posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 10:15 AM
I agree with you, OP. Those who don't understand what you expressed are in for a rude awakening in the near future. We are living amongst a
revolution of data collection. Very soon the world will look like "minority report" with smart advertisements and talking billboards. Everyone will
have an profile and it will be bought, sold, scrutinized and used against us. Short of a total revolution or unless the world comes to an abrupt end,
this is all set in granite stone.
That being said, and it pains me to say this, but there really are no such thing as "rights". Standing governments have absolutely no respect for
the rights we are already supposed to have, they aren't going to respect or enforce new amendments or provisions even if we were to pass them using
their method. Plus, this method of data collection and complete individual profiling fits perfectly with the global cabals wet dream construct of
coercion, compulsion, control and meek subservience to authority.
Sorry I have no real answer. Just appreciating the problem.