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hmmm ... what a strange journey this is turning into....

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posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 02:43 PM
and im pretty sure its only beginning....
well here i am , ill start at the begining.
about a year ago i realized something was off with me, and then i realized it had been for awhile, or at least as far as i could remember, the last time i had dejavu was well over ten years ago, or maybe it was there the whole time and i cant see the signs all started with a series of dreams i had years ago that led me to think i was "in sync" with my surroundings, and i never noticed it had stopped until recently.

Actually not sure how recent may have been longer, but i realized i had not had that feeling for a very long time.
What bothered me more was the idea that i had not noticed it had stopped for so long, especially after experiencing it so strongly for so long.

So in my research i started reading articles and random stuff in relation to synchronicity, dejavu, dream interpretation and then...I found ATS.
I have been reading when i can but my gosh .. this place is a library unto itself.
Full of so many interesting topics and conversations, i havent had a lot of time to delve in yet but i wanted to join to start chatting and see if i cant find what i am looking for (that will all be explained later in its own post)

For now i just wanted to say hi and give a bit about myself till i can figure out all the settings and goodies i keep coming across, maybe some of you will help there too

im into writing and poetry, science, but i came here mostly for the metaphysical and philisophical related material dealing with astral planes and past lives and syncronicity, can some of you perhaps point me in the direction of some intersting post in that area?

dont wanna make this post too long, thanks for reading and wish me luck in search

edit on 12-3-2012 by owtFsink because: bad typing skills attributed t o being out of sync

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by owtFsink

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edit on 3/12/2012 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 02:45 PM
Congratulations on joining the largest civil discussion community in the world. We have a small presentation tour to help get you oriented in the right direction.

Welcome owtFsink

Be sure to try out our Ask ATS with the "search words" of your choice. I'm sure you will find many threads to pick from to add your thoughts and opinions too. We encourage everyone to please contribute to existing threads rather than start a new one. This will also help guarantee that your thread won't end up as a duplicate located elsewhere. The ATS Search feature is your friend!

AboveTopSecret is much like a theme park with many, many rides, with that said...
Here's a few thoughts before getting onto any one of the 1000's of topical rides at Above Top Secret, also known as ATS, the world's largest Civil & Unique Discussion Community.

*** Please be at least this tall to get on any of the rides, (Johnny stretches his arm outward), and act like an 'civil' adult. This will save you a lot of future stress, frustration and possible action by one of your friendly neighborhood Mods!

*** Please remember that some members are very passionate and vocal depending on what ride your on. Before getting on a ride, you should be mentally fit, emotionally stable and have a strong stomach for theories, conjecture, research and evidence presented that may be contrary to your own.

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*** Please note that at times the ride gets overly-heated and "it's strongly suggested" to get off the ride to regroup one's thoughts before continuing. This will also help guarantee that the ride will move forward without getting derailed or explode into a fiery trashbin.

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So buckle up, keep your arms within the ride's comfort zone, have fun and "Deny Ignorance"...!

edit on 3/12/2012 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 02:51 PM
thanks for the welcome and the links, im sure they will come in handy...

"Please be "open-minded" enough to understand that sometimes the ride isn't always what you might think or expect. Be aware you also might end up learning something new and 'out-of-the-box' before you get off the ride."

i like it, i like it!

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by owtFsink

Welcome and I hope you like it here. If it's any consolation it took me a week to work out how the controls and things work here. Then I discovered I had an Inbox full of replies (click Tools, Messages, then Replies)
Sometimes you just can't wait to dive right on in and indeed, it is quite the library here.

See you around.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by owtFsink

Greetings and welcome! If you are interested in things like astral phenomenon you may want to check out this site It has some fascinating material about how he believes that everything is a hologram and tries to show you synchronicity between events. Some of the stuff is out there and I would recommend against watching the videos, it appears he is trying some kind of hypnosis in them. Take a look at it and as always take all information with a grain of salt.

Again Welcome to ATS!

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

Hey, thank you for teaching me something new hahahaha I'm still mostly clueless when it comes to ATS.

Oh and welcome welcome OP

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by owtFsink

Welcome ... welcome ... welcome ... it sounds like we have lot's in common right from the get go and as a Pastlife Regression Therapist (17yrs - before it became trendy
) I can certainly point you in the direction of a couple of my own threads that might be of interest to you ... reading your OP reminded me of me when I first joined ATS ... wow ... that in itself seems like a lifetime ago now

Here are a few links;

What Would You Like To Ask A Pastlife Regression Therapist

Spontaneous Pastlife Memory

(my website address);


I'm moving house tomorrow and will be offline until the 20th March but feel free to ask questions on the threads / my website and I promise I will get back to you as soon as I'm back online.

Enjoy the time you spend here ... you'll love it


posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by IamKels
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

Hey, thank you for teaching me something new hahahaha I'm still mostly clueless when it comes to ATS.

Oh and welcome welcome OP

yes i yes i second that!
@ subject1455 good link so far, the ideas seem well presented so far, havent really read enough to make a judgment though, but thanks

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by woodwytch

also thank you, i do have a few questions which i am going to post in your thread, i tried to leave a u2u but alas....i am newb

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by subject1145
reply to post by owtFsink

Greetings and welcome! If you are interested in things like astral phenomenon you may want to check out this site [Link removed from quote by me] It has some fascinating material about how he believes that everything is a hologram and tries to show you synchronicity between events. Some of the stuff is out there and I would recommend against watching the videos, it appears he is trying some kind of hypnosis in them. Take a look at it and as always take all information with a grain of salt.

Again Welcome to ATS!

after having the time to read through most of this long page i have decided it is a truly wonderful peice of disinformation.

How can a person on one hand aknowledge the supposed prowess and power of the illuminati/lucifer and then try to tell you that religion/GOD isnt real.
I have witnessed the rise of the pheonix,
I have been shut out (either intentionally, or by my own will) by these "entities"
for one to akcnowledge lucifer/luciferian ways and then to try and convince the readers that god is not real,
Plz tell me i am not the only one here who sees that irony...
It is my opinion that this person is either, unkowingly under the conrol of those whom he refers to as lucifer or luciferian, or he knows and is directly lying, in either case....devisive, decietful and destructive....

On a different note, the veiled attempts to persuade the readers to be agianst god is transparent, at least to me.
The examples i beleive you stated were sitings of synchronicity, seem to be nothing more than smoke and mirrors, no real substance to back up any of his claims and everything he states is devisive in nature, totally against the idea of syncronicity itself.

This mans work should not be read by weak minded(asleep)/controled people, and even those who claim they are awake enough to see the truth should really be more cautious and aware. IMHO

AS i write i find myself noting, that perhaps it is more about perspective. If you have something against religion or GOD then you will find solace and perhaps hope in his words, but if you have faith and at least some understanding of what the "source" is then you will definitely see it for what it is.
If ever there is a doubt about what you beleive, it is your duty to try to change your perspective to understand more of the whole ...Rise above and return to the source
edit on 14-3-2012 by owtFsink because: (no reason given)


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