posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 10:52 AM
Everything seesm to have to be black or white and never grey.
I truly believe they went to, and landed on the moon because
1. Too many people were involved to keep it a secret all these years, someone would have found god/budda/mohammed by now and confessed all. Plus no
deathbed confessions seem to point to no conspiracy.
2. The USSR, who then hated America and had spent millions of its own would have soon told the World of the fake, no amoiunt of US pleading could have
prevented that.
Howver, I also believe that once they had got up there they realised
a. there was nothing of any value, so to convince the world the billions of dollars were not wasted they made up certain scenes in a movie set to try
and make the expenditure worthwhile
b. The science of the day could not cope with the lunar conditions and the lunar rover, etc would not work so again certain scenes were faked to try
and show off US technology.
a and b could be achieved with limited staff, so dont fall to the same argument as I used in my firts point, well not be as much anyway.