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Even the leftists admit that the US has the highest taxation!

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posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:18 AM
I would explain futher, but Zakaria admitted that the US has the highest taxation rates, yet the Democrats want to make them higher. They continually lie about our problems, stating that our country needs higher taxation to match other countries, yet we have the highest taxation rates in the world!

The US is taxed so high, that our businesses are fleeing, yet they lie about that.
The US is taxed so high, that our refineries are fleeing.
The Us is taxed and regulated so high that you would have to be a Democrat to think there is not a problem, you would have to work for the very government to think there is no problem.

Think about it, if you are not affected by the economy, you are not in the private sector. It is a war, the government sector, aka communists, against the private sector.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:22 AM
No one in your country actually OWNS any money anyway, I'd either do a Guy Fawkes or immigrate.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by LIGHTvsDARK

Where are the figures to back this up? I mean, you do know do you, that in in some Scandinavian states a top tax rate exists of 80-90%?

I honestly do not know how the US compares to that but i would be very very surprised in the top rate is anything like that high.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:23 AM
The U.S. is really backwards right now. Tax laws need to be rewritten to severely punish companies that have jobs overseas and sell products here in the U.S. Also there is absolutely no case in which govt employees should make more money than private sector employees doing the same job. How does that even work?? So you have 10 private sector accountants making $50k a year. They pay taxes to pay for govt workers. Then you have 10 govt accountants making $70k a year. But their wages come from taxes of people who make less??

Govt Workers earn more than private sector

Wisconsin fed employees earn more than private sector

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:29 AM
It's okay, none of our money is really ours anyway...according to them.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by jjkenobi

That is all well and good but you do realise the other side of the coin would be companies in other countries doing the same thing? So whilst you would gain on the one hand you would lose on the other.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:47 AM
No, there are no numbers to back this claim up because it is simply not true. The United States, in fact, has one of the lowest tax rates on personal income and corporate taxes of any nation in the developed world. That said, this is all apples and oranges since different governments have different tax regimes, just like different states do.

And Unionized government workers make more than those in the private sector, working for corporations and business owners who are primarily worried about how much money they and their shareholders make....hmmm......are you seriously surprised? Trickle down economics, friends, is a farce, it doesn't happen.
Examples, you say? 20 years ago the average executive made 5 times what underling did. Now, its 500 times and going up ( I know, the citation below says 475, but that was in 1998. New estimates put it closer to 538:1). Thanks, republican logic, for the gift of plutocracy.

Here's some documentation of the fact that we pay some of the LOWEST taxes in the world:

on wealth distribution:

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:57 AM
I suggest that you take a rant break and review some data rather than what you think is the real deal.

Wikipedia is a good place to start ...and stop if you are inclined. "Tax Rates in Countries" pulls up a nice display. the US fits in the middle. But it does warn that tax rates are hard to figure evenly. But looking at the graph, you can guessimate that the US is far from the highest (or lowest) taxing country. Keep in mind that in some of the lowest taxed countries, you don't get much bang outta your buck either.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:05 AM
You are confused...No one on the left or right has an issue with reforming and lowering the Tax Code and rates.

The debates center around whose tax breaks and loop-holes will go away.

We might have an unusually high rate of taxation compared to other countries, but that is only because we need to have the higher rate with all the exceptions, loop holes, subsidies and special cut-outs we give to wealthy interest groups and corporations.

Actual rate vs. "effective rate". Those that do not have lobbyists or tax attorneys working for them are the ones who pay full taxes at the inflated rate, while the wealthy enjoy a reduced rate. This is the rising tide of income inequality in the USA, like a casino always diverting that 2% advantage in the money stream into thier coffers.

Hell yes...let's reform and lower the tax rate...and eliminate the Billions we give to Oil companies and other corporations.

Paul Ryan's budget looks to reduce the TOP tax rate from 35% to 25%...while leaving all subsidies, loop-holes and special interest breaks in place for Oil companies, millionaires and corporations....while at the same time cutting $389 billion from Medicare, $735 billion from Medicaid, and $923 billion from discretionary spending for domestic programs, it would elimnate all funding to alternative energy etc. etc. It would cut food stamps...the budget is like a Rush Limbaugh rant in policy numbers...protect the wealthy, slam everyone else.

It would be great to lower the top tax rate...and the lower tax rates as well for the other 99%...and elimnate all the loop-holes and tax breaks and subsidies...but that won't happen under a GOP controlled house. They have vowed and pledged never to roll back those loop-holes and tax breaks for the wealthy, they are eager and giidy though to cut safety net programs for the poor and elderly though.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:05 PM
You can cut taxes all you want, and ultimately, it won't be enough.You can cut spending all you want, and ultimately, it won't be enough. The sensible way is to raise taxes while cutting spending. Inflation and cost of living have an effect on everyone and everything. Eventually, taxes have to go up to keep up with inflation. Just as your dollar buys less today than it did years ago, so goes the tax dollar.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:18 PM
In countries where the tax burden is lighter for companies, such as Europe, it is far heavier for the working stiff.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:31 PM

Countries with universal healthcare pay upwards of 50% on their income tax. Hows that in comparison to 15%?

