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Who is behind Lewinsky scandal?

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posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 07:02 PM
248. Secret deal and payment (8/19)

1. In April 2001, an US spy plane EP-3 collided with a Chinese fighter above the South sea of China. An article said a secret deal was reached for releasing the spy plane and its crew.
It said in secret deal, officials of FBI and DEA were the signatories and guarantors. Why FBI and DEA involved in a diplomatic and military event? I then concluded it's a secret deal between Feds and Chinese secret police in the name of settlement of EP-3 plane. The real deal was to frame a drug case to demolish a witness of the crime of D.O.J. committed.

I was puzzled quite a while at the amount of payment for that deal. The article said it was 40 billion dollars. That was a big amount. How could Feds have that much money? I had the answer a few months later. It was an economic benefit equivalence. Later that year, China was granted to host Olympic 2008 and was approved to be a member of WTO. Media said it would benefit China billions of dollars worth. Now we could see the result. The economy of China had a big leap forward since then. China now is the sixth big economy power in the world. The worth of payment exceeds far from 40 billion dollars.

2. On 6/10/2002, Ashcroft announced the arrest of Padilla in Moscow. In a message on 6/15 I alleged there was a secret deal between D.o.J
. and Russia that there would be a "terror bombing" to US. As usual, there always was a payment for the secret deal.

The bribe paid quickly this time. Because the demand of Iraq war was urgent. Same month on 6/27 in the meeting of G-8 in Canada, Russia was granted 20 billions of dollars within 10 years in the name of demolishing its WMD. Russia was also granted to host G-8 in 2006 which meant it was approved to be a partner of G-7.

What Russia was requested to do was to pass information to US intelligence in oral and written form that Iraq planned to attack US in the fall of 2002.(That's what we outsiders are able to know so far due to the 6/19/04 news release. Russia might have done more to plant.) The purpose was to frame Iraq as mastermind in a "terror attack" to US.

The planned "terror attack" soured for some reason. US bought the ticket but didn't go to the theater. So when it wanted to see the film again, it had to buy another ticket. So secret deal repeated.

3. Since my continual revelation of secret deal, now they put relevant figures and news in inconspicuous place.

Re: "5/17/2004 (S.J.M.N. brief news)
Rice pleased with talks on Iraq policy

The US and Russia are now" on the same page "regarding the future of Iraq despite disputes,"... national security adviser Condoleezza Rice met in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the weekend to discuss next stage in the Iraq occupation..."

Re: "5/22/2004 (S.J.M.N. brief news)
Moscow signals support for long-stalled treaty

Russia signaled Friday that it would ratify the Kyoto climate-change treaty in exchange for European support for its bid to join the World Trade Organization."

I alleged another secret deal was done and the payment this time is WTO. (US opened green light for it) The plot had a tight schedule. Ten days later on 5/26, D.O.J. (Ashcroft and Mueller) announced the "coming attack in summer". On 6/19, when the plot soured, to take maximum advantage of the deal, they still let Putin give a news that Russia knew Iraq had planned to attack US. To save Bush's fame and also to prepare for the next plot in July.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 05:21 PM
249. Secret deal and July plot (8/24)

The partners of the secret deal were Russia and China. Russia would prove Iraq had planned to attack US. China would frame a drug case for D.O.J.. These two countries were chosen because they had been hostile to US in cold war so the framed case would be believable if proved by them.

The hand behind US is D.O.J.. Attorney General Ashcroft, chiefs of FBI, DEA were involved. Other high ranking officials, like President Bush, V.P. Cheney, National Security Adviser Rice are only puppets, worked for D.O.J.

The first secret deal (EP-3 spy plane's case on Apr. 2001) was signed in written form. That's why both directors of FBI and DEA resigned. Because there was evidence. To avoid more resignation, the later deals were all in oral form and were made in partner's Capital. As we saw that Ashcroft in Moscow (6/10/02); Cheney in Beijing (4/13/04) Mueller in Beijing (4/20/04 ?) Rice in Moscow (5/15/04) Rice in Beijing (7/8/04). And we heard Bush passed confirmation that, "America's word, once given, can be relied on....". They acted like Mafia. ( see #245)

I had revealed these secret deals. So they sent Condoleezza Rice for the mission. She was female and was less noticeable. Her trip to Moscow in May was in a low key. D.O.J. probably thought it was a success. After the failure of 6/19 plot, they again planned a multi-nations drug case on 7/16 and sent Rice to Beijing to deal with China.

Rice met with top Chinese leaders on 7/8. On same day, Tom Ridge warned a large scale attacks from Al Qaida. On 7/13, US expressed regret on Philippines' early withdrawal of its troops in Iraq. Same day, China condemned Singapore for its leader's visiting to Taiwan. Next day, China warns US on policies.

