posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Nurelic
Thanks for this post
In the original philosophy of Egypt, which is claimed to have been passed down for at least 50,000 years.
It is stated that the soul is sexless - God and Godess represented male female (Ying /Yang ) aspects of Natural Law.
Over time their names were changed and other attributes were added - For example Isis was originally Hathor.
Nut represented the over arching sky with a costume made of stars whilst her consort was Geb (male) representing the Earth to whom Nut made love.
However their genders were later altered so we have Mother Earth but it was originally a Father Earth. Another over looked female figure Seshat who
was Thoths female aspect.
The original philosophy gave rise to both Male and Female being equal and indeed a balance of their energies.
One prime example being Nefenfruaten or Nefertiti who Akhenaten made equal ruler with himself.
Akhenaten father was Amenothis 111 who married Tiye daughter of Yuya and Thuya - The priesthood of Amun said Amenothis could not marry Tiye as she was
considered a commoner - Amenothis defied them married Tiye and gave her the title Queen Tiye.
Egypt is rich in history but let us not forget the original gods and goddesses were not how most perceive - They are god and godess with a small g and
were natural laws.