posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 02:15 PM
Originally posted by theindependentjournal
reply to post by Barcs
Well some of the bunk science is Carbon dating and another is the geological column. It isn't science fact it is a theory with no proof yet. And
creationists dont push it on others they push BACK after being pushed.
That's a lie. There is nothing wrong with carbon dating or the countless other dating methods that verify one another. Can you link me to a non
creationist website that proves it? There is an entire thread on the front page in this section that addresses the various dating methods of fossils.
Almost every single thread in this section posted by creationists is an attack on evolution, based on faulty knowledge of the theory or science
involved. Nobody is pushing creationists around, you guys are doing it to yourselves by making yourselves look bad, by attacking science.
1. Genetic mutations are proven to exist and affect the creatures the receive them.
2. Natural selection is proven to exist and is responsible for certain mutations faring better than others.
You cannot disprove or debunk either statement. It is absolutely solid proven science, we even know many of the causes for the genetic mutations and
variance from generation to generation. It is measurable, even in humans.