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Man Cashes $100 Check for $3.3 Million

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posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 11:33 AM
We should require Police Officers to take out private insurance for their actions in the line of duty, to cover their negligent behavior so as not to thrust it upon the tax payer. I bet premiums for this type of insurance would be insane and would expose just how many officers cause these types of lawsuits with overzealous behavior.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 02:47 PM

edit on 3/13/12 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by satron

You do realize what is going on here, don't you?

It appears that both of us may have been afflicted with a severe case of the 'Last Word Syndrome'.

Not completely, but the 'Last Word Syndrome' does have a couple characteristics which slightly resemble a crackhead. Both of which are nasty habits, but are hard habits to break. The crackhead knows that it's not going to get any better, if they stay on that same path. Just as we both know that this conversation is completely pointless, and could possibly continue on for quite some time, if we were to let it.

You know that I am not worked up at all, over this. However, you also know that accusing me of being mad about it, is enough of a reason for you to make another post. Then it becomes my turn, and even though there is no reason for me to respond, I just can't bring myself to do it (to not respond). The temptation is just way too much. Just one more hit/post, and then all will be fine. It rarely works out that way though, because it then becomes 'Ok just one more... I mean it this time." lol etc. etc. etc....

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles
reply to post by satron

It appears that both of us may have been afflicted with a severe case of the

I'll let you have the last word once you are correct, how about that?

Not completely, but the 'Last Word Syndrome' does have a couple characteristics which slightly resemble a crackhead.

You can think that about yourself, but I'll pass

Both of which are nasty habits, but are hard habits to break. The crackhead knows that it's not going to get any better, if they stay on that same path. Just as we both know that this conversation is completely pointless, and could possibly continue on for quite some time, if we were to let it.

See, I'm not a crackhead, because I have faith that you'll get better over time

You know that I am not worked up at all, over this. However, you also know that accusing me of being mad about it, is enough of a reason for you to make another post.

Well, you sure are disparaging for not being mad about something that is a little more obvious than you give it. I asked you if you were mad because I wanted you to take another look at your judgement. It wasn't the reason for my post. I'm not going to sit here and have people misinterpret what I've said, thank you.

Then it becomes my turn, and even though there is no reason for me to respond, I just can't bring myself to do it (to not respond). The temptation is just way too much. Just one more hit/post, and then all will be fine. It rarely works out that way though, because it then becomes 'Ok just one more... I mean it this time." lol etc. etc. etc....

You could just say that you overreacted and you're sorry. That would end it pretty fast. That's a pretty good step towards getting you off of the crack.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by satron

Originally posted by satron

I'll let you have the last word once you are correct, how about that?
You have already proven that I have been correct, and on a few different occasions.

It was quite clear that my previous post was handing off that last word, to you, for no reason other than a kind gesture. Obviously, you just couldn't accept it.

Now before I leave this thread for good, I feel that I should point out one important detail, that you have obviously overlooked: Each of my last posts, have been direct comments to the most recent previous post of yours, which contain absolutely nothing that is even remotely close to anger.

The flipside of that, is that you have been continuously focusing on some of my earlier posts. Also, most of what you have repeatedly focused on, is based solely on your own misconceptions about what you think my opinion is.

bye bye now

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles
You have already proven that I have been correct, and on a few different occasions.

I'm not sure exactly what you're calling proof, but I know there is none. I've even gone in detail what I was trying to convey, and you still don't believe me. You think I'm lying about what I said?

It was quite clear that my previous post was handing off that last word, to you, for no reason other than a kind gesture. Obviously, you just couldn't accept it.

No, you won't accept that what I said wasn't supposed to be taken the way you did, and you won't let it go. I'm not going to sit here and be called out for something I wasn't doing. You need to understand that.

The whole thing is about you thinking that I had some bad humor regarding the cop kicking in the head of the man, and now you've turned it into me not letting you have the last word on that, even after I told you what I was trying to say. I'm more mature than that, trust me.

I don't think it was kind to compare me to a crack head, you can do that to yourself, but I'm not playing along. It was inappropriate.

Now before I leave this thread for good, I feel that I should point out one important detail, that you have obviously overlooked: Each of my last posts, have been direct comments to the most recent previous post of yours, which contain absolutely nothing that is even remotely close to anger.

Look, I don't know where you're going with this, my first post is the root of our posts. Because of your bad judgement, you called my comment out, and I've responded to your claim to elucidate it for you. Also, I wouldn't like anyone else reading this thread to think that you were correct, which makes me look bad, and why should I let that happen? It was your mistake, not mine.

The flipside of that, is that you have been continuously focusing on some of my earlier posts. Also, most of what you have repeatedly focused on, is based solely on your own misconceptions about what you think my opinion is.

Your posts is the only thing I can base your opinion on. Do you really think I'm that presumptuous to act like I know what your opinion is other than that?

edit on 13-3-2012 by satron because: (no reason given)

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