Re: Beijing Says Stances on Taiwan, Hong Kong May Hurt Relations
By Glenn Kessler, Washington Post Staff Writer, July 14, 2004;

All these were the psychological pre-praparation for the framed drug case. It would make the framed drug case look more credible because all the countries involved having diplomatic conflicts. To divert public's attention there would be large scale terror attacks followed. (see #241, 242, 243)

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 05:29 PM
Ultimately it was Bill Clinton who was behind the Lewinsky scandal. That little white blotch on the blue Gap dress was not a CIA plant, sorry. Of course, the scenario where his enemies used the situation & Lewinsky to further their ends is highly plausible--par for the course, didn't Hoover do this with Kennedy 100x over? But I think ultimately the buck stops with Bill & his lack of self-control.

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 02:25 PM
Clinton was the one behind "Lewinsky scandal"? According to your logic, then JFK was the one behind "Assassinating President Kennedy". Is that absurd?


252. Saddam and secret deal (9/4)

In April, a news in Internet said American authorities arranged a meeting of the former Iraqi dictator with his wife.

Quote, "The outcome of their meeting turned out to be quite scandalous. Sajina claims that the person she encountered was not her husband, but his double."

Then I learned the visiting was requested by Russians.

Re: "Mrs Saddam says Saddam is not Saddam
Joe Vialls | June 18 2004

After the Russians applied enormous diplomatic pressure, America was finally obliged to allow Sajida Heiralla Tuffah access to her husband in Qatar.....
Sajida entered the prison, emerging only moments later pink with rage and shouting, "This is not my husband but his double. Where is my husband? Take me to my husband".

American officials rushed forward to shield Mrs Saddam from perplexed Russian observers, trying to insist that Saddam had changed a lot while in custody and she probably didn't recognise him. .... "You think I do not know my husband?" Sajida shouted furiously, "I was married to the man for more than twenty-five years!" Then she stormed off, never to return.

This remarkable confrontation was reported by Pravda and four other newspapers in the east between 13 and 17 April, but the New York Times and others made damn sure you didn't read or hear about it in the west. After all, this was an integral part of Wall Street's psychological campaign to convince the public that America was "Winning the War", so please to send more sons and body bags to Iraq."

When I first saw this news, my first thought was that Saddam was dead already. The puzzle was why US arranged such a meeting.

Why it's not German or French but Russian had such a request? Why Russian was so interested to know the true identity of "Saddam in custody"? Why US authority gave Russian such a privilege that they particularly arranged a meeting of Saddam and his wife for the Russian observers?

Putin's announcement on 6/19/04 that Iraq had planned to attack US resolved all these puzzle.
US team for the secret deal request Russia President Putin to deliver the information to public personally. So the framed case would look credible. (Or the so said "terror attack" wronged Saddam as mastermind.) Russian President cared about his own reputation if the lie would be revealed. To assure Russian it would be safe to tell a lie, US arranged such a meeting to prove Saddam was dead already. The "Saddam" in custody was only a double. Then we see Russian observers watching Saddam's wife visited her husband in April. Condoleezza Rice went to Moscow in May (to confirm the deal) Then D.O.J. announced the "summer terror attack" in later May. Though the June "terror attack" soured, Putin still delivered the news that Iraq had planned to attack US.

As a matter of fact, Saddam had been US ally in 1980's. US had supported Iraq with bio-chemical material in "Iran-Iraq war." Saddam must have known many secret deal between Iraq and US. They won't keep him alive.


If Feds call you and defame my message, it is a tactic of intimidation. They don't want people know the fact.
It also proves what I wrote are truth. They are afraid of it.

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 02:29 PM
Clinton was the one behind "Lewinsky scandal"? According to your logic, then JFK was the one behind "Assassinating President Kennedy". Is that absurd?


252. Saddam and secret deal (9/4)

In April, a news in Internet said American authorities arranged a meeting of the former Iraqi dictator with his wife.

Quote, "The outcome of their meeting turned out to be quite scandalous. Sajina claims that the person she encountered was not her husband, but his double."

Then I learned the visiting was requested by Russians.

Re: "Mrs Saddam says Saddam is not Saddam
Joe Vialls | June 18 2004

After the Russians applied enormous diplomatic pressure, America was finally obliged to allow Sajida Heiralla Tuffah access to her husband in Qatar.....
Sajida entered the prison, emerging only moments later pink with rage and shouting, "This is not my husband but his double. Where is my husband? Take me to my husband".

