posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 10:36 PM
The National Journal was the first to cover this late last night.
Title is pretty self explanatory. As a campaign fundraiser, Gingrich is charging his followers $50 to take a picture with him. I know this has been
done before and all candidates fundraiser different. I have two main questions for my fellow ATSers.
1. Do you think this is a sign of desperation, dedication, a way to try to decrease his debt for he has to opt out of the race?
2. Take Gingrich out of the picture, because some of us have strong feelings against him. Would you pay $50 to take a picture with the candidate you
are backing?
I'll share what I think, and this is just personal opinion. I think Gingrich is looney. I feel as if he is extremely desperate to ask his followers
for this. People that have the money to donate would donate. The economy is so screwed up that at this point, I would not pay $50 to take a picture
with anyone especially because those who would be asking for the money are already much wealthier than I am.
I apologize if this has already been posted, I searched, but the function has its flaws
Edit: on a funner note, the reason I posted this is because I was watching Late Night with Conan and he made a joke "Gingrich charging $50 for a photo
with him. You can pay $100 if you'd like a photo without him"
edit on 27-3-2012 by headorheart because: .