posted on May, 22 2012 @ 08:47 PM
Originally posted by MsAphrodite
Just saw this as a campaign ad. The problem is the candidate behind it was not revealed. Who is behind these ads and who do they support? Who can help
me here?
Candidate? Correction it's a K Street lobbying firm. I'm pretty sure you knew very well who when you posted this thread. It's so obvious, this
thread is a ploy to get a conversation started about the American Petroleum Institute, and to slam it. LOL
She's smoking HOT! huh?
Unlike the smoking hot avatar you have which communicates pixie dust Judy lives in reality.
Yes I support Obama and American energy. We do exist unlike fairies.
Aren't you just the antithesis of that? I'm glad too because it's comparisons like this I can use as a barometer in evaluating my sanity