Seems the discussion is trending upon speculation, and nothing is being offered outside of views and opinions.
Of course this isn't something that should be discouraged, because ones thoughts and views do express considerations others may not have previously
made themselves, and the collective massing of various points of view can result in a benefits all can utilize.
Since there are Lines in the Sand or Sides being drawn, I feel clarification of my views should be duly noted.
1: I am a Christian, of no religious body or group.
2: I believe we have been given the Inspired Word of GOD.
3: I see nothing Biblically speaking that dismisses the view of either side of this topic.
I have no difficulties in accepting the "Fossil Record". Some may argue this would be impossible, but it is the manner inwhich the Genesis Account
is laid forth, that I find both arguements are part and parcel of the same details expressed in those generally short and segmented passages of
Genesis Chapter 1.
A simple Study of the Text, and it is clear, the Creationist View point could imply varying periods of time for the "Days" expressed in Chapter 1 of
Genesis. A Day is a 24 Hours Period of time, as expressed today, but what if I utilize this word in the following context.
Science teaches us about the Day of the Dinosaur.
Now some "Literalists" could suggest we should apply a 24 hour period as the span of time being discussed, yet the Fossil Records suggest the Day of
the Dinosaur exceeded 100 Millions of years. An Age of the Dinosaur, or the Era of the Dinosaur is what Science teaches us about.
The point of this is the term Day, which the Translators use does cover various periods of time in the Original Context. Sun Up til Sun Down, Sun Up
to Sun Up (The 24 Hour), and goes on to express and Era or an Age.
What occurred, Biblically Speaking between Genesis 1;1 and Genesis 1:26, is a measure that science itself suggests span Billions of year. (I can't
recall off hand but I think 45 Billion was their dating estimate for "In the Begining").
And what occured between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 is subject to debate. My Views tend to be that it is a calculated miss-translation due to the
environment of the time, (1611 AD). Remember most still considered the earth was the center of the Universe, and the Sun revolved around the Earth,
and the Church was the Crown, and they spoke for GOD, and the ever controlling term hearsay.
Take the Original Text and Genesis 1:2 could easily indicate, "And the Earth Became a Waste and a Desolation....", apposed to what is expressed
The implications of this, being submitted to the Masonic King James, could result in pre-mature death.
We have a Fossil Record. It is evidence that life was a process. It took Millions of Years for changes to transpire and none of this is contrary to
the Bible's Teachings.
As a Christian, I firmly believe the Creationist View is also accurate, with one disclaimer. It's a Recreationist View. I believe even science
supports this, for the most part. Some will dismiss it,, since there eyes are preset to finding the "Missing Link" to show the transition from what
the Fossil Record bears to Modern Man. Personally to them, good luck! It is a testament to sticktoitteness, but a effort based in time spent wasted.
The Missing Link is expressed in Genesis 1;26 with the recreation of Man, as a spieces, and the advent of the Hunter / Gatherer.
Now, this would mean, I believe in the Event of Intelligent Design. It was a Event which had taken Billions of Years. It was "Tweeked" (so to
speak) about 65-35000 Years ago, with the introduction of Man in Genesis 1;26.
I do not believe in the term evolution.
Support for this is based directly on the introduction of Man in Genesis 1;26. We have "DEVOLVED" significantly since then. We do not show
Stewardship of the Land, or the Flora and Fauna. We now live decades, apposed to centuries. We have little regard for our fellow man.
But this Devolution is not because of the Designer/GOD. It is the Free will of Man, and the choices that Man has made that is at fault.
The Designer made things right. We ourselves are the reason for the Problems We have.
Trust I didn't scare anyone, and I hope the views are met with consideration. They are simply offered for discussion and not to demean the views
Other's have.