posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 09:23 AM
The reason we dont hear of such things is because the media wants to control your perspective, plain and simple. Think about it...why dont we hear of
courageous cops who actually do their job? Why dont we hear of soldiers such as this one who risk their lives for good? Why is it that we only hear of
the bad decisions these men in uniform make? e.g. Recent rampage in Afghanistan, countless replays of police brutality- I believe it comes down to
divide and conquer. The people in power want there to be division between citizens and military, so that when martial law is declared the military men
will have no problem detaining/opening fire on us... just look at OWS, most protesters are ignorant and curse and scream at the cops, of course the
cops are going to become hostile and enjoy bashing their heads in. Only through realizing that we are ALL victims of this prison planet will be free