American officials rushed forward to shield Mrs Saddam from perplexed Russian observers, trying to insist that Saddam had changed a lot while in custody and she probably didn't recognise him. .... "You think I do not know my husband?" Sajida shouted furiously, "I was married to the man for more than twenty-five years!" Then she stormed off, never to return.

This remarkable confrontation was reported by Pravda and four other newspapers in the east between 13 and 17 April, but the New York Times and others made damn sure you didn't read or hear about it in the west. After all, this was an integral part of Wall Street's psychological campaign to convince the public that America was "Winning the War", so please to send more sons and body bags to Iraq."

When I first saw this news, my first thought was that Saddam was dead already. The puzzle was why US arranged such a meeting.

Why it's not German or French but Russian had such a request? Why Russian was so interested to know the true identity of "Saddam in custody"? Why US authority gave Russian such a privilege that they particularly arranged a meeting of Saddam and his wife for the Russian observers?

Putin's announcement on 6/19/04 that Iraq had planned to attack US resolved all these puzzle.
US team for the secret deal request Russia President Putin to deliver the information to public personally. So the framed case would look credible. (Or the so said "terror attack" wronged Saddam as mastermind.) Russian President cared about his own reputation if the lie would be revealed. To assure Russian it would be safe to tell a lie, US arranged such a meeting to prove Saddam was dead already. The "Saddam" in custody was only a double. Then we see Russian observers watching Saddam's wife visited her husband in April. Condoleezza Rice went to Moscow in May (to confirm the deal) Then D.O.J. announced the "summer terror attack" in later May. Though the June "terror attack" soured, Putin still delivered the news that Iraq had planned to attack US.

As a matter of fact, Saddam had been US ally in 1980's. US had supported Iraq with bio-chemical material in "Iran-Iraq war." Saddam must have known many secret deal between Iraq and US. They won't keep him alive.


If Feds call you and defame my message, it is a tactic of intimidation. They don't want people know the fact.
It also proves what I wrote are truth. They are afraid of it.

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 02:43 PM

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 02:43 PM
It 's me--- I promise to say the true... OK ???

posted on Nov, 18 2004 @ 01:27 PM
251. Mortgage rate and September plot (8/29)

In message "245. Framed case and "terror attack" (8/4)" I talked about Bush passed a signal to China that US was ready for another framed case on 7/30, and Ridge raised alarm code in some financial area to orange colour on 8/1. I pointed out it was an intimidation from D.O.J. to financial group not to raise interest rate too quick because Feds have a large investment in real estates.

I think my revelation was very accurate. We can see since then there was a confusion. Feds hurried throwing out a case that they arrested an Al Qaida man in Pakistan. In his computer they found the chart of those financial buildings. Feds justified the terror warning by this information. And then the information was revealed being four years old; and then the news said information was renewed half year ago; and then we knew the arrested Al Qaida computer expert was an informant.Informant? So Feds could explain in the way whatever they wanted to.

But as I said in message on 8/4, "It was probably an intimidation: "Don't raise interest rate too quick.We have big interest in housing market." Although Federal Reserve still raised the benchmark interest rate a quarter point on 8/10, the interest of Bonds went in opposite direction: downwards. Because it is linked to home mortgage rate.

In a report on 8/21, World Journal said, "Despite the Federal Reserve Bank has raised the interest rate, the rate of home mortgage loan, instead, is sliding downwards. In July, the interest rate of 30 years' fixed mortgage loan was between 6.21% to 5.98%. But this week, it descends to 5.81%."

The conflict way of rising prime rate vs dropping home loan rate proves what I said is right. The terror bombing intimidation works. The financial group who controls market, have to give way to the interest of Feds. Which creates a strange phenomenon: The rate of home loans drops while the main interest rate is rising.

Then what happens to 9/21, the next date when Federal Reserve will have another meeting and likely to raise the benchmark rate another quarter of point? The contradictory mortgage rate can't maintain too long.

As usual, Feds frame new drug cases and arrange parties. It almost becomes routine for them recently. One is on 9/2, my father's birthday. The other one is Dr. Wang's wife's birthday. ( I had spelled Dr. Wang as Dr. Huang in message 241, 242. I only knew his legal name should be Wang when I saw his invitation note a few days ago.) Feds make it a big one. My wife has booked hotel rooms for Dr. Wang's relatives from Singapore for the party. Feds tries to net as many people as possible.

It's convenient to frame a drug case. Secret police are skilled for it. China and US has practised for years. Singapore and Philippines are the new partners.

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 04:39 PM
253. September plot (9/9)

In "251. Mortgage rate and September plot (8/29)" I talked about Feds arranged another framed drug case in September before 9/21 when Federal Reserve likely will raise the benchmark interest rate another quarter of point. They arranged two big party on 9/2 and 9/18.
The following is what happened around 9/2.

