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Nearly 1,000 Pakistan women 'killed for honour'

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posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by petrus4

Men who have sex before marriage, outside of marriage should be sodomised by 72 people and killed so that he cannot go to heaven. This way prostitution will die and the world population would slowly decrease. Every female reaching the age of puberty should don a chastity belt and the keys held by the father. Maybe a little old fashion but it does away with honour killing and men can no longer enjoy sex before marriage or out of marriage like women/girls. Fair deal to both sexes.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by slanteye
reply to post by petrus4

Men who have sex before marriage, outside of marriage should be sodomised by 72 people and killed so that he cannot go to heaven. This way prostitution will die and the world population would slowly decrease. Every female reaching the age of puberty should don a chastity belt and the keys held by the father. Maybe a little old fashion but it does away with honour killing and men can no longer enjoy sex before marriage or out of marriage like women/girls. Fair deal to both sexes.
The muslim men would just invent a bunch of other lies and excuses to be able to keep on raping, torturing and killing women and dont forget that the people they murder are being killed in the name of allah (satan,imo) for allah and sacrificed to that imaginary god...
edit on 28-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by slanteye
reply to post by petrus4

Men who have sex before marriage, outside of marriage should be sodomised by 72 people and killed so that he cannot go to heaven. This way prostitution will die and the world population would slowly decrease. Every female reaching the age of puberty should don a chastity belt and the keys held by the father. Maybe a little old fashion but it does away with honour killing and men can no longer enjoy sex before marriage or out of marriage like women/girls. Fair deal to both sexes.

If you think you should be allowed to express such evil and dark thoughts legally, I think not. Just those thougths are crimes to me.

And you have no right over anyone, not their sexuality, not their premaritial sex. If they like orgies, if they are gay, any part of their sexual natures, that is of legal age, that is not forced upon them, but that they give consent to, and that is not torture or self mutilation IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, A JUDGES BUSINESS, A LEADERS BUSINESS.

Stay out of other people's lives. Unless they are in your face, murdering you or raping you, clean your mind of any dark thoughts towards them or any urge to think you own them like little dolls and can punish them or control them. THEY ARE SOVEREIGN.

Develop ZEN MIND. PEACEFUL MIND. CALM STILL STILL POOL MIND. Think only Loving thoughts towards others and work for everyones happiness, no matter what they do that you don't like.


And Can't Wait For International Laws To Ensure Every Nation On Earth Is SAFE FOR ALL PEOPLE!!!!!

What you just expressed is pure EVOL!
edit on 28-3-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Unity_99
Pakistani acid attack victim Fakhra Younus commits suicide by jumping from 6th story window in rome. More than 8,500 acid attacks,forced marriages and other forms of violence against women were reported in Pakistan in 2011 and that number is most likely an undercount >

See what i mean? This acid attack victim was a beautiful young woman and muslim men are suspicious and paranoid and they dont want their women upsetting their invisible man in the sky god allah (satan,imo) and so they throw acid in their womens faces,rape them,torture them,hang them and bury them alive again and again and again...
edit on 29-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by Unity_99
Pakistani acid attack victim Fakhra Younus commits suicide by jumping from 6th story window in rome. More than 8,500 acid attacks,forced marriages and other forms of violence against women were reported in Pakistan in 2011 and that number is most likely an undercount >

See what i mean? This acid attack victim was a beautiful young woman and muslim men are suspicious and paranoid and they dont want their women upsetting their invisible man in the sky god allah (satan,imo) and so they throw acid in their womens faces,rape them,torture them,hang them and bury them alive again and again and again...
edit on 29-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Thank you for bringing this to our attention Blocula.

Sickening the way women are treated worse than animals in these countries. This is not an isolated incident, but rather the norm.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by nightbringr
Acid victim Fakhra Younus photos,what she looked like before and after a muslim man got through with her...In The Name Of Allah!!!...(satan,imo)...And this #$@!#@$%# muslim maggot,i mean guy,poured acid on her face right in front of her 5 year old child!
edit on 29-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by nightbringr
Acid victim Fakhra Younus photos,what she looked like before and after a muslim man got through with her...In The Name Of Allah!!!...(satan,imo)...And this #$@!#@$%# muslim maggot,i mean guy,poured acid on her face right in front of her 5 year old child!
edit on 29-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

To think of all who have harmed other human beings, they have to face them all with tears running down their faces, its unbelievable to me that someone could do anythign ever to another human being, no matter what.

There is no excuse, not if they are unfaithful to you, leave you, talk back to you, think their own thoughts, act their own way, nothing, there is no excuse at all ever.

This case is very sad.

Whatever harm you cause another you do to yourself. There is no "forgiveness" in a quick way, for you have to work through with perfect knowledge what the others have gone through, and thats very hard to do.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by nusnus

I just wanted to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed your posts, it's refreshing to see someone discuss their religious beliefs without insisting everyone who doesn't believe the same will burn in hell. Faith is such a personal thing, people can't force you to believe in something it has to come from inside you.

I myself am not very versed in the Muslim religion though eventually intend to remedy that, in my quest for knowledge I am curious about history, beliefs and so forth. I appreciate the knowledge you have imparted and I thank you for speaking out against those who use religion as a weapon instead of following the actual tenets, I remember after 9/11 many were asking why the Muslim community wasn't outright condemning the act if it was against their beliefs. You just did that..Kudos.


reply to post by Unity_99

I like your ideas, oh how I wish we could make something like that work. On the upside I have always known that while I alone might not be able to change the entire world, I can in some way improve it a little. I believe that every person you come across changes your life in some way, it is a new face a new experience, an addition to all your other experiences. In keeping with that thought, if one can reach out even with a smile, a shoulder, whatever it improves that life a bit and that will be carried on.

While other parents were telling their children to stay away from this or that kid because they were bad news, I taught my daughter that if everyone turns away like that where is there hope for the person shunned. She brightens a lot of lives now, and i must say nothing feels better than knowing that you helped improve someones future

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Pixiefyre
reply to post by nusnus

I just wanted to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed your posts, it's refreshing to see someone discuss their religious beliefs without insisting everyone who doesn't believe the same will burn in hell. Faith is such a personal thing, people can't force you to believe in something it has to come from inside you.

I myself am not very versed in the Muslim religion though eventually intend to remedy that, in my quest for knowledge I am curious about history, beliefs and so forth. I appreciate the knowledge you have imparted and I thank you for speaking out against those who use religion as a weapon instead of following the actual tenets, I remember after 9/11 many were asking why the Muslim community wasn't outright condemning the act if it was against their beliefs. You just did that..Kudos.

Nusnus is a wonderful woman, Pixiefyre. Irrespective of what I might still think of Islam as an overall religion, she has proven to me that it does have good people as individual adherents; and for that reason, if no other, there is some hope.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:40 AM
Remember all those americans murdered by muslims on 911? and then the american military is made to fight back against them with strict rules and guidelines,one of which is bringing no harm to a muslim mosque? What!? After what they did to the pentagon,to the world trade center towers and all those innocent people!? If anything and in their memories,we need to be de-sensitized,we need to wake up and fast...

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by blocula
Remember all those americans murdered by muslims on 911? and then the american military is made to fight back against them with strict rules and guidelines,one of which is bringing no harm to a muslim mosque? What!? After what they did to the pentagon,to the world trade center towers and all those innocent people!? If anything and in their memories,we need to be de-sensitized,we need to wake up and fast...

The Iraqi bodycount alone, would be at least three hundred thousand times that of 9/11, at this point. Just saying.

edit on 30-3-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by petrus4

Originally posted by blocula
Remember all those americans murdered by muslims on 911? and then the american military is made to fight back against them with strict rules and guidelines,one of which is bringing no harm to a muslim mosque? What!? After what they did to the pentagon,to the world trade center towers and all those innocent people!? If anything and in their memories,we need to be de-sensitized,we need to wake up and fast...

The Iraqi bodycount alone, would be at least three hundred thousand times that of 9/11, at this point. Just saying.

edit on 30-3-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)
They chose to sow the wind and so they were made to reap the whirlwind and iran and pakistan should be next in line for one helluva reality slap across their burying women alive faces...Just saying...

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN
Theres around 1.5 billion muslims and theres so many of them because they are brain washed and deceived, paralyzed with hate,hypnotized by fear and threatened with death every sad and sorry step of the way,ever since they were little children.All perpetrated against them by paranoid and suspicious muslim men,in the name of an invisible man in the sky god allah (satan,imo) who doesnt even really exist and of course,to ensure the continuation of their relentless control and domination of their property,their servants,their pets,their supressed and too terrified to resist women...The Sword Of Militant Islam >

edit on 2-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by blocula

I don't 100% agree with all your perspective.

I do fiercely agree with your assessment of the ruthlessness of the orientation that glorifies ruthless satanic violence in the name of a tribal demonic moon god.

The violence and hostility toward one's own daughter for really rather neutral to innocent behaviors . . . is beyond words evil, to me. Even for immoral behavior--it's gross over-reaction, it seems to me. I hate suffering of every kind. Particularly for children, defenseless animals, defenseless spouses etc.

One almost hopes that their "eye for an eye" would begin to take root for every blood thirsty thing they visit upon their own children, relatives etc. Sigh.

May God have mercy on all of truly good heart toward Him and others.

May the violent evil doers . . . reap what they sow speedily that they may stop their evils.

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