This is complete nonsense.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by LIGHTvsDARK
I would explain futher, but Zakaria admitted that the US has the highest taxation rates, yet the Democrats want to make them higher. They continually lie about our problems, stating that our country needs higher taxation to match other countries, yet we have the highest taxation rates in the world!

The US is taxed so high, that our businesses are fleeing, yet they lie about that.
The US is taxed so high, that our refineries are fleeing.
The Us is taxed and regulated so high that you would have to be a Democrat to think there is not a problem, you would have to work for the very government to think there is no problem.

Think about it, if you are not affected by the economy, you are not in the private sector. It is a war, the government sector, aka communists, against the private sector.

It is war where the Billionaires use minds like yours to champion the death
of critical thought throughout humanity and America.

On the upside, it appears a comatose mind can still manage to operate a computer

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by braindeadconservatives

Originally posted by LIGHTvsDARK
I would explain futher, but Zakaria admitted that the US has the highest taxation rates, yet the Democrats want to make them higher. They continually lie about our problems, stating that our country needs higher taxation to match other countries, yet we have the highest taxation rates in the world!

The US is taxed so high, that our businesses are fleeing, yet they lie about that.
The US is taxed so high, that our refineries are fleeing.
The Us is taxed and regulated so high that you would have to be a Democrat to think there is not a problem, you would have to work for the very government to think there is no problem.

Think about it, if you are not affected by the economy, you are not in the private sector. It is a war, the government sector, aka communists, against the private sector.

It is war where the Billionaires use minds like yours to champion the death
of critical thought throughout humanity and America.

On the upside, it appears a comatose mind can still manage to operate a computer

Lay off a little bit. He's a job creator. Stop being so jealous and angry that he's a success!

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by LIGHTvsDARK

Actually the US has a very low personal tax rate, but a very high corporate tax rate.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by LIGHTvsDARK

Even the left?

You must be talking about the pseudo-left in government, because the real left ultimately wants no government at all.

A worker ran and controlled economy.

The left wing has always been traditionally for less authority, less state control. The right has always traditionally been for more authority, and more state control.

The original political meanings of ‘left’ and ‘right’ have changed since their origin in the French estates general in 1789. There the people sitting on the left could be viewed as more or less anti-statists with those on the right being state-interventionists of one kind or another. In this interpretation of the pristine sense, libertarianism was clearly at the extreme left-wing.

There really is a left wing that has nothing to do with the liars in government who claim to be, or you claim to be, 'left-wing'.

We are not for large government, or government at all. We are for worker ownership, and control, of the means of production through voluntary worker associations. We want workers to own their own labour, and receive the full compensation for that. The reason we are anti-capitalist is because private owners require workers to produce more than they are paid for, and we consider that exploitation. Not to mention all the other social problems it causes.

This can be achieved without government, and ultimately communism is no government. The true left all want the same ultimate goal, free association...

In the anarchist, Marxist and socialist sense, free association (also called free association of producers or, as Marx often called it, community of freely associated individuals) is a kind of relation between individuals where there is no state, social class or authority, in a society that had abolished the private property of means of production. Once private property is abolished, individuals are no longer deprived of access to means of production so they can freely associate themselves (without social constraint) to produce and reproduce their own conditions of existence and fulfill their needs and desires.

Not big government! That comes with capitalism. Capitalism requires government, and the state, to protect their capital interests. It needs it for stability. It needs it to keep workers from simply taking over, and throwing the capitalist out on their asses. The government we have is the result of capitalism, not in spite of it.

There was no government in Spain in 1936 and the workers took over, and threw the capitalists out on their asses. That is why capitalism requires government, it would never leave itself unprotected for this reason. Capitalists are not stupid, psychopathic maybe, but not stupid.

The whole reason a lot of the left became 'anarchists', in the 1800's, is simply because they understood that a revolutionary government (allowing economic change) was impossible, and had to be violently disposed (as apposed to Marxist socialists, who wanted to form a revolutionary intermediate government, allowing the gradual change to a no state system, and full communism, in a more natural progression. The anarchists wanted immediate overthrow of the government, and either libertarian socialism (anarchism, stateless-socialism), leading ultimately to communism, immediately implemented).

Big government is necessary with a capitalist economy, another reason we want socialism. It's the only way we can have no government. Ultimately capitalism is the root of our problems, not government.

edit on 3/29/2012 by ANOK because: it's a commie takeover Harry

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