1. On 9/2, I was harassed by Internet attack. Slow procession; losing connection to Internet; Window being occupied by popped up frames......, in about an hour, I spent most time to struggle against various tech. problem and could only post two messages to the web-site. At last, I had to abandon the effort. I realized it was 9/2. Feds designated it for an action. They tried either blocking me to report in Internet what happened or forcing me out to join my father's birthday party. Of course, I wouldn't go to that party in San Francisco.

2. On 9/4, World Journal reported, "San Francisco prosecutors and police collaborated to arrest 12 drug offenders". " On 9/3, San Francisco City announced the arrest of drug suspects......On 8/19 Police had arrested several people whom involved in the case, the rest whom involved in were arrested on 9/2...... Mayor said, the action is just the beginning, not end." I think if I had attended my father's birthday party, the title of that news would have been much bigger. Feds made the 9/3 announcement a big one when Mayer, chief of police and general Attorney of San Francisco all presented. The original purpose of 9/2 arrest targeted at me and people who knew my story. And of course, it's not the end, Feds prepared another big party which will be held in San Francisco on 9/18."

3. Just days before 9/2, a Chinese film "Hero" went public in US theaters. It was the best sell film in early September. The value of booking office overpassed tens of million dollars. "Hero" is a production of China state running company. It went to public three years ago. US distributer held it in the hand for more than a year. So the time it went public was not a coincidence. I allege it was a part of payment to China for framing a drug case.

4. In five days' weather forecast on 9/1(S.J.M.N.), I had the high temperature: 9/1: 82
9/2: 78; 9/3: 95; 9/4: 100; 9/5: 97;. The high temperature used to be in the range of 80's in August. The sudden jump to upper 90's alarmed me. I noticed the turning point was on 9/2.
To my experience, Feds used to change weather to help their case. Why they need a hot weather this time? I got the answer on 9/6. At that day, twice the power supply to my house was broken up. Feds created a heat climate to justify the outage of power supply. In previous attempted framed drug cases, twice they cut the power supply. One was in 8/14/03, they made it a big one. There was a great blackout in New York and north-east America. The other one was in 12/20/03 in San Francisco. I alleged the purpose was to disable the alarm system, either to loot or to plant. Feds used to let out a pre-propaganda to justify unusual phenomenon by media. So this time we saw in Mercury News: " Power demand peaked at 45,597 megawatts Wednesday(9/8)...... Until this year, the state's record for power use was 43,609 megawatts, set in July 1999." (S.J.M.N. 9/9/04)

And they made it a covert one. Media rarely talked about the recent high temperature for days.Each day's high temperature was about 96 degree, almost always a degree below the history record. Could they control it so accurately to one degree below the record or they just manipulate the figure? History temperature record was made in different years, but one degree below history record was almost made by a consecutive days period. So, it's still unusual.

Feds also made it a long one. From 9/3 to today it is one week already. Mercury News said the temperature record was not broken. But "The recent heat wave is only unusual for how long it has loomed, says National Weather Service forecaster Steven Anderson. "It prolonged past the normal three to four days," Anderson says."

It seems Feds will prolong it further, or repeat the heat on another date - 9/18, the next party date. They are in a hurry. They have big pressure from D.O.J. (The unusual weather could return to normal after my revelation as Feds used to do cover up job.)

See blackout at: "191. Framing a case in December (12/26)", "167. The frame case is going on (9/26)"

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 06:33 PM
254. Possible regime change of Taiwan. (9/14)

In last message I alleged Feds used film income as part of payment. But tens millions of dollars is not enough for a framing case. In 2001 case they paid an equivalence of 40 billions of dollars. In Dec. 2003, the payment is mainly political in which Bush banned the corruptive officials to enter US and firmly rebuked Taiwan for its intention of independence. What will be the payment for this case? I think it's Taiwan, again.

There was a president election in Taiwan on 3/20/04. National Party(N.P.) and Democrat Progress Party(D.P.P.) are the two rivals. D.P.P. is a strong advocate of Taiwan independence.
Thus it is the most dislike of Chinese government. Since D.P.P. performed badly in past four years ruling of Taiwan, general opinion was D.P.P. would lose the election at a 10% margin.

On 3/19/04, one day before the election, Taiwan president Chen Shui Bian and Vice president Lui Show Lian(both are D.P.P.) were shot in a campaign parade. The rival National Party, shocked at the incident, canceled the last minute campaign rush. D.P.P., on the contrary, activated all their propaganda, accusing this was a political assassination from opposition. D.P.P. won the next day election at a slight majority - a 0.2% victory.

