posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:44 PM
So everyone seems to be putting their predictions on the table, so I guess I'll throw my 2 cents out there! I believe that around the time that the
USS Enterprise gets to the Gulf, Israel will strategically strike an Iranian installation. Shortly after Either Israel or the U.S. will false flag the
USS Enterprise in the Strait of Hormuz.The Enterprise is on its last cruise, so it would be ripe for the picking.That will engage The U.S. in a full
out military conflict.
I also think that TPTB don't really care if it comes across as highly suspicious, because this is when all their plans come to fruition! They have
all their ducks in a row, they have trashed the constitution, they have legal authority to do anything they want. They are ready for the blowback from
the public.