My family is looking to install a hand pump for our well so we can still access water in case SHTF. I am new to this stuff, and I was wondering if
anyone had any suggestions for a product that is reasonably priced and works well (no pun intended haha.) If anyone who has done this before has any
advice that would be AWESOME!. Thanks!
Thought this might help or give you an idea. I plan on trying this myself this summer I dont have hundreds of dollars, but Im sure I can get a few
people at Lowes, and some friends to help me figure this one out! Good Luck!
I had looked into a hand pump for our well, but it is too deep and there is no way it can be pumped by hand. We need one of those old-fashioned
windmill pumps (and they aren't cheap.....we checked on used ones and came away with a $4000 estimate...amazing how much a bunch of old scrap metal
costs nowadays).
You should search online for a "pitcher pump". I recently looked myself and they can be found in many places for about $39.99, and parts are
available at the same sites for very cheap. Hope this helps...
Read the novel The Ugly instructions for a bycicle powered water pump made from a four cylinder jeep motor.....
for irrigation too.................
I prefer to teach a person to fish ... I found some videos on youtube about making pumps... once you understand the mechanics you can adapt the
ram pump
even how to make a bucket if needed .....
water is a great resource but many will not know how to get it out of the ground.... and if there is a creek with a hundred feet of drop you can
harness it for water power
edit on 26-3-2012 by fnpmitchreturns because: (no reason given)
edit on 26-3-2012 by fnpmitchreturns because: add video