When Taiwanese recovered from the shock and knew the truth of shooting, they protested. The bullets were hand made. Both president and vice president were shot but the wound were miraculously slight that they even went on the campaign for sometime. It was more like a conspiracy to cheat sympathetic votes than an assassination. The rival party put the case into the court.

On 4/9, the famous criminal appraiser, Dr. Li Chong Yue( I don't know his English name) went to Taiwan to investigate the evidence of that shooting. Dr. Li is an authority in criminal investigation. People believe it was his testimony in O.J.Simpson's case that quited Simpson from guilty in his wife's murder case.

Dr. Li had a news conference on 8/28 in which he announced his investigation report. Dr. Li emphasized that because the powder was not strong enough, the gun was a home made one. And the wounding part were not lethal. He absolutely excluded the shooting was a political assassination. He said, the "3/19 shooting" was a strange case he had ever heard of. It was historical because "President and vice president" were shot at the same time, and the weapon was a home-made gun. "Dr. Li has connection with chiefs of US intelligence from time to time. It was said the counterpart of US had concerned Dr. Li about the development of "3/19 investigation". Dr. Li also confirmed that US had "unofficially" taken care of this case." (referred from "Overseas Newspaper, Week-end, 9/5/04)

There was another news from Taiwan. The General Attorney of Taiwan, Mr. Lu Ren Fa was disappointed at Dr. Li's news conference. He said Dr. Li had promised to keep his investigation report confidential. He didn't know what made Dr. Li broke his promise.

It was not a coincidence that on 8/25, the Legislative Council of Taiwan passed a resolution to establish an "Independent Commission of 3/19 shooting investigation". Dr. Li's announcement would direct this "Special Mission" to go on the road of "not a political murder". Which eventually can lead to a regime change.

3/19 shooting case was same thing like 3/11 Madrid bombing. All aimed at election. They were done by intelligence. I think US intelligence were the hands behind it. The sad thing is, once it touches the interest of US intelligence, anytime the beneficiary could become a sacrifice.

Condoleezza Rice made deal with China in early July. It took some time to arrange for an "Independent Mission" in Taiwan's Legislation. But all were ready in later August for the September plot. They made it an extraordinary big one. Big shots of San Francisco gathered for that case on 9/3. (and possibly 9/18) It will be a multi-nation one. China, Singapore, possibly Philippines will be involved. This plot designed to fulfill before 9/21, the date Greenspan is going to raise the interest rate.

posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 06:39 PM
255. Development of message 254 (9/19)

On 9/18, Mercury News reported, "Official denies data leaks to Taiwan
(New York Times)

Keyser, a senior adviser to Secretary of State Colin Powell on Chinese issues, was charged Wednesday with not reporting a secret side trip he made to Taiwan last year during an official government trip to Japan, and officials say they suspect that he passed delicate information to Taiwanese contacts in Washington."

TV broadcast the picture of agents in "FBI" jacket working on the scene (arrest?). It also broadcast the shot when Keyser contacted two Taiwanese intelligence officials. Keyser denied he had shared any classified information with the Taiwanese. He said the document he gave to Taiwanese was "Talking points". According to senior officials, it was common in diplomatic practice. The high ranking officials of Taiwan said that it's hard to imagine FBI would beat the drum on such an event. They thought there was some other thing behind it. But they didn't know what was the motive.

I know what is it. It was the result of my last message. On 9/14, I alleged that to a secret deal, Intelligence would conduct an investigation of 3/19 presidents' shooting case of Taiwan which will at last cause a regime change in Taiwan. Though the news made it vague on the date Keyser was arrested, I found Wednesday was 9/15, the day next to my revelation.

The two events they charged Keyser were past tense. Keyser's trip to Taiwan took place last year; his delivery of document took place on 7/31. He was under surveillance and the scene was pictured. It was the best chance to make an arrest then, but FBI didn't. Why did they do it on 9/15?

Intelligence tries to justify their attempt to change regime of Taiwan. The arrest of Keyser gives people an impression Taiwan is doing espionage work in US. It also could block the mouth of people who are pro-Taiwan. It was done in a hurry. Just like when I pointed out it was an intimidation to financial group when Feds raised the terror alarm code to orange color in certain financial area in August, they hurried throwing out an "Al Qaida computer expert" to justify the action. The arrested expert was an informant as finally revealed. This time, too, after I revealed the plot of D.O.J., they picked up a man who was already under surveillance to create an espionage-like case. Despite how reluctant the case is. It was a cover up case for the secret deal. It was a swift reaction to my revelation as they always do.

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 07:54 PM
A destroyed face played the propadanda to its utmost.

