posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 10:42 PM
Hello all.
I just wanted to share a fantastic radio interview I heard the other day.
In this interview, Chris Hedges talks about a variety of things. He addresses what he calls our "empire of illusion". He compares our societies
distractions to the circus in Rome, how we posture as celebrities and are generally clueless about the world around us.
He also discusses the fact that capitalism itself is not a democratic ideology, and what that means for us.
The interview is about an hour, but to all all who have the time or interest, it is definitely worth every moment. I think you can download the
episode directly, but if not, the podcast is free.
CBC Ideas
Normally I dont give much credit to CBC, but this time, its well deserved.
Mods: Im not sure this is the right forum, but honestly I cant think of another place to put it. The issues discussed are key to understanding our
social circumstances.
I also want to add, even though CBC is canadian, the interview focusses more on the US.
edit on 15/3/2012 by osirys because: (no reason given)