posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 03:16 PM
Ok I know there are a lot of Kony posts and probably this has been brought up a few times in some threads but I do want to find out more than what I
haven't already read.
A friend told me to watch the video so I did, and probably like everyone else when they watched it, I felt like these people were doing something
absolutely amazing - and although I still do think they are I couldn't help but feel like something was a bit off with it..
So I read up a few things there are quite a few conspiracy theory's going on, but one that was on a new website said only 32% of the money they were
receiving were actually going to this cause.
I also read that Kony isn't even active any more, he fled in 2006 (I think) & the Ugandan people are mad that this is being brought up again?
Can anyone shed any light on this a bit more am I wrong?" target="_blank" class="postlink">