1. Most poison were used to hurt victim's health, on the purpose to take their lives. A poison to destroy someone's face is rarely heard. Does Dioxin only influence the skin of victim's face? Or the skin of all body? Though I don't know what happened to Yushchenko's body, it seems the skin of his neck and hands are all right.

2. Yushchenko vigorously active in election. It seems the poison didn't hurt his health much.

3. Yushchenko and Western media beat the drum said that he was poisoned. It seems the poison was selected for propaganda much more than killing.

4. Motive is important in any case. Who benefit from this election if the victim having a destroyed face?

5. Is perpetrator an amateur who selected a wrong poison to let others know that Yushchenko was obviously poisoned? Or just want to have a propaganda?

Is Yushchenko a superman? Or is new KGB too incompetent? Or something else?

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 07:27 PM
About poison.

Arafat was dead. You can expect who did it. Feds did it too, in a more covert way. I have experience.

181. Soup (11/21/2003)

Poisoning is a traditional method to murder. There is no exception for Feds. But they do it in different way. They made it more like a natural disease or sometimes, directly plant virus or germ to the victims.

Sometime about 92 (? If I can't remember the exact time, I put a "?") my wife started to suggest me to go to the restaurant which Mr. X owned. Mr. X was a seller in Flea market. I thought he was an informant of Feds so I refused. My wife kept suggesting to go to Mr. X's restaurant although she knew I didn't like him and that restaurant was far away from our house. Her repeating suggestion caused my suspicion. What was it for?

One day when I was having meal with my wife, she took out two cups of soup. She gave me one "This beef soup is for you. I have that WonTon soup. I bought them from Mr. X's restaurant."

The long accumulated suspicion broke out. I was angry. "You know my opinion about Mr.X. Why are you keeping request me to eat his food? Is there something in the soup? You drink it." I pushed the beef soup cup to her.

My wife didn't say a word. She sat there, lowered her head, dare not to watch me. When I urged her " drink it, why you dare not drink it?" She had a strange reaction. She held a piece of chopstick, soaked it into the beef soup, then slowly put the chopstick into her mouth. She might drink a drop of soup or even less. Obviously she was forced to do so. So she herself suspected the soup might have been poisoned. That's the only way she could do then. Looked like tasting a little soup.

After my anger relaxed, I realized my wife was forced to do so. I hurried finish the meal. Left her behind to take care of that full cup of beef soap. Later when I got familiar with Feds tactic, I know that even she drank the whole cup of soup. Nothing would happen.

182. Sandwich

when I went to Galt Market every Tuesday then, I used to buy my lunch a day before from a Vietnamese food store. The customers were Asian people because the food was traditional Asian style. So it caught my eye when I saw a white man in sandwich cabinet whom was talking with sales ladies. The white man left right away when he saw me coming in. I felt it was unusual because he left without buying anything.

I told the sales ladies I want three sandwiches. The sales ladies looked flurried, turned their sights away and walked away to take care other customers whom came later. I was left alone for a few minutes. It was a deliberate negligence, I was angry. Then another saleslady just coming from other room picked my order. She took three already made sandwiches from a saving cabinet for me. It was unusual because they always made it on order. (customer could choose different meat and vegetables) The odd things puzzled me. It seemed they got these sandwiches particularly prepared for me.

Next day, after a busy morning, I was hungry. Looking at the sandwiches, I recalled the strange scene the day before and beef soup event. Did they put some poison in sandwich? I tried a small bite, taste is normal, than another bite.... I finished a sandwich, threw away the other two and waited for something to happen. Nothing happened.

It was contradict to my suspicion of poisoning. The above two events puzzled me for sometime. What happened exactly?

186. Slow poison (12/6) (continue to message 181 and 182)

When I thought over what happened to the sandwich and beef soup. I recalled an article in Readers' digest. It was a story about a defect Russian pilot.

Lt. Viktor Belenko drove a Mig-25 to Nakodate, Japan on 9/6/1976. The Mig-25 was the most advanced fighter in Russia at that time. US experts flied to Japan, dismantled the plane and had a thorough examination. They returned the dismantled Mig fighter to Soviet Union about ten days later. The defect pilot, was under "witness protection" and lived in somewhere US.

I noticed the article talked about that once authority had suspected this was a fake defection because the expert found some most important part of technique were missing in the plane. The article also talked about that Belenko refused a huge rewards. (millions of dollars) He said he wanted to make a living by his own hands. That his defection was not for money but for opinion. It's real incredible for money oriented intelligence, I think.

