I'm sure this has been discussed here, but I came across this article that has closeup pictures of the murals at DIA. Many people believe that DIA
was built as a decoy to cover up the worlds largest underground bunker built below DIA that will be used to house the elite if and when a massive
cataclysm occurs on Earth. Given the fact that one of the murals depicts divine or chosen people living underground while the lord of death (wearing
a gas mask non the less) reigns his terror above, it certainly gives me a WTF feeling.
Yet another mural shows a solar flare with children preserving certain animals. One of the girls is holding a Mayan tablet!
Some other strange anomalies: the dedication stone block has the Freemason square and cross symbol on it and it states a time capsule is built below
the block.
It also states the airport was built by the "New World Airport Commission". A quick search of that and I can't find ANYTHING accept
the capstone at DIA. I can not find any reputable source as to the funding of DIA. It wasn't funded at all with Colorado tax money, but apparently
some special federal funding.
Another mural depicts all the children of the world handing in their guns and the lord of death is dead with 2 doves on top of him. I take that to
mean the de-armament of the world by a world body. You'll take my guns from my cold dead hands thank you...
Of particular interest is this update by the guy who posted the pictures: "Just got a weird phone call from “Government Affairs” (whatever that
is) on our office phone caller ID and they hung up after we answered."
There's also the controversy about the underground baggage handling system. I remember the controversy vividly when it happened, as they could never
get the system to work right. Apparently that might be related to the underground bunkers. There is in fact underground building built there. That
is fact. They claim the airport was originally supposed to be 5 pentagon shaped buildings, but they changed their mind and simply covered the
buildings up with 1/3 the amount of dirt used to make the Panama canal!
One can come to 2 conclusions about DIA in my opinion:
1) It does in fact house the worlds largest secret underground military bunker which will be used by western elites during a crisis of epic
proportions. The elite are using these murals and laughing in our faces and flaunting the fact they will survive.
2) The murals and hoopla surrounding DIA are possibly meant as a spy-op or joke to fan the flames of conspiracy theory to take people's attention off
of something else of importance, such as a different location for an underground base.
I don't know the truth, but I've been through DIA a few times and everything about it gives me the creeps!
Something is Rotten at DIA