posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by JustAfterSunset
Hey, thanks for the thread.
I asked a question in the other thread that went unaddressed. That's ok b/c I know the answer is "yes."
Proof of that is that gold exists on our planet, any geo-guy will tell 'ya.
Anyways, I was just trying to corroborate what the OP in the other thread was saying.
Could Betelgeuse going super nova be the catalyst that ignites this cloud?
All the ingredients are in the pot---> for a reason.
The entire universe is a living being and we are all part of the equation.
Let's hope this time around we actually achieve mastering death, and over-coming it...
Ofcourse the cohorts who were exiled to live amongst us still have a little time to achieve their unobtainable goals...
Ever wonder why they stay here and impose economics using gold as the fish-hook; all the while gold is far more plentiful further outside Earth's
kinda relevant Gold is prevalent in our solar system.
One day free-will will nolonger cost anything, and we'll actually experience the freedom of desire and achieve the 'impossible'.
Man-kind is hated, but not by man-kind. It's not so grey...
Another linkedit on (4/1/1212 by loveguy because: