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Nearly 1,000 Pakistan women 'killed for honour'

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posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Malynn

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by Malynn
I'm assuming this has'nt happened to you,but if you had two teenage daughters dragged away by muslim men and then raped,tortured and buried alive,you would probably be singing a different tune and you would most likely be screaming for vengeance against them...

edit on 24-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

*snorts* Of course I'd be upset if I had a daughter who was raped. But I would be upset about that happening to my daughter at the hands of anyone. And I'm certainly not ignorant enough to hate an entire religion because of it. If a Christian raped your daughter would you hate all Christians? Of course not.
Theres a very big difference between someone who happens to be a christain and then kills a child and someone who is a muslim and intentionally kills that child In The Name Of Allah (satan,imo) and thats why Islam Must Be Stopped, because they're killing people in order to serve their islamic religion and for praise to their islamic god...Sword Of Islam >

edit on 26-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Jameela

I have read on various forums, from young men, their confessions that they are no longer muslim, but that they go to mosque and attend all required meetings as they will otherwise be killed.

I read somewhere that women get stoned for adultery, no proof required

I just keep reading this stuff... All from this one cult, it's fascinating

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:39 PM
And why is it up to us to discuss this?

Why is this our business?

They have been doing this for thousands of years, why should we get involved?

Why should we enforce our own beliefs on others?

They have thier beliefs we have ours. Some of the things we do are disgusting to other cultures.

As I said, IMO it is none of our business whatsoever, if they have a problem with it (which they probably dont) then let them deal with it. Us going in and enforcing our beliefs and views on others will only lead to hatred, distrust and more war.

It is not our business and we would be wise to leave them to thier own devices.
edit on 26-3-2012 by TheMindWar because: Typo

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Jameela

No one is forcing you to become Muslim are they? Not recognizing my religious law is fine, no one is forcing you.

But when you say you do not recognize it because it is barbaric or unjust to give 80 lashes for drinking alcohol I feel impelled to enlighten you that it is preventative of a societal harm, as well as a personal harm. There are many models with which to govern people, socialism, communism, ,democracy, republic, monarchy and so forth yet all these sets of laws come from the mind of man. In our society we have a higher law, one that comes from Allah (God).

No one has ownership over any other person, and may dictate anyones behavior unless that said person is directly in your face, murdering, beating or raping you, ie harming you. And even then, healing and forgiveness and counseling/restoration of the person's sanity is what really counts.

As to forcing religion, and personal choice, it is not the personal choice of children to be indoctrinated into things that are abhorrent to equality and human rights, but it is a CULT OF EVIL. This is not one person going to a remote area and choosing to whip themselves, burka themselves, indoctrinate and brainwash themselves apart and away from everyone, and not speaking it out loud to others, not throwing stones in another's pool or poisoning the wells of their own souls and choices and freedoms.

That is a CRIME!

Fishing in the Phoenix Earthship

Imagine 7 billion people living freely and without any slavery or ownership or control. You may not dictate to them what to wear, what to drink or take in their bodies, the only thing we have the right to do is to protect people in these families and homes and nations from being abused, bullied, controlled or harmed by others, and the WORLD needs to do so with nations.

The ability to strike, whip, lash, corporally punish, dictate to, control comes from TPTB and the NEGAVITE DRACO's not from Love and Goodness/God, who does not ever harm anyone but merely arrives in the Frequency of Heaven, or Beyond, for even that word is coded to heavy and hell. And, the question is, can you stand in that frequency yet or will you still sleep and dream this nightmare?
edit on 26-3-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN
The Stoning and Public Hanging of Women in Islam! The True Value of Women in Islam! >

Hanging Children In Iran >

Honor killing happens in all Islamic counties and thanks to the immigration of Muslims it is now spreading into Europe,America,Australia and Canada...

16 Year Old Girl Buried Alive in Turkey: Honor Killing is about Islam >
edit on 26-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN
Muslims are murdering Christians...Blasphemy law,a sword hanging over our heads >

I think allah is satan and i would be swinging by the neck from a portable crane tomorrow,for saying that today,if i said it in iran or pakistan or any other country whos people have enslaved themselves to someone none of them have ever seen,heard,touched,tasted or smelled other words allah (satan,imo)
edit on 26-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by nusnus

Well if you don't believe in the other side, ofcourse you don't

What the hell you talking about! I believe in the other side.

Not only that but I believe in the other side of the other side, and this side of that side, and any which side of some side you never heard of about. In fact there are to many side I believe in, I will have to cut and get rid of some and bring it down to something more manageable.

I think I will have to cut down on all the other sides that I believe in to something around a few hundred thousand other sides. And definitely got to get rid of some of these gods, to dam many to keep track off, in fact one god might be one god to many.

But hey you can believe in anything you want.

But for people like me, who see a far more greater meaning in life than just being born, eating, #ting, socializing and dying and getting away with whatever I could get away with, religion is a simple means to an end.

There is more to life then just being born, eating, #ing, socializing, dying, and getting away with whatever you can get away with...There is also pissing, bumping your head into things, steeping in poop on sunny days, and all kinds of things you wont get away with. And religion can also be a means to no end.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:29 AM
Even if one American child was killed by a Muslim Jihadist from Iran,i would have ordered the American Airforce to terror bomb Tehran with a relentless and brutal rain of fiery hell and screaming steel from the sky,both night and day for a week,to try and ensure they would never dare do it again...
edit on 27-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by blocula
Theres a very big difference between someone who happens to be a christain and then kills a child and someone who is a muslim and intentionally kills that child In The Name Of Allah (satan,imo) and thats why Islam Must Be Stopped, because they're killing people in order to serve their islamic religion and for praise to their islamic god...Sword Of Islam >


And, . . . " . . . the beat . . . errrr the ragged knife edge . . . slices on . . . This from:


Dad slays daughter for having US actors on mobile
By StaffPublished Monday, March 26, 2012

An Algerian man used a kitchen knife to slaughter his 16-year-old daughter after discovering pictures of American and Turkish actors in her mobile phone.
. . .

“When he was alone with her at home, he grabbed her and put the knife on her neck…he then slaughtered her like a sheep.”

Given the blood lust of the king of hell . . . I'm sure his 'honor' and hollow laughter were quite increased.


My puzzlement is . . . how does such an MUSLIM RELIGIONIST calculate when the 'honor' from such a murder surpasses the dishonor of going to jail?

Or in some twisted way, is the going to jail for such a murder also part of the 'honor?'

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by blocula

Welll, my Muslim roommate . . . after an exhaustive study of the origins of Islam . . . would agree with you.

And, his research was plenty convincing, to me.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by blocula

That's part of what . . . more than sticks in my craw . . . just does not compute for me . . .

What happens in a father's mind . . .

What RELIGIOUS MUMBO-JUMBO gets a ruthless iron grip on his mental faculties so intensely

that a father, a dad, a patriarch . . . a protector of his own flesh and blood

could even IMAGINE

to bury his own flesh and blood DAUGHTER ALIVE?

Is empathy non-existent in such Muslim constructions on reality?

I thought they pretended out of one side of their mouth that their Allah was merciful, munificent and that they wanted to be like Him?

Oh, right . . . that merciful, munificent business is for only 10 minutes a day or for argument and the media. The rest of the time it's ruthlessness, blood-letting and mayhem in 'honor' of the demonic moon god.

I wonder if he will enjoy the 'empathetic pleasures' of being repeatedly buried alive in hell for quite a long time.

After all . . . his own values teach an eye for an eye; a life for a life; . . . plus the reaping what's sown business . . .

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by TheMindWar

And why is it up to us to discuss this?

Why is this our business?

They have been doing this for thousands of years, why should we get involved?

Why should we enforce our own beliefs on others?

I gather you're NOT of the 'I AM my brother's keeper' persuasion.

And that you DO believe 'Every man is an island.'

And that 'Whatever is right for you is right for you and whatever is right for me is right for me--as long as I don't p**s on your parade?'

Welllllll here we have More demonstration of a lack of critical thought, it seems to me.

I realize that the satanic Marxist globalists as a transition meme, set of pseudo-pretend 'values,'

have propagandized, brainwashed, mind-controlled the masses of the Western world into believing that

NOTHING is inherently right or wrong on principle . . . or according to God . . . or based on some eternal value.

Therefore . . . everyone can be their own little gods running around doing as they wish.

And while lip-service is given to--"as long as you don't harm others," . . .


Your post illustrates that quite well.

'Live and let live'

It's their RIGHT to cruelly torture, murder, shred their own flesh and blood. What's the purpose in having children if one can't willfully on a whim get a pique of RELIGIOUS and personal pride torturously murder them in a splendid spectical of spewing blood? /sarc

They are, after all, MERELY living out THEIR right and wrong.

And gaining geopolitical power inch by inch . . . massive family size by family size . . . until more and more geographies and OTHER RELIGIONS AND CULTURES are effectively brought under their SWORDS OF ISLAM; THEIR Sharia law; THEIR MURDEROUS GENOCIDAL MANIA.

So, anthropology decrees from all of recorded history that Europe is already lost to the SWORD OF ISLAM because the birthrate of NON-Muslim Europeans is well blow replacement levels. And the USA would be the same except for illegal immigrants.

And even at their RELATIVELY LOW numbers, "honor killings" already take place with increasing frequency in the USA . . . and some idiot pretend-"Americans" are justifying it and want to sanction such as OK under ISLAMIC LAW.

What kind of Alice's rabbit hole have we plunged down?

Who put '___' in our water and national psyche?

When did the inmates take over the assylum?

How long do people mindlessly fantasize that "CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG" will last until the Muslims are powerful enough to EXACT SHARIA LAW on the whole land? . . . in Europe . . . in Detroit?

Do you think YOUR DAUGHTER is safe indefinitely from offending MUSLIM ISLAMIC HONOR sufficiently to live a ripe old age?


edit on 27/3/2012 by BO XIAN because: fix quote

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by LaborofLove


I'm sure the daughters being raped, sliced and buried alive find the whole experience

[color=ff0000]VERY FASCINATING

. . . in between being in excruciating terror and pain . . .

and incredulity . . . that their own fathers could do such a horrific blood-thirsty thing.

Just be sure to leave the Muslims alone to 'do [color=ff0000]THEIR THING.

Oh, sorry, please step over the body parts . . . watch out for the blood spatters on your Easter dress.

Have you shopped for a required burqa yet?

Sharia law is advancing . . .

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN
These muslim people are brainwashed and threatened with death from early childhood and throughout their entire lives...

They are all kept in a constant state of paranoia,suspicion and fear and their organized islamic religion has warped their minds and turned them into blood thirsty avengers,hell bent on worshiping,praising and satisfying allah (satan,imo)...

Muslim men consider their women to be property,nothing more than slaves,servants,pets and baby making machines,more and more muslims to occupy the world...

I think they are killing all these women,children and men,because they are literally sacrificing them to their god,just like the aztecs and mayans who tore the beating hearts out of their sacrificial victims and then offered them to their gods,who didnt even really exist...

And knowing that,also realize that i work with a hard core muslim man whos around 50 years old and he tells people very plainly and bluntly that the main goal of islam is to force the entire worlds human population to become muslim and eliminate all those who will not bow down to allah (satan,imo) and someday it will be that way...

Theres already right now around 1,500,000,000 muslims on earth and thats just about 25% of the entire worlds population...

They want to continue sacrificing the men,women and children of the western world to allah (satan,imo) because of the ways we think and act,until theres none of us left and so they must be ruthlessly stopped in their tracks where they stand right now,before its too late for us to do anything about their relentless advance...

Pakistan has lots of nuclear weapons,seriously,think about that...

Remember all those thousands of innocent people who were killed on 911 !!! And never forget them !!! They are the ones we should be ever avenging !!!
edit on 27-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 10:15 AM
I found this positive. And yet so sad, so many are killed. In Iran they are struggling very hard to be FREE.

Letters from Iran - Green Movement and freedom for Iranians

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by blocula

Very worthy and apt points, imho.

May The Lord God of Israel rescue as many Muslims as possible, into a true relationship with Him.

What a bleak religion. What a bleak existence . . . with all the wealth of Arabia . . . the bleakness still screams out from the tortured souls yearning for FREEDOM and sanity . . . even merely . . .


posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Thanks for the link.

Heart-rending, imho.

Glimmers of hope amidst seas of tragic horror.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by blocula
And knowing that,also realize that i work with a hard core muslim man whos around 50 years old and he tells people very plainly and bluntly that the main goal of islam is to force the entire worlds human population to become muslim and eliminate all those who will not bow down to allah (satan,imo) and someday it will be that way...

Theres already right now around 1,500,000,000 muslims on earth and thats just about 25% of the entire worlds population...

They want to continue sacrificing the men,women and children of the western world to allah (satan,imo) because of the ways we think and act,until theres none of us left and so they must be ruthlessly stopped in their tracks where they stand right now,before its too late for us to do anything about their relentless advance...

I don't know how we can prevent this. I don't know whether we can.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

The tortured fellow who escaped via Turkey to assylum in France . . . noted . . . that one of the most brutal chief tortturers was


INDEED. Islam was FOUNDED on brutality, blood lust, conquest, mayhem.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by petrus4

Originally posted by blocula
And knowing that,also realize that i work with a hard core muslim man whos around 50 years old and he tells people very plainly and bluntly that the main goal of islam is to force the entire worlds human population to become muslim and eliminate all those who will not bow down to allah (satan,imo) and someday it will be that way...

Theres already right now around 1,500,000,000 muslims on earth and thats just about 25% of the entire worlds population...

They want to continue sacrificing the men,women and children of the western world to allah (satan,imo) because of the ways we think and act,until theres none of us left and so they must be ruthlessly stopped in their tracks where they stand right now,before its too late for us to do anything about their relentless advance...

I don't know how we can prevent this. I don't know whether we can.

I don't think in the natural realm, it can be prevented.

The satanic globalist oligarchy WILL be in charge for 3.5-7 years per Biblical prophecies.

Armageddon will put a stop to it. But that's still a lot of years of horrific blood letting and ruthless blood lust.

I don't know what will happen or when the Muslims will wake up and realize they are being used as merely one half of a genocidal plan to depopulate the earth to a major degree.

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