud and spreads OP so thumbs up
and I hope you continue down this path off empathy and compassion.

Blessed and blessing

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. It's defiantly a good book worth the read, and I recommend everyone check it out. I know what you mean about frustrations and negative energy and anti-blessings. These things happen, but it's not a total loss. The place where blessings come from is timeless, there's no such thing as past or future, it's all present. So send a blessing to that moment, to yourself and whomever your negative energy was directed at. Send love and healing, bless them and bless yourself. Don't harbor guilt about it, that's just as negative. Change it around to something good, forgive them and yourself. And thank them for giving you a lesson at some level.

Blessing isn't something you're going to be great at right off the bat. I'm still not, I just started with this different way of thinking, and I've hit some road blocks here and there. You just have to go around the blocks and move on. For example, one road block I hit was just late yesterday afternoon. My brother was trying to get mom to borrow him 40 bucks, and he wanted me to go drop it off to him an hour away ASAP. I don't have a ton of cash laying around to throw into my tank and I told him I would drop it off the next day when I had to go to town anyway. He flipped out sent me a nasty message on Facebook which started off like "You know you're a b*****" and continued in that tone for the rest of the message. He also de-friended me, lol.

I know him well, every spare cent he gets goes to either getting high, or getting wasted. He's got warrants out for his arrest due to unpaid tickets. His car has had it's registration suspended. Instead of taking care of them, he took a trip to NM for a week long binge-drinking and weed smoking extravaganza. Then he wonders why he has no money, and the cops are looking for him. The worst part is I was willing to help him out, just the next day, so I didn't waste gas, and he still freaks out.

I didn't keep my cool, it would have been best if I had just ignored it, and sent him blessings right off the bat. I got upset, and I told him that he needs to grow up, and quit depending on everyone else for everything. I told him if he put half as much effort into bettering his life, as he does trying to find his next bag of weed his life would be a lot different. I tried to keep my message civil, but I still felt bad after I sent it. Though the words were fairly civil, they were written out of anger and frustration.

I started blessing him, in any way I could think of. I haven't heard back from him. He might still be mad at me but I think I've made some amends to the situation. I hope the blessings sent will help him see what we are all seeing, and help him make some positive changes. I'm hoping the blessings sent out will deflate any anger in the situation and the message. We'll see, maybe good change will come of this.

I guess the point I'm trying to make after that long winded monologue is that we all make mistakes, but it's never too late to bless and heal.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:09 AM

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. It's defiantly a good book worth the read, and I recommend everyone check it out. I know what you mean about frustrations and negative energy and anti-blessings. These things happen, but it's not a total loss. The place where blessings come from is timeless, there's no such thing as past or future, it's all present. So send a blessing to that moment, to yourself and whomever your negative energy was directed at. Send love and healing, bless them and bless yourself. Don't harbor guilt about it, that's just as negative. Change it around to something good, forgive them and yourself. And thank them for giving you a lesson at some level.
reply to post by bekisu

Thank you for understanding how that can impact a person I will always carry the guilt but I carry it as more of a battle scar. Using it to remind me that you should never tap into the dark and negative energy that exist in our world of duality (positive,negative,male female,yin,yang ect...). So yes it did teach me a lesson, and without that lesson I would of never come across the power of positive energy and blessing.

As for you and your bro I hope it pans out. Family matters are often the most diffucult Blessing and being positive is like meditation the more you withdraw from distraction and outside noise the deeper you can go. Its hard to meditate tho when someone lets an airhorn off next to you, or be positive when bombarded with negative .

So keep it up I have dozens of personal stories where perseverance of the positive pays off as well as a few negative (unfortunatly) so if you withdraw from the bad and all you have is the good.

