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Earthquakes on the rise? Yes and No.

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posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 07:46 PM
Well, I got to reading the threads here about the Mexico quake and the 188 day theory as well as other ideas being tossed around, It got me to thinking and wondering just what the truth really is about the frequency of Earthquakes over the past 10 years and whether 2012 is really bringing a new influx or not? Well.. The results look mixed.

I hope the highlighting helps a bit.

The figures originate from the USGS site and statistics.

Now it would seem that 2010 was a pretty active year by any measure for the U.S. but then it was rather slow for the world as a whole. 2012 is just starting in terms of a chart like this so it's hard to draw a basis on this year.

However, in looking over the patterns in the chart or...real lack of any pattern..I'd have to say that things have been fairly active over the last 10 years, but no clear trend of increasing numbers from one year to the next. I suppose someone can look at the numbers one way to see a trend here, or there.......but someone else can look at this same set of data and massage the numbers the other direction.

In my opinion, the fact they can be stretched and played with in either direction means the patterns are so vague and mixed in with the rest of the data, if there are any, that we can't draw any relevance from this alone.

I stand by what I've said for months in generally pointing out that so many different categories of natural event all seem to be having their 100/500/1000 year peak record type events (to hear TWC or MSM anyway), but in Earthquakes taken ALONE? It doesn't look like anything to get too nervous about. Not in isolation, anyway.

Anyone have a different take?

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 08:31 PM
Hmmm tough crowd tonight. lol... Here is another bit of interesting reference and ..I admit it, eye candy..but the USGS is making all of this with our money so we might as well make the best use of it, right?

When you are curious how many are normal for overall averages in strength or just how big is big compared to other things, this is handy to look up.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:15 PM
I have said for a long time that earthquake are not on the rise.
It's been some active years, but thats it.

I have been watching earth quakes for 5 or 6 years now, and can see some patterns but nothing out of the ordinary.
I think you are right in your research that they are not on thre rise just active.

People stay away from your thread because you use logic and facts, they don't like that in here, it has to be doom, and they like to connect it to varius reasons like the sun, moon and imaginary hidden planets.

My conclusion on your question is no, based on observation, and the data you provide, proves it.
Also if you look at the daily maps on USGS and RSOE you can follow where energy is released and not, and the US look pretty safe to me as there is a constant realease of energy in small earthquakes, places to watch out for are south america, with a lot of volcanic activity but not much in earthquakes, Indonesia is also very queit, but the areas around are active, could be a lot of tension building up.

Also the monitoring station has grown in numbers the last 20 years, and i think from now on we will se more precise data, but we can not judge from 100 years of active quake monitoring if things are escalating or not.

I am no pro, so nothing i say is facts, but i do know what i am looking at.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:16 PM
I don't see a pattern but the second chart, at the bottom, says that since 2009 any quake smaller than a 4.5 that was outside the U.S. will not be counted unless it is reported to cause damage. This makes that chart unreliable when looking for a pattern and also makes you wonder how many other countries bomb tests were counted as an earthquake before 2009?

edit on 21-3-2012 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by TheLieWeLive
I don't see a pattern but the second chart, at the bottom, says that since 2009 any quake smaller than a 4.5 that was outside the U.S. will not be counted unless it is reported to cause damage. This makes that chart unreliable when looking for a pattern and also makes you wonder how many other countries bomb tests were counted as an earthquake before 2009?

Fair enough and I figured that would be commented on. I'd considered leaving the second chart out and shaping my thread with more of a U.S. focus, but I got to thinking on this. The Earthquakes below that threshold really aren't the ones people are reacting to and focusing on by news reports anyway. So..I figure people can mentally overlook the shadings in those lower rows if that is important in looking at the overall data.

The death toll figures and solid numbers for the major quakes are why I decided to go, despite the admitted fuzzy nature of those lower ones.

Great catch on that though and I appreciate the input.
I also do agree that the only real pattern here is somewhat of a lack of any pattern at all. Nothing distinct, to be sure.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 03:52 AM
I wanted to return to this thread because this month has been quite active. Notably so. There was another Earthquake a short time ago in excess of 6. It was in another area that really doesn't rate much attention or surprise for such a thing, but it's still enough to sit up and notice with so many 6+ events have come in a single month.


So, I suppose we can call March something less than boring for this.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 04:43 AM
Okay, with the latest 8.7 quake, it's just being intellectually honest to come back and update my thread as the fact seems to be from either side. In this case... Wow.. This has been quite a BUSY past month. There is the draw from USGS data this morning after the latest quake for the past month.

edit on 11-4-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

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