posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:39 PM
Today is Palm Sunday and as such
" Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Blessed is the King of Israel." John 12:13 NIV
I thought I'd share a few things.
This is believed to be the gate that Jesus of Nazareth entered through into Jerusalem during what is called the Triumphant Entry. Today it is called
the Golden Gate and it is known in Arabic as the Gate of Eternal Life. In Jesus' time it was called in Hebrew
Sha'ar Harachamim which means
Gate of Mercy.
This gate is believed to have been built by Justinian as an expansion (apparently more like those Russian nesting dolls as the former gate is located
within the visible one) of the gate that was around during Herod's Temple era.
Today the gate is completely sealed. This was done by Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in 1541. In an effort to fortify the temple mount area
and possibly, as many believe, an attempt to block the Jewish Messiah who is according to tradition supposed to enter through the Mercy Gate. This
belief is supported by the Arab construction of a cemetery in front of the gate. The supposed prupose of the cemetery stems from the literal
interpretation of Elijah preceding the Messiah. Thus the cemetery was built to prevent Elijah from walking through it as Islam teaches Elijah is
descended from Aaron and therefore as a Kohen would not be able to enter a cemetery. Apparently this would be ineffective in any case as a Kohen can
enter a cemetery if the primary occupants are non Jews which is the case.
I wager if either Christian or Jewish Eschatology are accurate when Messiah comes (or returns) and sees this
1. A cemetery
2. A walled up and sealed gate.
he's gonna be mad.