posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:59 AM
After the dream incident I was in bed, once again, having trouble going to sleep. I noticed something glowing out the corner of my left eye (I was
laying on my back in bed). A glowing figure came through the wall (outside wall) and stood at the bottom of my bed.
The figure was, to me anyways, about 6' to 7' tall. You could tell that it was human shaped, two legs, arms and one head. I couldn't make out any
features because of the glow. I do know that I was not asleep as the figure reached down and grabbed my ankles. At that point I finally found my
voice and screamed as loud as I could. The figure released me and walked back through the wall. My parents came in and I told them what happened and
they laughed and said I had a nightmare. The next day my ankles hurt and I had bruises on both of them. I never showed my parents.
When I was about 17 I was in bed again (guess I stay in bed alot
) still awake when two creatures, I have always thought of them as cherubic
because of their size not their looks or demeanor, appeared out of thin air on either side of me in my bed. These creatures were grotesque to look at.
I could not yell because I was so terrified. Both creatures grabbed my stomach and began to squeeze extremely hard causing considerable pain. One of
the creatures looked at me and said "We came in here like this" and the other creature looked at me and said "and we can leave the same way". At
this point both creatures disappeared.
When I was probably 20 I had a girlfriend, my wife now, who came over on a Friday as we were going to go out that night. I also had a roommate that
lived with me that was older, probably 30 or so.
Since it was still a little early we decided to rest for a while before getting ready. My girlfriend and I went to my room and my friend went to his.
I was the first person to wake up and I went into the living room to watch a little television when I noticed that the 6 million dollar man was on.
This was strange as he only came on on Sunday nights.
I looked outside and there were a couple of newspapers in front of the door. One was for Saturday and the other was for Sunday. I was actually around
7:00 PM on Sunday night. I woke everyone up and filled them in on what happened. We were all scared at first trying to figure out what had happened.
We finally decided that there had to have been a gas leak or something and we all just passed out from Friday afternoon till Sunday night. To this
day I still don't really know what happened.