The thing impressed me most was the pilot was poisoned when he was hidden in witness shelter. Belenko was still young but he was bald. The medical examination concluded that it was caused by slow poison of a kind of rare metal. (I forgot the name of that metal) The article, of course, alleged it to the work of KGB. I don't believe it. Few people would know where the pilot was if he was under "witness protection". And it was easy to identify the person who had access to pilot's food. (Slow poison took a long time work.) Most likely he became a Quinea pig for intelligence in test of slow poison. When he was of no use but a burden for them.

There are many such examples. The most known one were former Phillipine President Marcos, and former Iranian Tsar Barlivie. When they were rulers they were loyal ally of US. Once they lost power and had to drift abroad they became a political burden of US. Because they were ousted by their own people. Barlivie even couldn't find a shelter in US.. They both died in a short time. ( in about three years or less?) Marcos died of kidney failure and Barlivie died of cancer(?)

There are many advantages of slow poison murder. 1. Work covertly. All death are like a natural one. (like diabetes, kidney failure, cancer...) 2. Control the death on will. They can make target getting sick by slow poison, once the death is neccesary for Feds, what they have to do is just increase the dose, the target died to intelligence' demand without causing a suspicion. 3. Deniable. If the lethal dose is 100 gram, they can dilute the actual poison dose at 1 gram each. So it's safe for them even if they were caught. Because it' s not lethal. 4. It's hard to track because the dose each time used is a tiny one.

This explains what happened in sandwich and beef soup story. The people involved behaved strangely. They thought there was something in food. Nobody knew it was a slow poison, and anybody could eat it and nothing would have happened unless they were fed for a long time. Later, I still noticed they slowly poisoned me. I omit the story here because there is more urge information to tell. I'll post them if there is chance.

Though I couldn't feel the poison before. The situation changed this year. Since this July, they aggressively intensified the persecution. Include poison which I think led to the cancer outbroke of my father in law. I can feel uncomfort after eating poisoned food. This is one reason I said they are going crazy. Feds increased poison dose. They are in a hurry.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 04:24 PM
187. Drinking water (12/11)

We used to buy drinking water from coin operated water machine stood outside the super market. Sometime in late 2000(?), my wife told me to buy water from a store. She bought a member card there, so when I went to buy water, I only have to tell the staff the name of my wife and needed not to pay. It was a drinking water store newly opened in shopping center.

In my house, my father in law drank tea which using boiling tap water. My wife rarely drank at home or she drank with boiling water too. Only my daughter and I drank the cold water bought from machine. Sometime at that period my daughter started to drink bottle water. I noticed this because bottle water is much expensive than the water bought from water store. When I saw my wife bought case of bottle water, I thought she was too spoil our daughter to waste money. But I said nothing about it. How could I knew this meant something else?

Then I had a pain in arm bone. As the pain became more frequently happened, I worried. I recalled a news story. Quite a lot of people lived in a city of Japan got a strange illness - bone ache. At last they found it was because their drinking water was polluted by a chemical compound of mercury(forgot the name). Linked this story, the newly opened water store, and I becoming the only person who drank the water from that store. I realized where the problem came from. I stopped drink the water from that store. The pain in bone did not disappeared right away. It faded gradually as time pasted and at last, no more.

It's easy to switch the water supply from normal tank to poisoned water tank. What happened when there were other people buying water at the same time? There is a row of water tap there. I think they don't care. Because each time the dose is small and won't cause immediate problem.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 02:42 PM
188. Increase the poison dose

I did most kitchen work at home. Every night, there used to be four of us: my daughter, my wife, her father and I had supper together. Since this July, when my wife introduced "health juice", less and less people had supper together, and after my father in law was sick in early August, I was the only one took meal on table.

I noticed my daughter almost didn't eat at home since July. July was summer vacation. Everyday near noon, there always were call from her classmates, she went out until after super. When the school season began, she had special program which required her to stay in school until On week-ends, my wife often took her eat outside. My wife, since then, used to come back after My father in law couldn't eat normally since early August.

I suspected one source of poison came from the "free food". (see "167. The frame case is going on (9/26)"), even I tried not to touch it, I couldn't avoid it all the time. Because there were so much: from bread, cereal, can food, to fresh vegetable like cabbage, onion, mushroom .... and fruit. Frankly I didn't feel any unwell if I ate these food. Probably poison dose was light because more people fed on it. The "free food" supply stopped after I posted message #167.

Another source probably came from "gift food". My wife used to bring home candy, cake, cookie, said it was gift from customers. But in this July, the "moon cake" she brought home was different. (A Chinese cookie for "Moon Festival") I was indisposed after testing a piece of it. Obviously Feds increased poison dose. We shared one piece of moon cake. Nobody touched the rest since. There were four pieces of cake in one tin box. The rest three and another tin remained on dining table for five months untouched. A few days ago they disappeared after I talked about poison.

