reply to post by Baron01
the word responsable point clearly who control and has powers, while only responsability is the legal reference to incriminate individuals of wrong
objective acts
that is how a human is responsable of things he possess where animals are considered in civil law as things too
from that point, forgiveness appear in truth being to evil responsables standing up while they must b put down
giving is the opposite to for give, which reveal evil behind it as the relation is clearly through truth objective reverse for fast n easy abuse
to give is exclusively to truth superiority bc it is infinite so any relative point must act in anyway or terms as individual considering truth
existence and truth being a fact first before being or meaning to b a relative point right in being free from truth
so the sense of giving is always from less to more in knowing that more is what exist even though u dont care about it
so even in meaning misery or negative objective conditions an individual only looking as giving a hand is simply giving to absolute rights of infinite
truth existence, so for its own sake of being free truly
that is how too, in common real sense of forgiving the word is used to mean what less endured like a child or an adult having no choice but to move on
positively alone, so saying that word in meaning, act as if u gave the truth
but it is obvious how the objective life of forgiving sense is the reverse, how a god could ever mean forgiving his things that he possess totally ?
or at least if u wont admit that, he is always controlling as he wants, as what animals are for humans
do u feel having to forgive ur pet??
truth is not a source when it is a fact that any is true first, what is true exist so always is then realities are a consequence of existence being a
fact real
all what truth freedom could mean is individual rights bc they are about freedom individual right as truth is free
when truth is freedom fact then awareness is a fact too that has nothing to do with it
but u love to believe being gods possessions entertaining them as they want spoiling their wills from u in relative terms of individuals powers fun
disrespecting and abusing truth facts for more fun
that is ur choice as ur gods, that will end first, lets see while they will b forced to stop acting in powers over existence how they will show their
attachements to u