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The Dark Christ

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posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by threewhiteeyes

No worries.
Script...short story..its probably the shortest story I ever wrote...a concept really, but not a concept I felt passionately enough to start yet another novel about since that is ultimately the meat of it..and frankly, I don't know where things could go from there. I wasn't like..posessed or anything, I think most humans are creative to a certain extent..and we can turn on and off such creativity whenever we want (actually, harder to turn off at times).

As far as your concept...sort of been done about 3200 times already..problem is there is no slightly plausible twist. If your going to offshoot something, you need to make it different.
Such as, you wanted to make a lord of the rings sort of alternative...but instead of the hobbit tossing the ring into the volcano...your story has the hobbit...throw the ring into the volcano.
just rehashing a old story. Why bother creating something that is a direct rip off of something thats already been done..not overly creative..and I still stand by the idea that literature is supposed to make you think and the end.

As far as negativity and such..what with the flowers wilting where you walked and whatnot...what has changed? I don't know you from jack, but as I read your posts, your belief system seems to bring out anger and personal grudges. reflect on your posting here, don't look at the technicals, but rather your "energy" in the can't tell me this is the energy of light and serenity. Something to consider anyhow. Nobody is perfect mind you, we all are prone to bad days. Just don't let your new found faith be a source of superiority and a weapon..otherwise you have just traded in wilting flowers for wilting crosses or whatever..same energy, different props to use. I think ultimately its not faith in god some need, but faith in themselves..and I think you are insecure about yourself, and now also insecure about your faith. Welcome to existence..if your certain about either, then your probably dead anyhow (literally, or dulled down enough mentally to where there is arguably no difference).

I think this story, and others similar to it, make you realize how insecure you are..But no worries..we are supposed to think about such things, and question, and push. If not, then we would have been born with a brain the size of a peanut. I think we all find our own salvation it through religion like yourself, or perhaps something as obscurely different as..becoming a dog owner that teaches you how to love, etc..we may all be here for different and unique purposes...

Or of course we could very well just be a biochemical accident and are little more than fancy amoeba and nothing outside of that (however, my personal experience with "ghosts" suggests to me at least there may be more than meets the eye in this cute little universe we have..and no, ghosts make no sense to me..but then again, neither do republicans in my mind

Final thought...if you suggest you have these dark feelings...Instead of simply burying them, why not use them. Get some clay or something and mold tortured faces, or hellscapes, etc...Might even find some tranquility in pushing them out of your body and onto some medium. Many traditions do that, where they take negative energy and put it onto something...a plant, a piece of paper, etc...with the purpose of basically having it jump from the body on to something else...clay, paper, stories, etc.
Dont be afraid of your creativity..hell, thank god for giving you such abilities to cope with what is our natural duality.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:59 PM
Interesting concept. I have always wondered why Christians say that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice by taking on our sins. Other than the temporary pain of the crucifixion (some people have suffered a much more slow painful death than that), what other real sacrifice has he made? He got resurrected, he now has a special place in heaven, and is worshiped by millions. Seems to me that wasn't much of a sacrifice.

Now, if taking on our sins, he had to go to hell for eternity, THAT would be the ultimate sacrifice. Of course, we couldn't worship him then, because you shouldn't worship someone who resides in hell, because that would be like worshiping...... Satan????

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv
Interesting concept. I have always wondered why Christians say that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice by taking on our sins. Other than the temporary pain of the crucifixion (some people have suffered a much more slow painful death than that), what other real sacrifice has he made? He got resurrected, he now has a special place in heaven, and is worshiped by millions. Seems to me that wasn't much of a sacrifice.

Now, if taking on our sins, he had to go to hell for eternity, THAT would be the ultimate sacrifice. Of course, we couldn't worship him then, because you shouldn't worship someone who resides in hell, because that would be like worshiping...... Satan????

There was a book, Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice. It posed a very interesting perspective on the story.

So, here you got the angels that came to earth and watched..and watched gods creation, from the simple life forms, to the evolution into land animals, etc..each step awe inspiring.
But it was for them to watch, not really for god to monitor.

one angel kept going back to inform god of the amazing things that went on...anyhow, long story short, eventually he gave up trying to make god care and decided to go live with these humans..try to guide them as best he could from basic animals to civil creatures..

