I propose a new form of "Revolution" movement. An Ideology, philosophy, mechanism and road forward into a future that will stave off humanity's self
In the movie The Matrix, when Morpheus is captured by the agents, agent Smith describes humanity as a disease. One that infects the earth like a
cancer spreading rapidly and killing it's host (earth).
Now many may take that quite literally and I'm sure other would scoff at the notion but given the way our combined reality is and has been playing out
over recent years, for the keen observer i think it is more than obvious that we are indeed self destructing.
We have had uprisings, revolutions, tea parties and so on and so forth.. yet non of them have yielded the changes that we inertly crave and need at
the soul level.
My proposal is a new idea a revolution of 180 degrees. A way to stop the rot or disease/cancer from spreading any further.
We as humanity would virtually need to stop in our tracks. Now many have proposed the idea already here on ATS, that we would quite literally need to
stop the machine, the system, the matrix/beast in it's tracks, bring it to a grinding halt before it drops us over the proverbial cliff..
I would agree with this idea but i also believe this would simply not be enough.
We would need to not only stop but collectively spin around and do a 180* turn so that we can face head on everything that has occurred prior to
consciously facing it. We would then need to dismantle it piece by piece.
That to me is the only form of revolution that will work.
It is very much a magical, empowering, metaphysical change that occurs inwardly to each of us individually and then through that change we become one
in mind, soul and purpose.
This very idea can not only slow down and completely stop the rot but also turn back on it and eat,dissect, breakdown that very cancer that plagues us
and the planet.
A new and true form of self healing.
Even if we stop the machine the illness we have collectively created in this world, greed, ignorance, hate, indifference and lust for power and
domination, lack of love and compassion could potentially continue to spiral on its own..so we must give an extra 5% and change the flow of the tide
back on itself.
The 180* Revolution is just an idea a thought..but then all great change in this world has originated in the minds eye..
"I propose we each Twitter or FB "180* Revolution" in our update status and hope that it spreads"
Peace and blessings to you all...
edit on 1-4-2012 by Oxygenation because: (no reason given)