posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 12:26 PM
A belief system among an individual is a powerful force; the way the conscious mind assesses the belief is interconnected with how your
five senses react to a specific energy.
For example, the way a human being assesses a favorite food, the more scrutinizing and pleasureful it is to the person. An unfavorable food
becomes very discreet and dissatisfying.
All it takes is an idea, and whether or not to remain faithful to it -- the idea molds the entire belief system.
Children have very sensitive reactions to many forms of energy; this is why their belief system is easily molded by western influence and even
parental figures.
Children are born into this world with the true feeling of life and bliss; yet that feeling can easily dissipate away if the child removes this
perspective they have on life: Oneness.
(Side note: Human minds are like parasites; they can infiltrate another person's belief system and plant a new idea, an idea that can very well
lead to the loss of a person's oneness with the universe, and the inability to see truth through your pineal gland.)
The majority of adults have adapted a consistent belief system, and will have significant difficulty allowing change in their life.
There are infinite possibilities in this universe -- So vast and overwhelming; energy constantly flowing throughout different planes of
Try believing there is so much more to life; that the life I've been living is consciously driven by poor influences other than thyself. A change
is needed in my life, and it will be time to awaken; awaken onto higher levels of consciousness and thinking.
However malicious, malevolent, or parasitical the influences are, take responsibility for your spiritual being and begin evolving yourself into a
new mindset.
Believing in yourself is all you have to do in order to become an awakened spirit; life will have truth and meaning embedded in it, and your
spirit will always remember it subconsciously.