One day, he felt the energy of god on earth, and came across the desert. He had a argument with him, that he should have either come as a king, with all the jewels and pleasure this creation offered to experience it..and he refused.
Then he then debated..said ok..if your not going to come here and show your glory, then not remember your god at all, or even of heaven...spend your life ignorant like the rest to know what it is like to be one of them.
and he refused that also

Then when he was crusified later on, he really didn't sacrifice anything, because he knew..knew full well his nature the whole him it was playing shadow puppets...and therefore never "got" what it was like to be human.

Indeed this is something to consider. Christ walked on water, he had angels talk to him, God spoke directly to him, he knew supernaturally his, what did he actually sacrifice? He wasn't a schlum whom died for a faith, he was a deity whom didn't die at all, knowing he wouldn't..and there was no faith either, because he simply I know how if I put a cup on a table, it won't turn into a bird suddenly...

So..what was the sacrifice? Not saying pain doesn't suck, but comparatively, he got a papercut and then inherited a gold and diamond kingdom...
If it were just a man..a sort of Ghandi whom was running on faith and perhaps a few supernatural confirmation style events that shaped things for him..then the sacrifice wouldn't be open to debate.

If the biblical god is indeed fact, then I simply wonder how such a being could possibly understand the difficulties involved in what it requests. No wonder he always seems annoyed with us...he simply doesn't understand us it appears..and doesn't seem keen on truely seeing through our eyes.

sort of what makes me see the biblical god as false..such an elegant creator wouldn't have overlooked this rather profound dilemma.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by masqua

Yes, God hates ____ , indeed. Whenever I see ___ in the markeplace, I throw fruit@ it.

If your 'description' was aimed at me, get in line with every other brilliant poet who 'has me figured out' from reading my post. You'll see them to the left, there, clutching ATS stars to their chest, shaking their fist at the sky. : P

If what I want to believe is true, you're depicting what IS a terrible stain on the 'Christian' movement. I have quite the thread about this, and about how some litebrite 'free thinkers' group ALL christians together, and look for any fault in one 'tribe' to apply to everyone. It's sad, really.

Anyway, good luck with your painting

Here, I'll go first: my 'story' is directly pointed at forums like these. ATS seems to be the most civil, but I still deal with it here *shrugs* . I can't say I honestly care, for the most part, although I will confront it when it slaps me.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
reply to post by threewhiteeyes

No worries.
Script...short story..its probably the shortest story I ever wrote...a concept really, but not a concept I felt passionately enough to start yet another novel about since that is ultimately the meat of it..and frankly, I don't know where things could go from there. I wasn't like..posessed or anything, I think most humans are creative to a certain extent..and we can turn on and off such creativity whenever we want (actually, harder to turn off at times).

As far as your concept...sort of been done about 3200 times already..problem is there is no slightly plausible twist. If your going to offshoot something, you need to make it different.
Such as, you wanted to make a lord of the rings sort of alternative...but instead of the hobbit tossing the ring into the volcano...your story has the hobbit...throw the ring into the volcano.
just rehashing a old story. Why bother creating something that is a direct rip off of something thats already been done..not overly creative..and I still stand by the idea that literature is supposed to make you think and the end.

As far as negativity and such..what with the flowers wilting where you walked and whatnot...what has changed? I don't know you from jack, but as I read your posts, your belief system seems to bring out anger and personal grudges. reflect on your posting here, don't look at the technicals, but rather your "energy" in the can't tell me this is the energy of light and serenity. Something to consider anyhow. Nobody is perfect mind you, we all are prone to bad days. Just don't let your new found faith be a source of superiority and a weapon..otherwise you have just traded in wilting flowers for wilting crosses or whatever..same energy, different props to use. I think ultimately its not faith in god some need, but faith in themselves..and I think you are insecure about yourself, and now also insecure about your faith. Welcome to existence..if your certain about either, then your probably dead anyhow.

