I am from Sydney, Australia.
This event occured Wednesday Oct 15th 2008; 8-12pm. After the experience outlined below I researched the date and found out that full alien disclosure
was expected by Blossom Goodchild (it was the 14th in America). YouTube her or the 14th and you will be astonished by the volume of media attention
and hype placed on this one date.
This is my first post on this website. I guess I'll share my experience in this first post.
I was up for a few days without sleep and one night could "feel" an evil presence. I laid down to go to sleep, when I heard a quick violent ruffling
noise from a bunch off newspapers on the end of the bed. I shot up to my feet and was confronted with a face-hugger, those mustard coloured giant
spider-like creatures with a long tail (as seen in the movie "Aliens"; please note that I had watched the movie the night before).
It was bobbing (very rapidly) from side-to-side as if it was trying to ascertain depth perception between me and it before what appeared to be its'
motive - springing onto me (using its' tail). NB: the original "creative designer" for this creature hints that he was inspired by the occult
I, too, was mentally doing the same thing and made the first move to grab it (in the hope of splitting its fingers - known in ninjutsu as "breaking
the bamboo" - and bashing it against the metal post of the frame of the bed to induce pain and fear). As I darted forward to grab it, hoping it would
be in mid-air, it quickly disappeared under the bed with supernormal speed, almost demon-like.
During this moment I was of course terrified despite my unexpected bravado and apparent skill (I do have a green belt in ninjutsu with 2 stripes).
Here is the reality-test/factoids: I heard it before I saw it. It was blurry (I normally wear a hard gas permeable contact lens in one eye) but it was
unmistakably akin to the creature from the movies.
Anyway, figuring (subconsciously) that it was bull#, I laid down again to get some shut eye... when I saw a humanoid figure sidling into the room
through the door (I was on the second floor of my terrace). The door it entered through led to the rest of my house. The other door, a broken down
one, led to the balcony).
This alien was mustard-coloured, without apparel, tall, had a small slit mouth (as seen with Greys), high cheekbones and coarse (possibly dreadlocked)
type "hair" slicked up and back, with a seemingly noble presence. It also looked like it could fight if needed to, as it showed no fear. There was
also an "aura" of advanced intelligence about it, as if it knew alot about me (Image below).
I shot up again and ran toward this second alien , with my arms ready to grapple/strike. The way I saw things, the being was on my turf without
warning or permission.As I approached it, at speed, it either disappeared (hallucination) or used some form of ethereal dimensional transportation.
Just as I got near it, it quickly backed up and disappeared into the shadows just outside the door - there was a quiet electrical crackling noise as
it did so. Looking back I regret this and have hoped for it to return. (Since this incident I have reunited with my Christian church, Presbyterians,
and have relearned to not be so legalistic and more flexible - grace).
While hiding in the closet earlier I had been holding my breath in the hope of remaining as still and quiet as possible and had a sore chest. This,
coupled with the fear for my own safety, I went to the hospital which is 10 minutes away. Before entering the hospital, I saw the being again, only
this time it was semi-transparent and, again, crackly, 4 stories tall in size and next to the building, holding it from the side, the rest of its'
lower body hidden behind it. Now, the street it was on led to the psych hospital behind "him", as if it knew where I was going. Hopefully, this also
meant that he forgave me for/understood my inhospitable response.
That's the story.
edit on 23-3-2012 by NinjaSwill because: (no reason given)