Positive and Peace loving.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by bekisu

I have been doing this, silently blessing, for more than twenty years now, so much so that it's a second nature to me now.
I don't even know how it came about, I think it must have come from that same source as the unbearable sense of gratitude that just forces you to say "thank you" inside yourself. It's not limited to people either; there's no animal that escapes my silent blessing. :-)

I do that even though I don't believe in much of the author, or many in this thread, believe. I don't believe in any sort of "retribution", good or bad, in life. I think what happens is that "good" people are their own reward, and "bad" people are their own punishment. But many of those "bad" people never come to understand what they're doing, or to feel sorry for their wrongdoings, so even their suffering seems to be pointless in terms of development and it can't be called "retribution".
Needless to say, I also don't believe in "karma", cerainly not in the way many people seem to understand it, neglecting the many cases when selfish people thrive and generous people suffer endlessly. (And no, I don't believe in "karmic debts".)

The mechanics of the Universe, and my own understanding of it, are far too complicated to be discussed here.
I just wanted to say that, no, I don't believe that "what goes around" necessarily "comes around", or that treating other as you would like to be treated guarantees nice things for that person, except for the fact that, like I said, we are our own reward and our own punishment; but yes, I do believe in the power of blessing, and I do it regardless of my pedestrian feelings for any given person.
And I highly recommend it. Because you DO make the world a better place for it, and that's no small feat.

It's defiantly a good book worth the read

I think you meant it's definitely a good read.
"Defiantly" means resisting something, "in spite" of something.
I hope you don't mnd my correction. It was meant to be a good deed. :-)

edit on 3-4-2012 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-4-2012 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-4-2012 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by bekisu

Originally posted by NewerBeing
I'm feeling this, I can't lie.

I believe in all types of ways to up lift your consciousness, I think praying is still good, don't pray to god but pray to yourself.

I've always felt that god is a part of everyone. I don't see god as some dude sitting up in the clouds, that image never sat well with me. For me god the underlying fabric of creation, like when you take all of the infinite variables of the universe, all the consciousness, every bit of thought and matter and combine it together. God is infinity personified.

I think that's a very good "definition" of God.
Not to mention that praying to oneself never works long-term, because of the inherent human limitations, both in self-perception and in actual might (certainly at this stage).

A star for everyone participating in this thread!

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by AdAstra

What you said makes sense. Good people are their own reward. I have no argument with that at all. I see it with a lot of people I know, myself included on both ends. I'm not saying you should be good in hopes that you'll get a reward for it, more doing so gives you calmness and piece of mind.

Thanks for letting me in on that typo. Cruising too fast with the spell-check! Won't let me fix it though, missed the four hour mark. At least that is what it tells me, I'm pretty sure it hasn't been four hours since the typo lol. Oh well.
edit on 3-4-2012 by bekisu because: oops

edit on 3-4-2012 by bekisu because: timewarp woo

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by bekisu
reply to post by AdAstra
I'm not saying you should be good in hopes that you'll get a reward for it, more doing so gives you calmness and piece of mind.

Not only that, it is the actualization of the belief (my belief, anyway) that one should leave the world a better place everywhere we go. And LIVING one's beliefs is the only healthy way to live, IMO.
Not to mention that it does contribute to the well-being of the world, one person at a time.
That's why I find the "gentle art" of blessing is so commendable, and I thank you for bringing it to people's attention.

P.S. Regarding the typo, I know, there's no way that the supposed timeframe for editing really works (not to mention other glitches). But look at it this way: if you had corrected it, I would have had to edit my post, too - and then other people who commit that mistake would not see it. :-)
So, it's all good.

edit on 3-4-2012 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-4-2012 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by CitizenJack

Thank you for understanding how that can impact a person I will always carry the guilt but I carry it as more of a battle scar. Using it to remind me that you should never tap into the dark and negative energy that exist in our world of duality (positive,negative,male female,yin,yang ect...). So yes it did teach me a lesson, and without that lesson I would of never come across the power of positive energy and blessing.