I think this story, and others similar to it, make you realize how insecure you are..we are supposed to think about such things, and question, and push. If not, then we would have been born with a brain the size of a peanut. I think we all find our own salvation it through religion like yourself, or perhaps something as obscurely different as..

Final thought...if you suggest you have these dark feelings...Instead of simply burying them, why not use them. Get some clay or something and mold tortured faces, or hellscapes, etc...Might even find some tranquility in pushing them out of your body and onto some medium. Many traditions do that, where they take negative energy and put it onto something...a plant, a piece of paper, etc...with the purpose of basically having it jump from the body on to something else...
Dont be afraid of your creativity..hell, thank god for giving you such abilities to cope with what is our natural duality.

Eh, nevermind, get in line with the rest. You're prattling on about 'who I am', and 'what I do/think', as if you have me figured out. How dissapointing. I was trying to be nice. Oh, I don't do with my faith what pleases you? dear diary, afk slashing wrists.

Whatever, :lmao: . Maybe my patronizing your thread led you to believe I was 'open minded' enough to sing along while you try to stomp holes in my chest.

You claim my idea is rehashing the old. El. Oh. El. Think a little harder, mate. Your poorly written scene IS a ripoff I've seen 'rehashed' countless times. Glp has a wheelbarrow full, and I've seen it pop up here. Hell, didn't someone in THIS thread question you in that respect? I simply mentioned that Lucifer could use this priest as a reverse john the baptist. That's throwing the ring in the volcano? I haven't seen the idea ONCE,anywhere… I dribbled the idea out mid post, too, as I said patronize your thread-g'head, be offended, then look up 'patron'.

I was trying to be nice- no big deal. If you felt like showing some respect, spare me your 'life changing' thesis on how there's something wrong with my faith. God and I are doing just fine.

You're the 'writer' tossing rings here. Maybe you should leave the writing to Tolkein. You mentioned I am insecure, TWICE, after accusing me of what you actually did (rehashing). Are you sure you're not the insecure one? After all, you base your observation of me on an online thread. Ima call you superfreud!

IDK man, you seem to really believe salvation lies within US. I politely disagree. Without the Intercession of Christ, you will be held accountable for Sin. When the day comes, meet me@ihop afterwards, and we'll discuss what we have learned. Until then, stop describing me like you know me, please…

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv
Interesting concept. I have always wondered why Christians say that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice by taking on our sins. Other than the temporary pain of the crucifixion (some people have suffered a much more slow painful death than that), what other real sacrifice has he made? He got resurrected, he now has a special place in heaven, and is worshiped by millions. Seems to me that wasn't much of a sacrifice.

Now, if taking on our sins, he had to go to hell for eternity, THAT would be the ultimate sacrifice. Of course, we couldn't worship him then, because you shouldn't worship someone who resides in hell, because that would be like worshiping...... Satan????

I guess, IMHO, we can't really know what it felt like to 'inhale' ALL sin. He did that before He died. Also, it wasn't the physical pain that bothered Him, warranting sacrifice. It was the spiritual, to see such hatred and division among men.

Also, consider who He was. Pure, Holy. Taking on all Sin like that...ouch. Kinda like..Firemen don't mind 90° weather as much as an eskimo would. They're always around it. An eskimo (Christ), ran out into the scorching sun (sin). Having never known the fiery wrath of the sun's heat, the eskimo felt a lot more pan than a fireman(us) would.

Just a thought.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 09:55 PM
I enjoyed this little twist, very interesting concept well done! Not really sure what that first reply was all about, maybe he got lost and thought he was somewhere else lol.

Thanks for the story!

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 09:59 PM
You do know that he wasnt addressed as Jesus Christ , riiight ? If he even existed , and returned , and you called him Jesus Christ , he`d just look you up and down and start talking hebrew or arabic.

Anyway , good story , better than the first one.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

No thank you.

Seriously, you should re consider your decision SaturnFX. It is never too late.


posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by MasterGemini
reply to post by SaturnFX

No thank you.

Seriously, you should re consider your decision SaturnFX. It is never too late.


What decision? did I decide something?

and..not sure what you are no thanking...don't think I offered anything beyond some fiction..

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