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my opinion on extresrial contact

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posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 11:16 AM
this will be a short post on the resons why i do not support aliens coming to earth

the first reson is that we will be benith them think about how we look at chimpanzes and apes we find them to be amusing but nothing more then that an advanced race capible of extrestral contact woud most likely consider us to be like amimals and most likely they woud not have secondary thoughts about kiling us

the secont reson is almost parralel to our own history. think about when cristioper columbus came to the new world he wiped out the indian tribes or forced them to convert to cristianity whats stopping them from doing that to us

the third reson is that they might not be able to be killed. this sounds crazy but in the book sphere by michal criction he saiys that an alien race that has no sense of dying might not be able to be killed.

these are the three resons why i dont support extrestrial contact plese leve your opinions below

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 11:55 AM
You are assuming their motivations would be as low brow or even more so than our own. With their advanced intelligence also comes more enlightened understandings about your position in the universe.

I see as more of a parent-child relationship more so than a Human-animal one. I think we're the children and our ability to learn from our mistakes is what is held highest above all other directives. They will only intervene when they must, and they will do so quietly if they can (just like a good parent does). ETs would not come here for an ego boost; I think they've probably largely moved past such petty emotions.

That being said, are there ETs that are bad? Yes, i'm sure there are, but we'd be in far more dire straights if there weren't also good guys watching out for us. The truth is that the world is the best that it's ever been for an individual. Technology and society have been improving; by relative terms, violence and crime are on their way down per capita nearly everywhere (that the US isn't 'occupying'). The world is steadily improving; if you look at it this way, we don't need their help. We just need to keep learning.

For myself, here's the rub: the difference between ETs and ourselves is that they better understand that we are spiritual beings first and foremost. This life and existence we play a part in is only a page in the book our soul; it continues past this into more experiences further on. With this knowledge, it would make sense they do not see our situation as desperately as we see it; they understand that this is not the end while we are not sure that is true. So I think ETs are sitting back and watching only because it is what is best for our development. They are waiting for one of two things to happen; either we make a strong positive stance towards cleaning up corruption in this world and establish a more positive, beneficial society for all (which would allow us to interact with them as peers) or we go the other way, attempt to start a nuclear war, and who knows what comes of that? Maybe they'd bail us out or maybe they let us die.

As much as we can scare the hell out of ourselves, we have done quite well to this point. We dropped the nuke on HIroshima nearly 70 years ago and for the most part we never repeated that mistake again. That is worth commending. We just need to hold it together a little bit longer; technological change has almost reached the zero point where the curve goes straight up. When we get to that position as a society, we set ourselves free of our limits.

The real question is what happens then? What is our reality 25 years from now? Can any of us truly imagine?
edit on 18-3-2012 by tagasbob because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by ninjas4321

An interesting theory, full of logic and wisdom
but i have one question for you

What's an extresrial?

I am not familiar with this thing.

/end sarcasm

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 11:57 AM
I think your reasons are fair arguments as to why we might be hesitant in developing relations with ET races. What if they are not so much Extraterrestrial as they are inter-dimensional? Could it be possible that we already share space with them and have no real right to tell them to leave? This is supposing that for whatever reason they are now discernible to our senses at a grand scale and not just a few people. What if, this is their planet and they are returning after thousands of years? We certainly have enough legends to make such an idea plausible, though likely, not probable.

I honestly don't think we are of any interest to them in the sense that they want to join us. How could they? We need to look beyond our own comfortable existence to those people in the world touched by war, famine, or suffering from horrific, treatable diseases. It is not logical to assume they would have any desire to know us beyond a scientific arena. I should think secretly, as secretly as possible anyhow. They may even know of impending dooms and earth changes, but why would they interfere? The past only shows that religions crop up when otherworldly benefactors come in to save the day. That in itself is reason enough to ask them to stay away. I should like for us to pull ourselves out of our own muck, so we might deserve a future on this planet.

Nice thread.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by ninjas4321
this will be a short post on the resons why i do not support aliens coming to earth

the first reson is that we will be benith them think about how we look at chimpanzes and apes we find them to be amusing but nothing more then that an advanced race capible of extrestral contact woud most likely consider us to be like amimals and most likely they woud not have secondary thoughts about kiling us

the secont reson is almost parralel to our own history. think about when cristioper columbus came to the new world he wiped out the indian tribes or forced them to convert to cristianity whats stopping them from doing that to us

the third reson is that they might not be able to be killed. this sounds crazy but in the book sphere by michal criction he saiys that an alien race that has no sense of dying might not be able to be killed.

these are the three resons why i dont support extrestrial contact plese leve your opinions below

This is one of the greatest things i have ever read in my life.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 12:04 PM
No where in the OP have you explained (with reason) why you don't support the theory of an Earthly invasion.

Because we might be able to kill them? However true that may be, what does that have to do with their ability to visit Earth? Nothing. It has more to do with your sense that we shall superior, in that if something is more superior than us, it won't come.

It could be like us watching monkeys in a zoo? Very true, if a civilization that is more evolved and advanced than us visits. Perhaps they would not be traversing so far to come and stare at us, but to partake in our natural resources? Again, what does that have to do with them not coming here?

Very poor arguments you have presented.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 12:50 PM
Are you trying to say that Aliens will think of us as animals? I doubt that. From my view, the Qu'ran says that there is no creature intelligent that a human being. And god is the creator of the universe. Gods knows more about us very well than Aliens (if they exist) do. We make and develop machines. We explore, we research etc... And if aliens can do that too, then they wouldn't think like that. They would respect us. We would respect them.

I don't understand the second paragraph.

Also for your third reason, I am concerned of the fact that some aliens might not die. Are you saying that they are immortal? I think nothing is immortal other than god.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by 1lionexPro
Are you trying to say that Aliens will think of us as animals? I doubt that. From my view, the Qu'ran says that there is no creature intelligent that a human being. And god is the creator of the universe. Gods knows more about us very well than Aliens (if they exist) do. We make and develop machines. We explore, we research etc... And if aliens can do that too, then they wouldn't think like that. They would respect us. We would respect them.

I don't understand the second paragraph.

Also for your third reason, I am concerned of the fact that some aliens might not die. Are you saying that they are immortal? I think nothing is immortal other than god.

I agree....

except your statement about immortality.

Even the stars die, and so will our universe.

God is not 'above' the universe. A 'god' is the ancient word used to described extraterrestrial beings, as they displayed advanced technology to early humans. Today, instead of calling them gods, we call them aliens.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:39 PM
I think there are a lot of good reasons why we might NOT want aliens around. Although we cannot know for certain the intentions or reasons of why an alien race might come here, there are lots of reasons to say to them - stay off our planet. First, introducing a completely new biological system into an already established eco-system is potentially dangerous. Possibly to us and most certainly likely for them. Therefore, before a landing could even take place, you'd first have to run tests about how we react to them and their bacteria and vice versa. Then, furthermore, the probability that they can even communicate with us right away most certainly will lead to misinterpretation. A premature contact experience could end badly, very easily for something so simple as a misunderstanding or misinterpretation. We can be very violent when we feel our survival is threatened after all.

I think it's naive to assume alien contact would be easy. Whether it's benevolent or malevolent or something in between. I do confess I'd be scared witless and likely head for the country should they arrive. But I'm a bit of a survivalist mentality I suppose.

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