posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 09:38 AM
It's a known fact that the Pirates, as members of the secret society known as Skull and Bones, created treasure accumulation rooms on almost every
major island around the world. These treasure rooms are , by far, some of the richest rooms in the Masonic/Illuminati family. The Pirates are also
celebrated by their "brothers" at some of our most distinguished colleges, "brothers" like George Bush (both of them) who are members of the Skull
and Bones branch of the Illuminati.
These island treasure rooms, like ALL treasure rooms, have a constant "guard" over them, ensuring that no-one attempts to remove any treasure
without permission. In days of old, before satellites, ships would "cruise" the Oceans where these treasure islands exist, and check on the rooms
periodically. It is my belief that the main reason our U.S. Navy was created was to cruise around making sure these rooms were safe from outsiders.
The Masons/Illuminati founded this country so this information should come as no big surprise.
These island locations were the perfect place to create an accumulation room. Little or no population, what population there might have been was
totally ignorant of what the Pirates were doing on the island, except to maybe be slave labored in creating the tunnel system and the "hollowing
out" for the accumlation room where the treasure would be stored. Yes sir, islands were/are the safest place on Earth to put a treasure room. The
only real problem came from the Pirate ship itself, when another member of the crew would create a mutinous situation where the entire crew would rise
up and take over the ship, as well as take over the treasure within the treasure room (which is the biggest fear of the Masons/Illuminati, that a
member would steal what they had stolen.)
As time went by and the Pirates faided into history, these treasure rooms still needed to be protected by the Masons/Illuminati. The best way to
protect these treasure rooms was to start a Navy. But even with that there were mutiny's that resulted in a loss of treasure. But there was a
simple solution for dealing with the rebellious Naval crews who wanted this booty...... enter The United States Marines. Again, my opinion about the
founding of the Marines (oooorah!!) is obvious!! The ships crews who rebelled and tried to steal the treasure were met with the force of the Marines.
The Marines were totally oblivious to these treasure rooms, they only knew that their job was to repel any rebellion.
James Cook was an explorer, cartographer, and a Mason. Most of the officers on his ship were also Masons. James Cook went around to many islands,
like Hawaii, and made sure that the treasure rooms on Hawaii (for example) were safe. It's interesting to note that it is James Cook who was the
inspiration for Gene Roddenberry's "Star Trek" series....James Cook...James Kirk!!! It's also an interesting note that Gene Roddenberry was a
33rd degree Mason.
We can see throughout U.S. history that these treasure islands have been pivotal in many wars, wars between different branches of the
Masons/Illuminati. In most cases, like that of Japan just before WW II, a member of the Illuminati (Emperor of Japan) would try to steal vast amounts
of wealth from these treasure islands. This is why we see Japan sending most of her troops to islands like The Phillipines (where several treasure
rooms exist), or Guam (Yep, another room) and Okinawa (............) and so forth. The Emperor was given fair notice to return these treasures, but
he snubbed his nose at the Illuminati. So the Illuminati killed a few if his top men, then dropped a couple of atomic bombs on his country.
The purchace of Alaska was a brilliant plan by our leaders. The Aleutian Chain of islands contain dozens of treasure rooms. Alasaka is very rich with
gold, as proven by Her history. This purchase of Alaska was for the benefit of bringing these known treasure rooms into the control of the
Masons/Illuminati who run our country.
One of the most favorite areas for the Pirates was the Bahamas and surrounding islands. These islands are now under control of the U.S., along with
other known treasure rooms created by the Pirates....Northern Mariana's, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and so on. EVERY island under U.S. control is
a known Pirate treasure room location. They tried to take, and are still trying to take, Cuba, which is the "Treasure Room Capitol" of the
Cuba was a "holding tank" for the treasure coming out of what is now North and South America. Ships loaded with gold, silver, precious stones,
etc., from these two continents would sail to Cuba where the ships would be off-loaded into one of dozens of treasure rooms. These treasures would
wait until the Spanish Fleet would come to Cuba, load up their ships with this treasure, then sail back to Spain.
In closing I will just say that this story goes on and on. This story connects in so many different ways to so many different members of the
Masons/Illuminati, past and present, that it would boggle your mind. Just as with every part of American history, the Masons/Illuminati are right
there, in order to control everything. There is not one single part of our history, or world history, that is not connected to these secret
Have a great day, Ladies and Gentlemen.