As for you and your bro I hope it pans out. Family matters are often the most diffucult Blessing and being positive is like meditation the more you withdraw from distraction and outside noise the deeper you can go. Its hard to meditate tho when someone lets an airhorn off next to you, or be positive when bombarded with negative .

So keep it up I have dozens of personal stories where perseverance of the positive pays off as well as a few negative (unfortunatly) so if you withdraw from the bad and all you have is the good.

Positive and Peace loving.

I'd love to hear more of your stories. Feel free to share if you'd like. I'm a fan of stories lol.
Funny thing about finding a quiet place. I have been trying to find a quite area where I live to meditate, somewhere to escape the chaos of everyday life. I found it this afternoon. We have this stream going through our land and on the bank, there are these big trees growing. I was clearing out some of the deadwood, and brush when I found this AWESOME little spot. One of the roots from the tree had grown up in such a way it made a perfect bench, right on the edge of the stream, facing the water. The bank and the trunk of the tree itself block the wind, and it's in just the right spot to really hear the babbling of the brook. It is immensely peaceful, and after I'm done with my ATS stuff I'm going back sit and let the sounds carry me away for a while. What's even cooler is that there appears to be a bunch of neat little herbs growing there. It's really got a magical feel, like it was crafted by elves or something lol.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by AdAstra

Thanks, and thanks for the conversation. It's nice to participate in a thread that is uplifting instead of doom and gloom, so I appreciate your input.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 07:21 PM

. I'd love to hear more of your stories. Feel free to share if you'd like. I'm a fan of stories lol.
Funny thing about finding a quiet place. I have been trying to find a quite area where I live to meditate, somewhere to escape the chaos of everyday life. I found it this afternoon. We have this stream going through our land and on the bank, there are these big trees growing. I was clearing out some of the deadwood, and brush when I found this AWESOME little spot. One of the roots from the tree had grown up in such a way it made a perfect bench, right on the edge of the stream, facing the water. The bank and the trunk of the tree itself block the wind, and it's in just the right spot to really hear the babbling of the brook. It is immensely peaceful, and after I'm done with my ATS stuff I'm going back sit and let the sounds carry me away for a while. What's even cooler is that there appears to be a bunch of neat little herbs growing there. It's really got a magical feel, like it was crafted by elves or something lol
reply to post by bekisu

I to have my own zen place its a lake that you can only get to by river, the trip up river itself is very tranquil its secluded and very quiet except the occasional otter and deer. Once I get to the lake its all about going to a good place. I can sit in my tiny old bass tracker with a line in the water and just take in nature and I am ok if I dont catch a fish (all catch and release maybe a pic if the fish is brag worthy). This world provides us with all we need even our own edens if you know where to look.(my place is exactly how I would imagine a place for myself if I had any choice in creating this world).This place for me had a truly positive energy to it as it got me through a hard time in my life. I knew no matter how bad things got my secret spot was waiting for me. So im glad you have your own secret spot.

As for stories, one that is on going is a friend of mine lost his hand last summer and has not been able to work and is always troubled by not working and how he is going to take care of his family. So I always do my best to bless them and project positive things their way it seems to be working (i know im not the only one blessing them for they are good people and many care about them). But he recently had a man stop by his home and was paid over seven hundred dollars for a few tree's he owned
. And also out of the blue a local farmer stopped by wanting to lease a small parcel of his land and voila he got a check for eight hundred dollars.
And a couple months ago we were driving down the road and a fellow was giving an old beat up boat away for free as it took up to much space so we decided to take it off his hands. The boat was useless but the trailer it came with was recently sold by my friend for three hundred dollars I believe
.All these individuals were complete strangers and never knew my friend prior to their first meeting.There are even more examples of money falling into his lap but these are the most recent examples. This is one of the stories I have where these ideals and ways of thinking have been successful and are still blossoming into good things.

Glad to share and to listen.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by bekisu

I feel the exact same way, great post

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Newagekid2012


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