posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by Brandon88
I love seeing these posts about this sound in the NY/NJ/PA area. This is the first thread about the matter that I've read since I finally joined ATS.
Living on the west side of Manhattan, I can completely attest to not only the existence of this sound, but that it happens pretty regularly in the
middle of the night. I'm so happy to finally post about this!
I first noticed this not long before Hurricane Irene. There was a very strange thunderstorm a week or two before the hurricane that had green, white,
and purple lightning. It was more like a fireworks show than a lightning storm. It was not the usual color, and had a very strange rumbling thunder,
which sort of sounded similar to this now common rumbling.
About a month ago the rumbling got very loud and active one night and I could feel the vibrations in my teeth!
What is it?