When I have meals alone at home these days, I felt indisposed. The symptoms are: 1. coughing which may start right away after meal and could last for several hours. 2. Indispose feeling in liver area. 3. Itch at joint area of arm and elbow. ( from lymph?) 4. Red urine. Urine colour is deep yellow like red. ( blood inside?) These may be from different poison because I observed them by separate testing of food.

Re: 167. The frame case is going on (9/26/03)


In July, I smelled an odour. I went to kitchen, my father in law told me he was boiling Chinese medicine. Someone advised him to do so to cure his coughing. Almost at sametime, someone else gave my wife a juice prescription, said it was good for health. So my wife bought a juice machine and almost drank "health juice" everyday in July. I refused to drink it, because some vegetable were from "free food". It was from lady V. Like G-lady, V introduces customers to travel company to earn commission if they buy tickets. V also is a volunteer in welfare organization. These free food were from the organization she worked. I seldom touch these food. Because of my particular situation, I'm afraid of poison.

In early August, my father in law became very sick. He couldn't eat anything, even couldn't drink milk. Then my wife got sick too. She had a severe diarrhoea for one week. . The symptom looked like it was cancer.Because it took place at the time I suffered from internet attack, I worried that they were poisoned by eating material which caused cancer. Though my wife and her father insisted it was a coincidence, they abandoned Chinese medicine and "health juice".

This month doctors found there are tumours in my father in law's lung and esophagus. The report of if it is cancer or not will come these days. My wife still brings home the "free food" everyweek. The refrigerator is full. She has to put them on the floor. I never touch them. She hasn't touch them since she got sick in early August. Seeing her throwing the rotten vegetable into garbage can, I wonder why she knew nobody wants it but still keep on bringing it home. Maybe that's a mission someone assigned to her. She even dares not refuse the questionable food and speak out her suspicion. (What she can say is "it's coincidence") When the government label this one "enemy combatant" and that one "terrorist", I found the biggest terrorist is among themselves.

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 04:05 PM
189. Poison food in super market (12/16)

I have no drive license. (see "64. My Brother in law was targetted".) Food was brought home by my wife. So I went shopping myself by bike. But soon it didn't work too. I still felt the above symptoms. Did they poison food in super markets I went? ( I went to several markets.) I did a test. There is a super market I rarely go because the price is extremely expensive there. (e.g. the egg is 2.60 to 3.25 a dozen compare 0.99 a dozen in Chinese super market, vegetable price are twice or triple expensive) I bought some food there and made a meal. It worked. None of the above symptoms appeared. Which means they go crazy to poison food in super market I frequently go.

How did Feds do it? I found they particularly poisoned the food I used to consume. For example, Tofu and egg, vegetable and fish are the food I bought everytime. I noticed the brand I used to buy was in scarcity. Usually there are bunch of boxes of Tofu in cabinet, piled up high, now the brand I used to buy were only four left when I came. There were 20 column rail of egg, now most were empty when I went there. Or only two fish left which I used to buy. Left me little to choose. They force me buy from limited quantity which were poisoned food.

Another tactic is to lure me in with low price. I have no income so I always buy the cheapest. Once in Chinese super market they marked the cheapest fish even cheaper. It was 1.19 a pound, it marked: "Special today, 0.99 a pound if not fry." (They have a fry service, and I always asked that service) I at that time was aware of their tactic and didn't buy. But I was puzzled at "no fry" mark. Why? I thought it was probably the poison on fish would spread into oil and made my fish not much poisoned after fry. Also it would pollute the other fish asked for fry service.

I tried next time. I picked up two fish and called for service. There were three salesmen with no customers at that time. The one I called for was reluctant at first. He watched at the other two men. The two turned their sight away. One hurried to find some clean work to do and another just walked away. Same scene like what happened in sandwich store 10 years ago. (see "182. Sandwich") The nearest salesman had to attend me. When I told him to fry it, he handed the fish back and said, "it's too frozen to fry". This never had taken place before. All fish are in same cabinet and always covered by fry service. I knew why and just left.

All these happened in recent months. When they failed in other way, Feds aggressively increase the poison dose and distributed the poisoned food to me in a rogue's way. What if other people bought the poisoned food? They don't care. Though the dose was increased, it won't kill instantly. That's one advantage of "slow poison". I don't know if the salesmen knew these fish were poisoned or not. But at least they were told not to fry some kind of fish. (The kind I used to buy)

Because of their strange behaviour I think these salesmen knew me (someone showed my picture to them? Or alert them a few minutes before I arrived at super market?). I don't go to super market often except these two months.

I now have to abandon normal food I used to have and try some other variety randomly.

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