posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13
Oh and trust me, I do understand your point as well and I agreed with you too. That's exactly why I proposed the idea that, acting on the assumption
that a new "memorial page" of some kind was being made, to make it not too intrusive, instead something like a small link in the footer or something
similar to that even. I do know what you mean though, even that may worry some a little bit unfortunately.
I have to admit as well though, I do feel like I've gotten to know so many great people here and I'm good friends with a lot as well.
Mckyle for example, who was mentioned above by Blup, was someone who I was just starting to
get to know really well before he passed on here, If I remember right he still has a PM from me waiting in his inbox from when we was last chatting.
Some other members even have my home address and phone number and some are too far away so we just exchange emails for now. But it's for that reason
why I do like the idea of some kind of memorial page here, this being the place where we all met, exchanged ideas, debated and so on.
I guess as of right now there is of course ways to pay tribute to those members who have passed away, the use of posting a new thread for example, or
leaving a comment on their profile etc. etc. But I don't know, the "memorial page" idea just seems like a pretty nice one to me. I wouldn't mind and
I'd understand if something like that wasn't added though, because like I said above we can still pay tribute in other ways, but yeah, I just think
it's a pretty good idea, that's all.
edit on 23-3-2012 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)