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OWS Six Months Later: The Good (?) and the Bad

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posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:03 PM
Supporters of the OWS Movement, point to the fact that OWS people are heroes or even journalists because they help spread awareness to the issues about the deficit between the rich and the poor and the top 1% in the nation. At least, I think that's what their chanting was all about. It seemed to me, that they just hated capitalism and success in general, because they didn't have any money or were too lazy to go out and search for a job.

The Associated Press assigned seven reporters to cover the OWS six month anniversary. This is what they found out.

In Albany, N.Y., Occupy protesters dubbed Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo "Gov. 1 Percent" for his refusal since the 2010 campaign to agree to a millionaire tax, and because his major campaign financial support comes from corporate executives.... In a surprise, Cuomo reversed his position on the millionaire tax in December to avoid further cuts to schools and health care.

An Atlanta pastor, whose church struggled to pay its bills after its building was struck by a 2008 tornado, credits Occupy Atlanta with helping it to avoid foreclosure. ...

... In Rhode Island, Occupy Providence pushed for - and won - a temporary day center to serve the homeless during the winter. Protesters made the center's opening a condition of their departure from a public park downtown, where they had camped against the city's wishes for more than three months. While the city didn't fund the center, officials pledged to help its operator, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence, find money for it

... Also in Rhode Island, the state's junior U.S. senator, Sheldon Whitehouse, introduced a bill in November to crack down on high credit card interest rates - the same week he visited the Providence encampment. Even though the White House had already introduced the bill last year....

OWS real Legacy is what happened inside the camps. Rapes, Drug Use, Theft, numerous arrests, and damage to public and corporate properties, even murders. Here are the numbers run down:

Murders 3
Suicides 1
Drug Overdoses 2
Other Deaths 5
Rapes 10+
Indecent Exposure to Children 5+
Public Masturbation 3+
Public Urination 10+
Arson 2+
Thefts 500+
Arrests 6000+
Police Officer Injuries 10+
Property Damage (Million $) 10+
Lost Business (Million $) 10+
Cost to Tax Payers (Million $) 20+

This is the real legacy of the so-called peaceful protesters. When has the Tea Party did any of this stuff?

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:23 PM
Well, it only makes sense as people think OWS is a NWO agenda to have reasoning to further take away rights.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:33 PM
All of the things mention would have happened anyways. Aside from the damage to property and the lost business. And realistically, 20 million in taxpayer money is zilch in comparison to the theft that OWS tried to point out.

Have to take the good with the bad, im sure if you googled 'teaparty' and 'insert crime here' you might find some stuff, Also i hear that the teapartiers like to carry guns with them to some of their gatherings? thats a pretty big crime deterrent.

In comparison to the other statistics that is really not a whole lot, they just took place at a protest. Wonder how much of it happened in the 70's.. interested now *googles.*

Note: If the police were being used to protect peoples freedom of speech (etc), rather than against it. Things would probably have turned out different. Cops walking through the protest to protect the protesters would have also worked. But no, NO DISSENT ALLOWED. You have to be happy with the government or get beaten. Etc. etc.

I could really go on, the stuff ows points out is true. No one but ows wants to do anything about it though. Unless there is secret meetings between high level individuals ready to overthrow this bull# system,

edit on 19/3/12 by AzureSky because: (no reason given)

edit on 19/3/12 by AzureSky because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:42 PM
My biggest take from the "protest" was the police response. Right to speak up peacefully is dead. Protesters that hung posters or signs faced arrest, and have been charged with a felony for that. They face 10 years in prison and 25,000 dollar fines. For hanging posters. Free speech? Peaceful assembly? Redress of grievances?

Thats what came out of OWS. They proved that the to protect and serve "the people" has turned to protect and serve "the state".

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:42 PM
How many of those crimes would have happened anyways...I know some of the most shady folks found safety in the movement, and they would have commited crimes regardless of being under the OWS umbrella. Think of the homeless people, the drug addicts, the alcholics, who ran to the free food/shelter/washrooms....

Like anything else the story is never black and white, if nothing else Occupy brings awareness to whats going on, for those with ears to hear it.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 07:41 PM
The only thing OWS accomplished was disrupting the eveyday lifes of working citizens who had to go out of their way to avoid all the disruptions that the OWS'ers created with this non-sense. Protests will NOT change the U.S. government. EVER. The only way change will come is from the inside out. Sitting in the middle of the street causing scenes and disruptions and costing me ,the tax payer, is not the way to go about it. I fail to see ONE thing OWS changed. However, the OP points out what OWS DID leave behind after 6 months. Don't get me wrong the idea was noble, but when the majority of the protesters could give a fug less why they are really there or have no clue why they are there other than they think it's a party your movement will NOT succeed. American Spring. yeah, good luck with that.
edit on 20-3-2012 by alkesh because: sp

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