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Compilation of Tweets from Journalists Beaten, Obstructed by NYPD in Zuccotti Raid

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posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

The park is open 24 hours a day. A judge declared, that protesters could use the park but that they couldn't bring tents or sleeping bags. The incident with Cecily McMillan (you cited that she charged police three times, which happened at an earlier protest in November, not last night) was a case of neglect. She was denied medical aide by a certified paramedic while having multiple seizures. I hope she sues the bastards.

I'm wondering too how are you supposed to snap pictures when you're being slammed to the ground? Are you that angry that Occupy won't endorse Obama that you will justify police brutality?

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by AaronWilson

I myself know, I have never reached out at an officer, not once. Never would. But I have been detained for simply sitting on the ground when they came charging in. I will happily keep that ticket as a suvenoir of my younger days.

And had you been previously asked to leave the area?

Were you sitting there in protest of them wanting to clear the area?

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Kali74

The park is open 24 hours a day. A judge declared, that protesters could use the park but that they couldn't bring tents or sleeping bags.

And from what I have heard about last night was that people were starting to set up the police moved in.

Are you that angry that Occupy won't endorse Obama that you will justify police brutality?

First off, I haven't seen any police brutality, so I am not justifying anything.

Second, at this point I wouldn't want Occupy to openly endorse Obama...their image is tainted and they are seen as a group of out of control anarchist (you can deny it all you want, doesn't change the public perception).

And Obama doesn't need their endorsement...he benefits from them anyway. He will continue to speak sympathetically about their cause without endorsing their methods, Fox News will continue to claim Occupy is an Obama crowd...public perception will be made...and those who are sympathetic, but not involved, with Occupy will be more likely to vote for Obama.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

They say clear the area the moment we reach over 200 people. Yes, they told us to disperse, but once more, when you trully believe in what you preach, you heed no warning. Like ive said, we are happily detained for the free exchange of our ideas. They have never done that to any tea party protest I have seen. Thery show up in bigger numbers, armed with rifles and handguns and yet, they are allowed to do their thing. Why is it we are not allowed to sit in circles and sing songs?

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Yes 1 tent and 1 tarp were set up, which of course completely justifies having hundreds of cops storm the area and arrest willy nilly. But, what about earlier during the day when the cops were arresting people and pushing people around and beating journalists? Where's the justification for that or for denying a woman in medical distress, medical aide?

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by AaronWilson

If you are told to disperse and you don't, yes you will be arrested. If you don't cooperate when they come to arrest you, you will be removed by force.

I have no problem with people making a stand and being arrested for a cause...but don't cry about it afterwards.

And you can sit in circles and sing just can't turn a park into a tent city and do it 24/7. There was a day long protest (last year there were months long protests)...I have no idea how anyone can say they are not allowing you to protest.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Yes 1 tent and 1 tarp were set up, which of course completely justifies having hundreds of cops storm the area and arrest willy nilly. But, what about earlier during the day when the cops were arresting people and pushing people around and beating journalists? Where's the justification for that or for denying a woman in medical distress, medical aide?

It starts with 1 tent and 1 tarp...then maybe 5 more tents...a couple more tarps...pretty soon you have an encampment.

The police aren't stupid, they know if they allow one tent, more will come.

The arrests earlier in the day...I would have to have information on why the people were arrested before I could say if they were justified or not. We all know that the occupy crowd isn't known for being tame and non-provacative.

I don't know police protocol for medical attention for a person in custody. I don't think allowing someone from the protest claiming they are a "medic" is the right thing to do. I do know an ambulance came and she left in the ambulance to the how exactly is that denying her medical assistance???

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by AaronWilson

Illegally detain???

The girl either threw something at them or took a swing at them. And there were also reports of her charging them.

So in your opinion...police officers should just sit there and allow that to happen???

You make a very good point, but you fail to look at WHY the Police presence was there to begin with. It was not needed. If you go looking for a fight, you tend to find one. In this case, the Police came looking for the fight.

I agree with you, if you throw something at Police or if you take a swing on a Cop, whatever happens- happens. You pretty much brought that on yourself. Yet this is not quite that simple. I look at it more this way....

Let us say, I throw a punch at you. You kick my butt. That is MY fault. I brought that on myself.

Now let us say that you, charge and come at me in an aggressive manner. My response to your aggressiveness is to throw a punch at you. Now who is at fault?

I would suggest in that scenario the fault lies with you. Your aggressive actions caused the reaction you received. You brought that punch onto yourself.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 12:15 AM
The first thing that came to my mind was that if these people were able to update their twitter page while all of this was going on, then surely they could have gotten video with their phones, which is probably what most were using to get online since it is hard to use a laptop while standing...

There has got to be video somewhere. I haven't read through the replies yet, so hopefully someone posted a link, but if there is video, why are we getting an article describing only "tweets"? I don't know. Maybe this would be the case if they weren't actually updating twitter during the scuffle, but afterward. Can anyone enlighten me on the video, or lack thereof? Also, if the answer is located somewhere in the link, I apologize...I will find it, lol.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by JiggyPotamus

It seems pretty self evident that they would have tweeted after the fact.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 11:10 AM
I found this to be pretty telling. A letter sent to the Deputy Commissioner of the NYPD from the New York Times Company on Feb. 2, 2012.

We write to follow up on the series of correspondence and meetings we have had over the past few months regarding press-police relations, the lack of access and, indeed, the apparent restrictions and intimidation aimed at working journalists by police officers. We appreciate the steps you and Commissioner Kelly have taken. However, as we have reported to you over the past few months, subsequent to the issuance of the Finest message on 11/23/11, there have been numerous instances of unfavorable treatment of credentialed members of the press. There have been other reports of police officers using a variety of tactics ranging from inappropriate orders directed at some journalists to physical interference with others, who were covering newsworthy sites and events. Indeed, as recently as this Monday it was reported (attached) that at another OWS demonstration, police officers blocked the lens of a newspaper photographer attempting to document arrests." As a result, a number of press entities feel that more needs to be done if we are to resolve these issues in an amicable manner.

The letter goes on to list what many of them would like to see as steps toward resolution.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

There was a guy right there screaming at one of the cops that he was a paramedic the cop wouldn't even look at his ID that was offered. As for tents, BS. You don't violently arrest 78 people just because 2 or 3 set up a tent and then proceed to barricade the whole park, it's ridiculous. That's the kind of logic that got things like the Patriot Act passed without barely a blink.

The NYPD is out of line and corrupt, it's more than apparent and not just because of their policies dealing with peaceful protest. I guess that's what happens when a Mayor deems the police his own private army. I'm no longer surprised that this continues to be condoned; either out of hatred or a pathological need to be right, but it's pathetic and it makes me immensely sad.
edit on 19-3-2012 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Sir, you can lick the boots of the elite's private protection gang all you want, but when its your turn to face their fangs I hope that you maintain the same dismissive attitude.

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