posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 07:14 PM
A lot of things have been pissing me off lately, and here they are:
1. Feminine hygene commericials. I'll just sit down to watch something, a nice sandwich in my hand, and hear the words: "burning feminine itch" or
my favorite, "leaks and odors". Is this really necessary to sell the product? If you have these problems I think you'll know the product can take
care of them without such a graphic explanation! I don't want my sandwich any more.
2. Upon seeing a thread that's been done before, jumping immediately with a one sentence post that's something like "It's been done before". The
thread is basically over when someone chimes in with this. Maybe
I haven't seen it before and would like to respond to it rather then to a
thread thats three weeks old. You can see threads of the same topic go in completely different directions posted in two different forums at the same
time. There's no reason to belittle someone's effort just because you've seen it before, let the mods take care of it!
3. People that don't like the President need to chill with some of this stuff. I realize it's an election year and all but is it really necessary to
point out how dumb he is on every thread? I'm not voting for the guy either, but it seems like some people's ATS mission is to take every
opportunity possible to make a crack at him. It gets tiring!!
4. Stong language like "holocaust", "fascism", "Hitler", and "anti-christ" getting thrown around like nothing. The extreme meanings of these
words or ideas are lost on some people.
5. Barry Bonds - I just can't stand hearing about the son of a
any more.
There, I feel better now!