posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 03:20 PM
Hello from Seattle, WA.
If you read
part 1 of my caucus story you know that I became a delegate in my tiny
little precinct and that I am a Ron Paul supporter. Well yesterday was the day that my district, the 43rd, selected delegates to move up to the
county level and represent at the state convention which happens at the end of May, I believe.
Now the media reported a win for Romney in Washington state, which is odd because if this comes down to delegates, there's actually NO WAY to know who
the winner is in any state until it's all said and done. It was also reported that in the initial caucus for my precinct that Romney was the winner.
I found this hard to believe since I saw nothing but Paul supporters in the crowd. This round was a bit different.
There was just under 200 delegates in the room, the majority were clearly Paul supporters. We were all well trained on what to do to ensure victory
at this caucus. To make it rock solid we formed an alliance with the Santorum supporters who had OK numbers, but had they sided with the Romney
supporters would have been a problem. We put 2 Santorum delegates on our slate along with 12 for Paul, a total of 14. This was in the best interest
of both campaigns. I happy to announce that it worked! Our slate won EVERY SINGLE DELEGATE.
12 for Paul, 2 for Santorum, but most importantly 0, yes ZERO delegates for Mitt Romney. The alternate rounds went just as well with Paul winning 11
or 12 alternates, the other 2 or 3 went to Santorum and Romney I believe, but were all the way down at the bottom of the alternates list so in order
for them to be called up, ALL of the initial delegates would have to be unavailable for the state caucus. I was elected as an alternate so who knows,
there may be a part three to this thread.
No pictures or video of Paul this time, but I thought those of you interested in the race would like to hear this encouraging news, or totally
discouraging if you like Romney. Don't believe the media hype. Paul is doing better then they tell you, I can also confirm that in the north Seattle
caucus which was held about three weeks ago, Paul also won 100% of the delegates, yes ALL OF THEM.
edit on 1-4-2012 by liquidsmoke206 because: typo